The Star of Lada: amulet and its magical meaning

The Star of Lada is an ancient pagan symbol dedicated to the supreme goddess of the Slavic pantheon. Once our forefathers used this sign to give women strength in maintaining the fire in the family hearth and managing the household.

The lapse of time has distorted the original interpretation of the symbol, intertwining it with another ancient sign - the Cross of Svarog. The symbols are related, but have different meanings. We will help you to understand the difference between these signs, tell you how and to whom they should be used.

The history of the Slavic symbol of the goddess Lada


Lada is the goddess of love and beauty, the patroness of all women. Slavic women revered her and worshipped the spouse of the main god. They believed that the goddess would help to preserve the family, raise healthy offspring, and find a beloved and worthy life partner.

In addition, Lada was known as the mother of all life on Earth. Girls called on the divine helpmate for a successful and speedy marriage. In Slavic mythology Lada is considered to be the Mother of God. She was the wife of Svarog, and it was from this couple that the other deities descended.

Women believed that the Heavenly Queen would help them not only to get along with their spouse, but also to build relationships with their father-in-law and mother-in-law. In ancient times mother-in-law, who especially honored and loved her daughter-in-law, gave her own Star of Lada. A mother might also give this amulet to her daughter when she was about to marry, or, alternatively, when she couldn't find her soulmate.

In honor of the goddess was created sign, which in appearance strongly resembles a square of Svarog. But the differences between the symbols, of course, exist.

The appearance of the amulet and its meaning for women

Externally, the symbol is similar to the Svarog Square. The sign is based on an eight-pointed star. The square represents the house. In other versions, it is the embodiment of Svarog, that is, the male principle. Ellipses symbolize the relationship between the opposite sexes. They are inscribed in the square. This is not accidental. Such an order is interpreted by specialists as the supremacy of women. It is her who determines the comfort, peace and order in the house.

The amulet has many meanings. First of all, just like Svarog's Square, the symbol represents the unity of the three worlds: the world of gods, humans and dead souls.

In addition, the symbol also points to the unity of the soul, body and spirit. This is a deep, sacred meaning of the amulet. It is not familiar to ordinary people. The interpretation was only available to the understanding of magicians and sorcerers.

The Slavs saw a woman's purpose in keeping the home, taking care of children and husband. Lada helped to cope with the difficulties of life, to manage the household. She endowed the owner with the necessary abilities and talents. Slavic women believed that wearing the amulet would not only protect them from an evil eye, but also help them become a skilled needlewoman and hostess. This was very important because the well-being and prosperity of the family depended on the skillful housekeeping. That is why every woman had a Star of Lada.

Do you use this amulet?

Wearing amulet was allowed to girls after the first signs of becoming a girl (from 13-14 years).

Unmarried people wore the amulet to find a loved one who would be a worthy spouse. When such a thing happened, the bride would thank Lada. In the future, the talisman's mission was to protect the home and establish relationships between the newlyweds.

Question for the expert

What is the purpose of this amulet?

Amulet promotes the best female qualities - kindness, cordiality, gentleness, wisdom and prudence.

Made the Star of Lada of different materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • embroidered on fabric.

Modern souvenir stores more often offer customers products made of silver. But do not forget that the Star of Lada can be made by yourself. For example, needlewomen, embroider the sign with beads on a cloth and decorate their homes. It is also possible to ornament clothing with small symbols.

If it seems difficult to do such a job, and you want to make your own amulet, you can draw a magical symbol on cardboard and wear it with you. Such a talisman will be a true helper and protector for every woman.

Be sure to read the article: "Cross of Lada of the Virgin or Ladinets".

Choose your amulet wisely

Tattoo amulets have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors believed in the power of signs and lived under the patronage of the Gods. Whether these protectors will work today depends on us: if we take seriously the application of the tattoo and believe in the result - they will definitely cope.

The main thing is that now you know the prehistory and meaning of tattoo amulets from simple plants to complex runes and ornaments, so you can confidently choose the right option. Consult with a tattoo master, they are presented on our site: in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr...

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Can Men Wear the Star of Lada, Meaning

Esotericists do not recommend the talisman to be worn by men. For the male sex, the Slavs have another symbol - the Svarog Square.

Svarog's square.

The Star of Lada is a purely feminine amulet. It is designed for the keeper of the hearth, the hostess and mother.

Magicians point out that if women in special cases allowed to wear a male talismans, the representatives of the stronger sex to use female signs should not. Talisman reveal and strengthen the feminine qualities of character. They would not benefit a man.

A widower was allowed to keep his wife's amulet until his daughter came of age. Then he had to give it to the true mistress.

Historians have found old Russian huts with signs of the Star of Lada on their doorposts. This did not mean that only women lived in the house. The goddess protects and preserves the whole family, including boys and men, but only during the time when they were in the room. Beyond the threshold, the action of the talisman is lost.

However, if a man still uses this amulet out of ignorance and ignorance, nothing bad will happen.

The amulet is worn as jewelry:

  • ring;
  • pendant;
  • bracelet.

Also use embroidery. You can decorate your home with an embroidered cloth. Fathers in ancient Russia burned the sign on the plaques for daughters and wives. Women decorated their homes with it. Thus, Lada was always near the female half of the house and helped in worldly affairs.

What is the difference between Lada and Svarog square

The star of Lada has a striking resemblance to another powerful Slavic symbol - the square of Svarog. Externally, the two signs are virtually indistinguishable. However, they have a striking visual distinction, expressed in different forms of ellipses.

Kvadrat Svarog has sharp corners, reminiscent of a sword or spear. It is a symbol of a warrior, a defender. The Star of Lada has rounded ends of ellipses. They symbolize femininity and softness.

But the differences are not only in appearance. Different purposes of talismans are also different. Owners of Svarog's Square are called to protect their clan, family, and also to continue it.

The owners of a female amulet - the Star of Lada, must keep the family home, take care of the household, create comfort, and support a man.

None of these symbols is suitable for children. The energy of the talismans is very powerful. Children and teenagers may not cope with it.

Question to the expert

When can I begin to wear the Lada amulet?

It is recommended to wear the Star of Lada from the moment when a girl gets the right to be called a girl. Then the goddess will help the young person to find a worthy life partner and will accompany and protect the owner throughout life.

About Symbolism

In order to better understand the symbolic meaning of this sign, it is necessary to dive a little bit into history and remember the elements of beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Thus, their world, harmony and balance were based on three great whales, it was a kind of tandem of three worlds - Prav, Navi and Yav.

  1. Yav is the present, the physical world that surrounds man and is visible.
  2. Nav is the hidden world where energy, spirits (both good and evil) dwell. It is also the past.
  3. Prav is the world of gods, it represents the future.

It is the harmonious unity of earthly and divine, human and superhuman and symbolizes the Star of Russia amulet.

Tattoo Star of Lada, photo and meaning for the owner

Modern women often choose the drawing of the Star of Lada for a tattoo. This is an acceptable use of the talisman. Moreover, in this form, Lada will constantly protect the wearer.Star of Lada is better to put on that part of the body, which is hidden from prying eyes. However, it is not necessary to decorate intimate areas with this symbol.

It is possible to choose the area of the shoulders, back, abdomen. It is necessary to remember that this is a Slavic symbol. The meaning of the tattoo is the same as that of the talisman itself: to protect a woman, her children and her marriage.

The meaning of the tattoo is the same as that of the talisman itself: to protect a woman and her children, to guarantee a stable and reliable marriage.


Star of Russia Tattoo
Star of Russia Tattoo

A Slavic amulet with such a sign is allowed to put on the body in the form of a tattoo. Remember, choosing such a sketch, give it a name. This depends on the direction in which it will "work" the Star of Russia. A talisman with the name Kvadrat, distinguished by the sharp ends of the ovals, which is suitable only for men. Female talisman has rounded ends. Apply the tattoo on the body closer to the heart, in this case the amulet is best "affinity" with the human energy. It is allowed to put the Star of Russia on the shoulder or back.

Cleansing and activation of amulet, incantations

To make the amulet begin to work, it should be cleansed and activated. Esotericists recommend to activate the talisman in nature.

It is necessary to put on clean (preferably new) clothes, stay in solitude and sincerely ask the goddess for help, to express the cherished desires. If there is no possibility of solitude in the nature, the amulet will be activated at home. To do this, also choose a time when there is no one in the apartment and mentally turn to Lada, asking for favors for themselves and children (or with a request to help marry).

If the amulet is created by oneself, then the mistress should also read prayers dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty during the work, and ask the talisman to help in affairs. Girls, as a rule, ask the Slavic goddess for a quick and successful marriage.

Activate the magic sign during the full moon.

While wearing the amulet absorbs negative energy from others. Therefore, it is necessary to purify it. Magicians indicate three effective ways:

  1. Fire. The symbol is held over the flame of a wax candle for several minutes. The fire burns away all the negativity.
  2. With water. Talisman is dipped in running water for a few minutes, and it washes away all the bad things.
  3. Earth .. Amulet covered with earth and leave for some time.

Thus elemental energy helps to cope with negative energy. Purified amulet again ready for use.

Another method of purification is known. Put a star of Lada on a window sill so that it was exposed to the rays of the moon. In such a form, the sacred symbol is kept all night. Magicians and sorcerers claim that by morning the amulet will not only be cleansed, but also activated.

Interesting video on the subject

Even more about the symbol and its meaning will be able to learn from the video, in which the author talks about the complex, philosophical meaning of the sign, its sacred meaning and the impact on the fate of the owner:

The Star of Lada is a powerful and powerful sign, capable of changing the life of the owner. Wearing a Slavic amulet guarantees a happy marriage, a strong and successful marriage, healthy offspring and personal well-being. This is the most suitable amulet for women, which was created by descendants in honor of the goddess of fertility Lada.

Can I make it myself?

Our ancestors made a talisman from any material at hand. It could be wood, clay, metal.

Otherwise, it will be just a beautiful piece of jewelry:

  1. To make an amulet should a loving person who is a close relative of the future owner. An object made for yourself does not have magical properties.
  2. The choice of material should be approached with knowledge. Choose a suitable wood or stone according to the sign of the zodiac.
  3. Do not perform the work in a bad temper, with bad thoughts.
  4. Do not distort the pattern. This is fraught with unpredictable consequences, both for the maker and for the hostess.

While doing the work, it is necessary to keep the image of the woman to whom it is intended in front of her eyes.


For women

For men