Tattoo inscription Save and Preserve - meaning. How do you correctly spell the Latin tattoo "save and save"?

How does the phrase for the tattoo "SAVE AND SAVE" sound correctly in Latin? Very many tattoo artists and their clients have faced this question. Our service, which is engaged in professional translation of the phrase for tattoos decided to dispel all the doubts associated with this question. We were helped by our professional translators, specialists Latinists, so you can trust this literacy.

So let's get started! First, let's look at some examples that abound on the Internet.

Variant 1 "Custodi et serva "

- is the most common translation of the phrase "SAVE AND PROTECT" on the internet - grammatically correct, but translated as "PROTECT AND PROTECT", custodio is to watch over, to protect. There is no so-called soteriological component here, i.e., the phrase does not carry religious meaning. (For reference: Soteriology (Greek σωτηρία "salvation" + Greek λόγος - doctrine, word) is the theological teaching about human redemption and salvation and is part of dogmatic theology.)

Option #2 "Nisi et salvum "

- inconsistent set of Latin words, we recommend not to consider as a possible option at all.

Option #3 "Nisi et protegam "

- inconsistent set of Latin words is also not recommended. This is how this phrase is translated by Google-translator, which is loved by many schoolboy-experts in Latin translations.

So, we come to the most important thing - what is the correct spelling of the phrase "SAVE AND SAVE" in Latin?

"Salva et serva."

There is no well-established phrase "SAVE AND SAVE" in Latin, but the standard translation using the verbs salvare (save, a one-liner for Salvator) and servare (keep) is adequate and recognizable. The words used in the phrase translation fit well into the context of Church Latin and are widely used in various prayers. There are no differences in spelling from the masculine to the feminine in spelling.

Ask the professionals to translate your tattoo phrase and get a 100% accurate translation. Sincerely, tattoo phrase translation service

When using this whole or just a part of it, don't forget to provide an active link to the source. Thanks in advance.

Tattoo Save and Save

accompanied the process of formation of the art of tattooing. Not so long ago, it was portrayed on the bodies of members of the
of the criminal world
and was considered an attribute exclusively of the prison art. In modern society this prejudice is wrong: gaining popularity among the civilian population tattoo Save and Preserve, the value of the figure in this case has nothing to do with imprisonment.

Tattoo of a similar plan, as well as images of cathedrals, faces of saints, is printed more often on the back and chest of men. Perhaps the location of the figure on the arms and legs.

The reason for wearing a tattoo Save and Preserve can be not only a religious view of the world. The owner does not have to be pious, such an inscription on the body may conceal a special meaning, hidden information about the bearer of the tattoo. Whatever the meaning of the tattoo, the sketches of this kind will attract not so much adolescents, as a serious and sensible nature.

The Save and Save tattoo is different from a number of others. The drawing is associated with magical rites and incantations. Apparently, inscriptions of such content were censured by clergymen. This attitude toward tattooing has persisted to this day.

As for the Orthodox Church, here the aversion applies not only to a specific inscription, but to all images pecked on the human body. Religion considers it unacceptable to put any pictures on the creation of the Almighty. According to clergymen, it is enough to wear the crucifixion of Christ on the body, where the covenant inscription is also located, for the recognition of faith and the protection of the soul.

As you can see, the Save and Preserve tattoo makes sense at the expense of the beliefs of its owner. Marking the inscription on the body - a responsible step, because it requires prudence and sound mind.

Artem Kolchin - the main character of the movie "Shadow Boxing". He is a boxer by profession. He has a lot of victories under his belt, a lot of defeated opponents. But according to the plot of the movie, the boxer loses his sight, and only his loyal friends help him. However, it is not only the twisted plot and a good cast that draws attention to this movie. Many people immediately noticed the boxer's body, which has a lot of tattoos. Talking about the image on the skin of this character is impossible without mentioning Denis Nikiforov, who is so merged with his character that it is already difficult to tell where and whose tattoos.

How do you spell "save and preserve" in Latin?

Save and Preserve - Bless the Child ... Wikipedia
SAVE AND PRESERVE - "SAVE AND SAVE", USSR, Trinity Bridge/Lenfilm, 1989, color, 165 min. Psychological Drama. Based on the novel "Madame Bovary" by G. Flaubert. These two words, inscribed on a Christian's personal cross, as a symbol of faith, as a sign of protection, the director ....

SAVE AND SAVE - 1989, 165 min, color, Trinity Bridge Studios. Genre: drama, directed by Alexander Sokurov, scene. Yuri Arabov (based on Gustave Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary), opera. Sergey Yurizditsky, art. Elena Amshinskaya, comp. Yuri Khanin, sound. Vladimir Persov. In... ... Lenfilm. Annotated Film Catalogue (1918-2003)

Save and Preserve (film) - Save and Save Bless the Child genre thriller Director ... Wikipedia

Save and Preserve (album) - Save and Preserve ... Wikipedia

Save (save, preserve) the queen of heaven! - Phrase. 1. An expression of warning, caution of the undesirability, inadmissibility of which l. FSRJ, 496; RKFS, 23 ... Great Dictionary of Russian Proverbs

Yelena AMSHINSKAYA - Elena AMSHINSKAYA, artist. 1964 Spring troubles (see SPRING TIMES) costumes 1965 I'm going to the thunderstorm (see I'm going to the thunderstorm) costumes 1966 The Republic of the Skids (see REPUBLIC OF SHKID) costumes 1969 On the way to Berlin (see AT THE WAY TO BERLIN) costumes 1969....

Yuri Nikolaevich ARABOV - (born October 25, 1954), is a Russian screenwriter. Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation (1999). Graduated from the scriptwriting faculty of VGIK (1980, workshop of N. Figurovsky and E. Dikov). VGIK teacher (head of the Dramaturgy Department). 1978 A man's lonely voice (see Film Encyclopedia).

Alexander Sokurov - (born June 14, 1951, Podorvikha village, Irkutsk Region), a Russian documentary and feature film director, winner of the Russian State Prize (1996). The son of a military man, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Alexander Sokurov higher education ... ... Film Encyclopedia

Sokurov, Alexander Nikolaevich - Alexander Sokurov during his visit to Volgograd (2011) ... Wikipedia

Ricci, Christina - Christina Ricci Christina Ricci Date of birth ... Wikipedia

Источник статьи:

Hebrew, Russian-Hebrew phrasebook. Israeli language.

Here we go! First, let's look at the examples that abound on the Internet on this topic.

Option #1 "Custodi et serva"

- is the most common translation of the phrase "custodi et serva" on the internet - a grammatically correct phrase, but translated as "guard and preserve", custodio is to watch over, to protect. There is no so-called soteriological component here, i.e., the phrase has no religious meaning. (For reference: Soteriology (Greek σωτηρία "salvation" + Greek λόγος - doctrine, word) is the theological teaching about human redemption and salvation and is part of dogmatic theology.)

- Inconsistent set of Latin words, we recommend not to consider at all as a possible option.

Option #3 "Nisi et protegam"

- uncoordinated set of Latin words is also not recommended for use. This is how Google Translator, a favorite of many schoolboy-experts in Latin translations, translates this phrase.

So, we come to the most important thing - what is the correct spelling of the phrase "SAVE AND PROTECT" in Latin?

There is no well-established phrase "save and preserve" in Latin, but the standard translation using the verbs salvare (to save, a concurrent Salvator - savior) and servare (keep) is adequate and recognizable. The words used in the phrase translation fit well into the context of Church Latin and are widely used in various prayers. There are no differences in spelling from the masculine to the feminine in spelling.

Ask the professionals to translate your tattoo phrase and get a 100% accurate translation. Sincerely, tattoo phrase translation service

When using this whole or just a part of it, don't forget to provide an active link to the source. Thanks in advance.

Save and Save tattoo

The art of tattooing has accompanied the formation of the art of tattooing. Not so long ago it was depicted on the body of members of the of the criminal world

and was considered an attribute of prison art only. In modern society this prejudice is wrong: gaining popularity among the civilian population tattoo Save and Preserve, the meaning of the figure in this case has nothing to do with imprisonment.

Tattoo of a similar plan, as well as images of cathedrals, faces of saints, is printed more often on the back and chest of men. Perhaps the location of the figure on the arms and legs.

The reason for wearing a tattoo Save and Preserve can be not only a religious view of the world. The owner does not have to be pious, such an inscription on the body may conceal a special meaning, hidden information about the bearer of the tattoo. Whatever the meaning of the tattoo, sketches of this kind will attract not so much adolescents, but serious and sensible natures.

The Save and Preserve tattoo is different from a number of others. The drawing is associated with magical rituals and incantations. Apparently, inscriptions of such content were censured by clergymen. This attitude toward tattooing has persisted to this day.

As for the Orthodox Church, here the aversion applies not only to a specific inscription, but to all images pecked on the human body. Religion considers it unacceptable to put any pictures on the creation of the Almighty. According to clergymen, it is enough to wear the crucifixion of Christ on the body, where the covenant inscription is also located, for the recognition of faith and the protection of the soul.

As you can see, the Save and Preserve tattoo makes sense at the expense of the beliefs of its owner. Marking the inscription on the body - a responsible step - because it requires prudence and sound mind.

Artem Kolchin - the main character in the movie "Shadow Boxing". He is a boxer by profession. He has a lot of victories under his belt, a lot of defeated opponents. But according to the plot of the movie, the boxer loses his sight, and only his loyal friends help him. However, it is not only the twisted plot and a good cast that draws attention to this film. Many people immediately noticed the boxer's body, which has a lot of tattoos. It is impossible to talk about the image on the skin of this character without mentioning Denis Nikiforov, who is so merged with his character that it is already difficult to tell where and whose tattoos.

Tattoo with an inscription in Latin with a translation for a man

To depict a tattoo inscription can be all kinds of interesting ways and fonts, for example, in a curved form, in the form of a pattern or ornament. But the most paramount criterion that a man should designate for himself - the theme of the inscription. This can be a tattoo about love, friendship, family, God, as well as various philosophical sayings.

About love

The most in-demand theme for most men who want to score a tattoo in the form of an inscription is love. What's on the soul is usually conveyed in Latin, depicting beautiful quotes and aphorisms on various parts of the body. The most popular inscriptions about love in Latin are as follows:

Te amo es mecum - I love you, be with me;

Una vita, unus amor. - One love, one life;

Fac fideli sis fidelis - be faithful to him who is faithful to you;

Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no medicine for love;

Mea vita et anima es - thou art my life and soul.

About friendship

Friends are close people who will share life's struggles or happiness. In today's world it is difficult to find a friend, which is why the value of friendship is so high, and hence there are more and more tattoos with inscriptions in Latin on this subject. For example:

Aliis inserviendo consumor - Serving others I waste myself;

Magna res est amicitia - friendship is a great thing;

Homo hominis amicus est - man is a friend of man;

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant - friends create happiness, unhappiness probes them;

Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi - forgive to others often, to yourself never.

Latin words for tattoos

Tattoo inscriptions with meaning do not always require large text and scale. In fact, you can convey a deep message with a tattoo with just one word. And if it is in Latin, this will give it even more wisdom, depth and mystery. Latin inscription words can be as follows:

Amor - I love;

Crédo - I believe;

Miles - warrior;

Dux - leader;

Familia - family.

Philosophical sayings

In 80% of sketches of male tattoo inscriptions in Latin philosophical sayings are used, because the nature of the language disposes to it, and also the depth and beauty of the meaning of such quotations. To become convinced of it is possible if to look through examples of philosophical sayings in Latin:

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - Love, like a tear, is born out of the eye, it falls on the heart;

Ars longa, vita brevis - art is long, but life is short (Hippocrates);

Cibi condimentum est fames - hunger is the best seasoning for food;

Corrige praeteritum, praesens rege, cerne futurum - Correct the past, guide the present, provide for the future;

Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida - To whom Fortune smiles, Themis ignores.

About family

The most important goal of every adult is to create and maintain a family, and to express dedication and love for family you can use beautiful tattoos of inscriptions in the popular Latin language. For example:

Proximi Mei, Meum Fundamentum - My family is my everything;

Familia Supra Omnia - family above all;

Bonum caput familiae - the good head of the family;

Mea familia - patria - my family is my state;

Frangere pro familia - I will tear for my family.

Pro life.

The most endless stream of philosophical sayings, aphorisms and quotations concerns human life and being. It is possible to convey the love and desire for life, happiness with tattooed inscriptions, for example:

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting;

Ad infinitum - To infinity;

Aut vincere, aut mori - Either to conquer or to die;

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam - or I will find the way, or I will make it myself;

Adversa fortuna. - evil fate.

About God, religious writings

Religion is another important choice of every man, which men tend to talk about or express prejudice and devotion with the help of tattoo inscriptions in Latin. More often than not, religious inscriptions suggest the following text:

Angelus meus semper mecum est - my angel is always with me;

Salva et serva - save and preserve;

Deus solus me iudicare potest - God alone is my judge;

Sub alis angeli - under the wing of an angel;

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen - In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Greetings, common expressions in Hebrew

Hello, hello.Shalom.הלו, הל
Good afternoonYom Tovשלום
Good-bye, good-bye.Leitraot, shalomלהתראות עד
Thank you very much.Toda Rabaרב תודות
Excuse meSlihaסליחה
How are you?Ma nishma?מה שלומך?
Does anyone here speak Russian?Misheu po madaber russit?מישהו כאן אין לדבר ברוסית?
I don't understand.Ani lo mevin/a (male/female).אני לא מבין
What's your name?Eich korim lah? (female) Eich korim lah? (male)מה שמך?
My name is...Lee korium...שממי ...
I do not speak Hebrew.Ani lo medaber, medoberet Hebrewאני לא מדבר עברית

Tattoos in Russia

It is believed that the art of tattooing in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, but this is not true. In ancient pagan Russia, body painting was a part of magic rituals and ceremonies. Later, Russian warriors and princes began to apply drawings; they carried information about exploits, nobility and status. After the advent of Christianity, the church rejected tattoos that were a reminder of paganism and magical rituals.

Drawings with the inscription - "Save and Preserve" tattoos - were among the first after the revival of the art of tattooing in the country. But even to this day, Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, are ambivalent about the art of tattooing.

It must be said that some people choose the expression "Save and Preserve" for a body drawing. The tattoo inscription in this case can be considered a tribute to magical rituals and incantations, which have always been condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church explains its aversion not only to such inscriptions, but also to all other images on the human body. The body created by our Lord and bought at a high cost should not be subjected to disfigurement. The symbol of the Christian religion is the crucifix, and as a sign of loyalty to Christ it is enough to wear the inscription on the tattoo "Save and Preserve" is inappropriate, because it is already on the cross.

Tattoos in Latin with translation for men: a photo selection

Aphorisms, phrases and quotes in Latin will always be popular in the context of male tattoos. It is known that Latin is the most ancient and extant language, from which reeks wisdom, mystery and depth. Looking at the sketches of tattoos in Latin with translation for men, you can understand that they have the same characteristics as the language itself.

Depending on the semantic message, location, style of execution tattoo inscriptions in Latin can contain both 2-3 words and consist of whole sentences. The theme of the inscription should resonate with the character, image of the man, as well as match his principles and priorities. You can learn more about this in the article below, as well as view the most interesting and popular sketches.

Speaking Hebrew with humor in Hebrew

I want to buy this for 30 shekels cheaper!Ani roce (roza) liknot is ze be shloshim shekel pachot! (male/female)אני רוצה לקנות את זה בשביל 30 שקלים זולים יותר!
Oh my God, honey, not even my precious grandmother Sarah's necklace is worth that much!Elohim adirim, motek, afilu sharsheret shefta Sarah a-yakara sheli le ole kaha!כן, אלוהים שלי, יקר שלי, כל כך הרבה את שרשרת הסבתא היקרה שלי שרה לא שוה את זה!
You're a JewAta beatzmecha yehudiאתה היהודי
Are you sure these nice people will want to help me carry my suitcase?Atem betuhim sheh a-anashim a-nehmadim a-ele yirtzu laazor li im a-mizwada?האם אתה בטוח שהאנשים נחמדים האלה רוצים שיעזרו לי לשאת את המזוודה?
Help! I didn't know it was the Sabbath!Atzilu! Le yadati she shabbat a yom!עזרה! אני לא ידעתי שהיום שבת!
Not even my grandfather Yosya was so stingy.Afilu saba yosi sheli le aya kaze kamzanאז קמצן אפילו לא היה הסבא שלי אסייה
Kiss meTenashek (tenashek) otiתנשק אותי
I love you.Ani ohevet otkha!אני אוהב אותך
You have beautiful eyesYesh lekha, lah einaim yafotיש לך עיניים יפות

Denis Nikiforov tattoo

One of the most popular tattoos of the actor, who played the boxer Kolchin, was done by him on a wave of joy. It is an image in honor of his children. It is noteworthy that in the beginning of filming in the popular TV series "Youth", the actor learned that he would become a father, and in the end - he really became one. As a result, new tattoos appeared on his hands, which represent the names of the twins. The inscription is made from the wrist to the elbow.

Artem Kolchin with tattoos in the ring is another option

Another image the actor dedicated to his hobby, skydiving. The tattoo, which is quite complicated in its description, has an inscription

Unlike in ancient times, tattoos are no longer associated with a cult or tribe. They are not used to display your social status, but rather to beautify and express your inner qualities. The popularity of tattoos is growing every day and more and more people are thinking about decorating their body with an unusual design. Usually the question arises at once, on what part of the body to do it? It is possible to be original and to make a tattoo on the head or fingers or to go in a more traditional way and to spear it on the hand.

Tattoos on the arms are popular among men and women alike. However, it is easier for guys to get tattoos because they are usually more pumped up and their arms are bigger. The tattooist is able to apply a large design and show their skills to the fullest extent. Women rarely choose large tattoos on their arms, but lean more toward small, elegant drawings that are not conspicuous.

Hands have several places where people get tattoos most often, namely on the shoulder and on the wrist. These parts are the most common and there are a huge number of design options for them. Some of them you can see in our photo gallery.

Many famous people have tattoos on their arms. Russian soccer player Roman Pavlyucheno has a tattoo on his forearm with the inscription "Save and Preserve" and the birth dates of his wife, daughter and his own. Another soccer player, Roman Shirokov, has the date of his son's birth on his right hand. Hollywood star and winner of many wrestling championships - Dwayne Johnson, has a large shoulder tattoo in tribal style, dedicated to his family.

You can see some photos of the most beautiful and interesting arm tattoos below.

Tattooing is a technique of applying a decorative design to the subcutaneous layer of the body with coloring pigments that are harmless to the human body.

Tattoo on his arm

Denis Nikiforov has a tattoo on his arm with the words "Save and Preserve". This is clearly an image of a talisman. Such a statement, which is taken from religion, is often used in tattoos, special amulets, which are intended to protect their owner . Such tattoos emphasize the religiosity of their owner, a belief in something higher.

Artem Kolchin with a tattoo on his chest

According to the actor, for the role of Artem Kolchin he had to transform quite a bit. His character - a real fighter, not only in the ring, but also in life. This tattoo helped the actor, made him stronger and more independent. In addition, the image looks very harmoniously on Nikiforov's body.

Shoulder and chest with tattoos at Artem Kolchin

Numbers and numbers in Hebrew

A millionMillionמיליון

Phrases in Portuguese about love translated into Russian

Fale comigo sempre que você estiver triste, mesmo que eu não consiga lhe trazer a felicidade, eu lhe darei muito amor. Talk to me always when you are sad, even though I cannot bring you happiness, I will give you lots of love.

Quando dez passos nos separam, nove é apenas a metade do caminho que temos que percorrer. When ten steps separate us, nine is only half of the path we have to travel.

Um grande amor terminado é como um grande golpe: deixa sempre uma cicatriz. Great love ends with a great blow - it always leaves a scar.

Palavras podem não dizer o que o coração sente, mas fazem sentir o que o coração diz. Words may not say what the heart feels, but they make you feel what the heart says.

Phrases in Portuguese for tattoos

Um dia te amei para esquecer alguém, hoje para te esquecer não consigo amar ninguém. Once I fell in love with you in order to forget someone, but today, in order to forget you, I can't manage to love anyone.

Se a tua vida, depender do meu amor. Viverás além da vida, pois lhe amo além do amor. If your life depends on my love, you will live because I love you more than love itself.

Amar é sofrer um instante de saudade, é sentir um segundo de ciúmes, é viver um momento de paixão. To love is to suffer a moment of longing, it is to feel a moment of jealousy, it is to live a moment of passion.

Na vida há coisas simples e importantes... Simples como eu e importantes como você... In life there are simple and important things... Simple are like me, and important are like you...

Não sei se percebeu que a distância nos separa... mas o pensamento nos une. I don't know if I feel that distance separates us ... but the thought unites us.

Podemos brincar com nossos corpos, mas jamais com nossas emoções. We can play with our bodies, but never with our feelings.

Phrases in Portuguese for tattoos

Que os sonhos faça-nos realizar o que a realidade não nos permite sonhar. Let dreams make us accomplish what reality will not allow us to dream.

O fantástico da vida é estar com alguém que sabe fazer de um pequeno instante um grande momento... The most fantastic thing in life is to be around someone who knows how to make the smallest moment a big moment...

Quando alguém te ama, a forma de falar seu nome é diferente. When someone loves you, you pronounce their name differently.

Stores, hotels, airport.

I am hungry.Ani raev (rav)אני רעב (רעב)
I am thirstyAni tsame (tsama)אני צמא
How to pass (drive) to...Eih leagía le...איך לעבור (לעבור) ל...
Which bus goes to...Eisé ótobus nøséa le...איזה אוטובוס מגיע ל...
How much is it?Kama ze ole?כמה זה עולה?
I'll buy it.Ani ikne ete ze.אני אקנה אותו
Can I get a discount?Efshar lekabel anaha?אתה יכול לקבל הנחה?

How to say Spasti in European Languages

LanguageHow to say save
Estonianvälja arvatud[edit]

Proverbs in Portuguese translated into Russian

Mal de muitos consolo é. Evil is the consolation of many.

Não gozes com o mal do teu vizinho, porque o teu vem a caminho. Don't rejoice in your neighbor's misfortune, because soon misfortune will come to you too.

A vingança é um prato que se serve frio. Revenge is a dish that is served cold.

Portuguese phrases for tattoos

Deus me dê paciência e um paninho para a embrulhar. God gives me patience and a thin cotton cloth to wrap myself in.

The Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • А
  • Б
  • В
  • Г
  • Д
  • Е
  • Ж
  • Ѕ
  • З
  • И
  • І
  • К
  • Л
  • М
  • Н
  • O
  • П
  • Р
  • С
  • Т
  • У
  • Ф
  • Х
  • T
  • Ц
  • Ч
  • Ш
  • Щ
  • Э
  • Ю
  • Я
  • Z
  • X
  • P
  • F
  • V

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The wordTranscriptionInterpretation
ConceiveComprehendBe like
Comprehendmessagecommunity, company
Sleeping bagssleepersOfficials of ancient Russia, who slept in turn in front of the sovereign's bedroom
Salvationsalvationsalvation, protection
saved1szsavedthe wish in church books instead of goodbye.
Savior1SaviorSavior, deliverer from trouble and adversity
Savior.salvationThanksgiving sacrifices
Savior1savioral љvlniz.saving appearancesGod's rejection of the sacrifices and feasts that served, according to the Israelites, as a means of salvation
Savior6telnazsalvificpeace offering (Old Testament)
Lent of salvationFast of salvationFast of Dormition
Save1szbe savedto be saved, to go away
LentSpasdeliverer from trouble and adversity
Spataspatasword, sword
Speculatorspeculatorguardian, executioner, royal bodyguard
senzacrepemetal wire for necklaces
Spenzaspenzacost, expense
SpinaispinaiI lay down, I overthrow
Spi1raspiraa certain number of men, in military terms, a company or regiment
Spiridaspiridabasket of supplies
Spir1rvatiSpirvatito feast together, to participate in a common feast
Spir1rvaterejoicingrejoicing with sb.
write offwrite-offdebit
Writerscribewriter, writer, describer, copyist
Rewritingcopyingwriting, composing, copying, describing
SleepingsleepEnjoying, feasting or walking with sb.
Spicamatchneedle, match, point
Splavatisplavatito accompany in the voyage
Alloyingmournweep with sb.
Companiontribesmana tribesman, a person of the same race
IntertwinedentwineI intertwine, I engage in hand-to-hand combat
entwinemententwinementgrappling, hand to hand combat
Splinakspleenacpatient with a diseased spleen
Splenic week.solid weekWeek with no Lenten days.
Splenicwhoremongertaken prisoner with sb.
SplzsatidanceTo dance with sb.
SpobolettiSpobolettiTo grieve, to sorrow with sb.
Spoboratispoboratifight with sb.
Spoboroniespoborationalliance in war, 2. a detachment of warriors united by shields covering
spobor1telspoboritelally, victorious defender
Spoboritel1nikspoboritelSee word #14855
Spovedatelzconfessto confess, 2. to receive information
SpogrebajuszburyingBuried with sb.
CompanionCompaniona partner in some deed.

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Swearing in Hebrew. Hebrew slang.

Get offTafsikלעזוב
Kafsik.Ala kefakKaifu
What are you spinning around here?Lama ata mistovev po?מה אתה עושה כאן ורת?
Shit! She's talking to me, and I can't remember her name.Hara! hi medaberet eli, ve-ani lo zocher, eih kor'im laחרא! היא אומרת לי, ואני לא זוכראת שמה
He's a bore.Hu ma-ze nu'dnikהנה הוא נשא
I don't care.Lo ichpat liלא אכפת לי
Shut upStom Et A Pe.לשתוק
What a trickster!Eise shoalמה ערמומי!
Don't annoy me.Al theatsben (theatsbeni) otiאל תרגיז אותי
Hey, pretty girl.Alo, yafeifiaהיי, מותק

Modern body art.

In our country only in the nineties of the last century began to intensively develop the industry of tattoos, they immediately became fashionable for different segments of the population, especially young people. And in recent years came into vogue Christian symbols in the drawings on the body. Inscriptions of all kinds became popular. Tattoos "Save and Preserve" in different languages of the world dazzle on various parts of the body of our youth. Such inscriptions are mainly applied to the forearms of the hands and wrists. Often there are images of the cross with the inscription on the tattoo "Save and Preserve. Photos of all kinds of options for this attribute are usually in the album with examples of works of this or that master. Images with ornaments and sayings have become especially popular. Another hobby of young people - drawing hieroglyphs, although few know what they mean.

Still, it is worth to think before you become the owner of the tattoo, once again to weigh up whether you need it or not, to imagine how it will look on your aged skin in many years. And if you are sure, try to choose a tattoo that is just right for you so that you do not have to look for ways to get rid of it later.

Women's tattoos

On a woman's body, the text of the prayer words is inscribed with an elegant inscription. The wrist area is chosen to create a favorable mood.

An image decorated with a monogram.

There are exceptions, when girls pad this image in a gothic style.

Female variation of tattoo.

Also the image in girls is found in such places as the shoulder blades, fingers, ribs, chest. It is as if they intuitively place it closer to the heart.

The message is meant to protect procreation, to solve the problems of conception and carrying a child.

Excerpt describing Save and Preserve (movie, 2000)

- Did you have fun? - said Ilya Andreyevich, smiling happily and proudly at his son. Nikolai wanted to say yes, but could not: he almost burst into tears. The Count was smoking his pipe and did not notice his son's condition. "Eh, inevitable!" - Nicholas thought for the first and last time. And suddenly in the most careless tone, in a way that made him seem nasty to himself, as if he had asked for a carriage to go to town, he said to his father. - Papa, I've come to see you about business. I had forgotten. I need money. - Well," said his father, who was in a particularly cheerful mood. - I told you he couldn't get it. Is it much? - Very much," said Nicholas, blushing, and with a silly, careless smile that he could not forgive himself for a long time. - I lost a little, that is, a lot even, very much, forty-three thousand. - What? To whom? You are joking! - shouted the count, suddenly blushing apoplectically in the neck and back of his head, as old people blush. - I promised to pay tomorrow," said Nicholas. - Well!..." said the old count, spreading his hands and sinking helplessly on the sofa. - What can one do! It has never happened to anybody! - said the son with impudence and audacity, while in his heart he thought himself a scoundrel, a wretch who could not redeem his crime with his whole life. He would have liked to kiss his father's hands and beg his pardon on his knees, but he said, in a careless and even rude tone, that it happens to everybody.

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Think hard.

The one thing to keep in mind is that this is not just a picture. This is a drawing for life. So before you get a "Save and Save" tattoo on your arm, back, chest, or any other part of your body, think carefully about whether you're ready for the inscription to follow you to the very end. Carefully weigh the pros and cons. Try to imagine what a tattoo will look like on your skin many years from now.

Remember, too, that any body image, even this one, is fiercely condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church opposes any images painted on the human body. Accordingly, think carefully before taking such a step.


For women

For men