The text of the book "Winged Latin. Quotes. Proverbs. Inscriptions. Mottos. Epitaphs."

Common Latin expressions in use today

Most of the above-mentioned phrases are not often found, but there are Latin expressions or words that are still actively used in all spheres today:

  • De facto and De jure - Although considered legal terms, these terms are often used in other spheres as well. Literally, they mean "actually" and "legally," less commonly translated as "in practice" and "in theory.
  • Perpetuum mobile is "perpetual motion.
  • Persona grata/non grata - "wanted and unwanted person.
  • Post factum - "after the accomplished/executed.
  • When speaking of a violent fate, people often refer to it as fate. The word comes from Latin (fatum).
  • Primum non nocere, which means "do no harm. The main rule, according to Hippocrates, must be followed by every physician.

In conclusion, ergo bibamus is a phrase worth citing. Although few people know it, its counterpart very often sounds like this: "So, cheers!" The phrase can be memorized and pronounced as a graceful toast, earning the reputation of an intellectual. One should not forget, however, that vinum is memoriae mors ("wine is the death of memory"), even if in vino veritas ("the truth is in the wine").

Quotes on Study, Knowledge, and Labor

While few Latin phrases have survived about sports, there are many times more about study and toil. Moreover, many of them are written on the walls of educational institutions in all countries of the world.

Latin Quotes with Translation

  • Aut disce, aut discede - "Either study or leave.
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - "There is no meaning in life without science (study).
  • Dictum sapienti sat est - "The clever will understand.
  • Docendo discimus (discitur) - "By teaching others, we learn ourselves.
  • Fas est et ab hoste doceri - "It is worth learning even from the enemy.
  • Labor omnia vincit - "Hard work overcomes everything.
  • And this quote in Latin about labor is familiar to all fans of the movie Formula of Love: Labor est etiam ipse voluptas - "Work is pleasure.

If all of these phrases fail to inspire a struggle with the granite of science, or despite all efforts can not master any subject, you should always remember that nemo omnia potest scire ("no one can know everything").


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