How to draw henna on the body: the rules of choice of paint, drawings through the stencil, from the tube, where to buy at the best price

In ancient times, our ancestors put drawings on their bodies, which served as protection from evil spirits. Nowadays, tattoos can denote class, status or serve as an original .

Mehendi, or henna tattoo at home is temporary and therefore available to everyone.

Of course, it is necessary to apply the drawing on clean skin, and if it is an area covered with hair, make depilation, for example .

It is necessary to prepare a paste of henna to apply the image. For the best result, the traditional .

One day before use, take 20 g of henna powder

, a quarter cup of lemon juice, mix together. Wrap the mixture in a bag and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. For a darker shade, you can add basma or antimony. Then sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar into the mixture, 1 teaspoon of fragrance oil. Using lemon juice, bring the mass to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then, wrapped in a bag, leave it for another 12 hours.

Natural henna is orange, red or brown in color, depending on where it is applied and when it comes into contact with the skin.

The henna is instantly absorbed, so erase excess or incorrect strokes immediately. Use a stencil or make a sketch of the drawing on the body with a felt-tip pen. The paint should dry for 6-8 hours, so leave it overnight with a splash of hairspray. Remove the dried paint without water, and wipe off the residue with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice or

Over time, the paint will wear off on its own, but you can't wash it off early. To speed it up, you can use .

Here is a video about mehendi at home:

Sequence of henna tattooing A henna tattoo does not permanently take up residence on our skin. However, with the observance of simple rules, the image can be made quite durable and bright. So if you want your original tattoo can be preserved, say, for the whole vacation. The henna tattoo can decorate the skin from 5 to 14 days and more. Even before the direct application of the henna tattoo, you need to remember a very important point. Henna is a very strong dye. Take care of your clothes and surroundings, and immediately remove excess paint from the skin with a damp cotton swab. -

- Preparation for the application of a temporary henna tattoo It is important to pay attention to the choice of a place on the body to create a tattoo. It is desirable to take into account the recommendations of experts. Many of them categorically do not recommend drawing on the same area of the skin all the time. At least, it is possible to do it not more often than once in 2 months. It is believed that the skin should rest from external influences. Otherwise there is a high probability of earning a variety of skin diseases, including eczema. The day before the tattoo, try not to visit a tanning salon and avoid intense sun exposure. Also, before applying henna paste you need to carefully prepare the skin. Firstly, it must be degreased by washing it thoroughly with soap and water or wiping it with a tampon soaked in alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid. The smoother your skin will be, the more durable the tattoo will be. Rough skin can be smoothed out with a peel. As a last resort, you can thoroughly clean the skin with a washcloth. The fact is that with a large number of dead cells on the surface of the skin, the so-called false tattoo lasts for a very short time. Secondly, if there is hair on the supposed to be tattooed area of the skin, it will have to be removed by pre-wetting. This is due to the fact that hair holds the paint longer than the skin. The drawing from the skin will disappear earlier than from the dyed hair. The cute picture will disappear completely, and the dark hairs will be a reminder of the former adornment for some time. Of course, if you manage to think technically about the design of your tattoo with this information in mind, then you can not worry about your future appearance. But besides the aesthetic side, there is also a purely practical, physical side of the issue. During the removal of excess paint, there can be unpleasant and even painful sensations.

Recipes for making paste for henna tattoo (mehendi)

To dilute henna, use strong tea, coffee, red wine, and even a tincture of walnuts. A little sugar, lemon juice and eucalyptus oil are added to the mixture. The intensity of the pattern depends on the quantitative ratio of the ingredients. Usually, henna is taken as much as necessary to make the drawing. In India, recipes for henna tattoo formulations have been passed down from generation to generation.

1 way

The suggested variant is one of the traditional ones: 1. A very strong brew of tea is prepared (the stronger it is, the stronger the tone of the drawing will be). 2. Half a cup of brew is mixed with the juice of half a lemon and 2 tablespoons of sugar. 3. The resulting solution of henna powder is diluted to a thick paste. 4. Composition for mehendi infused for at least 15 - 20 minutes. 5. The paste is transferred into a tube for drawing. The resulting composition can be stored in the fridge for 1 - 2 days.

2 way

You will need: Henna - 1/4 cup; Juice of one medium lemon; Freshly brewed tea (chifir) - 1/4 cup; A drop of vegetable oil. Mix the strong tea and the juice of half a lemon, mix well. Then little by little pour into this mixture henna, while trying to stir quickly. You should end up with a mixture without lumps, quite thick and viscous. Leave the henna to infuse for four hours before colouring. - -
3 way
You will need: Henna; 2 bags of instant coffee; 2 tablespoons of lemon juice; 5 drops of eucalyptus oil; 5 drops of clove oil. Sift henna to make one full cup. Boil the coffee in a cup and a half of water and let it boil to the volume of 3/4 cup. Then thoroughly mix the resulting coffee with the sifted henna. Add the juice and oils. The mass should not be liquid, if you think it is too liquid, you should add a little henna powder. If, on the contrary, you think that it is too dense, you need to add coffee or just water. The mass should also be allowed to infuse, but less - only 2 hours.

4 way

Add 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and 3 drops of olive oil to a cup of hot tea or coffee. Stir the solution well and pour it into a bowl with 4 to 5 spoons of henna powder. Stir the mixture until you get the consistency of toothpaste. Keep the paste in a closed place for about 20 days.

Method 5 - The simplified way to apply mendi

There is a simpler way to apply the tattoo. It is much more convenient to use ready-made henna paste in a cone (tube). Its composition: henna with citric acid. Paste of henna in a tube at first it is recommended to stir a little bit by kneading the tube. Try to cut the tip so that the opening is as small as possible. The paste should be squeezed out evenly, starting from the end of the tube. If henna fibers clog the hole, they must be removed with a needle. A cosmetic pencil should be used to highlight the working area of the skin. Now you can apply the paste to the selected pattern. If suddenly the outline of the drawing is accidentally violated, you must immediately erase the henna with a wet cotton swab or plastic swab with a cotton tip. After applying the paste must allow the tattoo to dry, and then peel off all the excess. And now you are admiring the resulting beauty! All that's left is to impress people around you!

6 way

For a large enough surface painting you should boil 0,5 l of water and add to it 2 teaspoons of black tea or 2 teaspoons of ground natural coffee. Then you should simmer the resulting mixture for 1 hour, remembering to stir occasionally. Then you need to strain the composition. During this time you can prepare the henna directly for use. Take 35 - 45 grams of pure henna and sift 2 - 3 times through a fine sieve. After an hour, continuously stirring, add the ready hot mixture to the henna powder. The resulting composition should resemble a sugar glaze in consistency. The main thing is that the paste should not be too liquid, otherwise the conceived pattern may not work at all, because such a mixture will flow and not stay on the skin well. Therefore, the mixture should be thick rather than liquid. As a last resort, you can dilute it later. If you want to make the mehendi drawing brighter, more intense, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or 1 - 2 teaspoons of lime juice to the resulting paste. Just do not overdo it. The paste should be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve to avoid the formation of lumps. When the mixture is brought to the right state, it must be cooled. This process takes at least 3 - 4 hours. But already after this time the mixture can be used to make ornaments on the body. It can be applied with a wand, brush, toothpick or a syringe-tube. - -
7 way
Required: red henna powder, rose water, orange water, black tea brewed overnight, lemon juice that has been in the sun for at least 12 hours (1 teaspoon). Before applying the mendi, it is necessary to treat the selected area of the body with rose or orange water. Then the composition of the paste is prepared: mix red henna powder, black tea and lemon juice. The ready paste is applied to the skin. It remains to dry the picture for 2 hours.

Method 8.

Required: red henna powder, date oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, black tea bags, coffee. This way the paste is prepared a little more complicated. You need to mix 2 black tea bags, 2 teaspoons of coffee, the same amount of date oil, about 400 ml of water, and bring the mixture to a boil. Then simmer on low heat for about 1 hour. After that the mixture is cooled to room temperature. After removing excess particles from the solution, add henna powder, stir and insist in a cool place for 3 hours. At the end add 5 drops each of eucalyptus and clove oil and mix thoroughly.

9 method

Required: red henna powder, lemon juice, sugar, date oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, black tea bags, coffee, rose water, orange water. Before applying henna, the skin is scrubbed with orange or rose water. The preparation of the composition for mendi is the same as the previous option. Only in this case, lemon juice and tea bags infused overnight are used. The ratio of the mixture is 1:2. This solution is added to the henna mixture.

Method 10 - temporary tattoos with basma and henna at home

Stock up on henna, basma, sugar, 2 - 3 lemons, black leaf tea, eucalyptus oil, a medical syringe without a needle or syringe-pad, brushes. Mix henna and basma in equal proportions and add lemon juice and sugar to thicken the mixture. It is impossible to specify the exact amount of juice, because the absorption capacity of henna depends on many conditions, but approximate doses are as follows: 1 tablespoon of henna + 1 tablespoon of basma + 1/4 cup of juice + 1 teaspoon of sugar. Replace the juice with water is not recommended, as the release of coloring pigment occurs only in an acidic environment. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a dense mashed potato. Wrap the mixture in a cellophane bag so that the air is not accessible, and put it in a warm and dry place for 12 hours - the "potion" should ripen. Then prepare one more ingredient - a strong decoction of black leaf tea. If you do not want to interfere with the main body of the body, turn off the citrus and remove the citrus from the left side of the body. The hot brew should be added to the composition of henna, basma and juice. Dose the liquid, stirring, until the consistency of thick sour cream. Then wrap and leave alone for another hour while the mixture cools.

Making your own syringe tube

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A syringe tube (cone) is easy to make yourself. You need an ordinary polyethylene bag (a garbage bag or a bag for freezing food, a wrapper for flowers will do). The main thing is that it should be thick and sturdy. The optimal size is 20 x 16 cm. Curl from the corner of the cube, and at all seams and at the tip for reliability tape well, duct tape or adhesive tape. Not only from the top, but from the inside as well. At the same time, try to close the sharp corner (so that then the mixture could not pass through the top of the cone). The resulting cube is usually two-thirds filled with paste, using a teaspoon. The upper edge should be bent several times and secured with adhesive tape. In the bottom sharp edge of the bag with a needle a small hole is pierced. The hole should be as small as possible. Through this hole the henna will get on your drawing.

In recent years, henna tattooing, amazing colorful ornaments, almost all over the body, has been gaining popularity. Such decoration is affordable and safe.

The henna tattoo is temporary, washed off in 2-3 weeks, decorates the body, and the result can be seen in 10-30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the picture. In order for henna to stay on the body longer, you need to know certain peculiarities of working with it.

Attention: henna is a strong dye, and therefore while working with this material, you need to take care of clothing and surrounding objects, and immediately remove excess paint from the skin with a cotton swab.

It is important to pay attention to the place of the tattoo on the body, it is desirable to take into account the wishes of specialists. It is not recommended to apply the same pattern to the same area of the skin. It should not be done more than once every 2 months.

The day before visiting the tattoo salon you should not go to the tanning salon, it is necessary to avoid intense sunlight. Before applying henna, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin so that the pattern will hold for the maximum amount of time:

  • The skin must be degreased, thoroughly washed with tar soap, wiped with a tampon soaked in alcohol;
  • Also preneed to make depilation, so that the skin was smooth and elastic, and then the picture will be even and clear;
  • If the place of the figure will be used hair, you must understand that they will hold the paint longer than on the body.

When the body is prepared, it is necessary to move on to the preparation of henna paste.

The quality of the pattern is determined by the composition of the paste, and therefore it is necessary to follow the instructions carefully and not to neglect the advice of experts. The henna is prepared 24 hours before the application.

With 20 g of henna powder you get 100 grams of paste, this is enough to draw both hands up to the elbow. What ingredients are needed to create a paste?

  1. Henna powder.
  2. Lemon juice, 2 lemons.
  3. Sugar.
  4. Fragrance oil.
  5. Plastic bowl.
  6. Measuring spoon.
  7. Plastic bags.
  8. Medical syringe without needle.
  9. Brush or toothpick to apply the henna.

It is necessary to sift the henna through a fine sieve, 24 hours pour the henna into a glass jar, adding lemon juice. After you need to wrap the container in a plastic bag and visit in a warm place for 12 hours.

To get a darker pattern, you can add a little basma to the finished composition. It is not recommended to dilute henna with water, only acid is needed for a proper reaction with the powder.

The next morning, add to the mixture a spoonful of sugar, a few drops of fragrance oil. All the ingredients are mixed, and lemon juice is still added to the composition. The finished paste should be a sour creamy consistency, not leaky and not too thick.

Now you need to put the entire composition in a plastic bag and again put it in a warm place for 24 hours. After that, you can start drawing a henna pattern on different parts of the body.

The drawing on the body is made at random, by hand, you can also use a stencil. When working, the drawing should be wetted periodically with lemon juice. It is important to avoid places where there are indentations, wrinkles, wounds.

Paste from the henna to squeeze through a syringe in the form of a thin thread, and already with a toothpick to trace additional fragments. The thicker the layer, the clearer the pattern and lasts longer.

The drawing can be applied with a thin stick, constantly dipping it in the prepared mixture. The drawing is created with small sections, which are gradually joined together.

For beginners, it is desirable to draw the outlines on the paper in advance to relieve tension in the hand, and only then move on to the body. It is best to start with simple geometric shapes, and only then move on to serious drawings.

After the application of henna, the drawing should dry well, 6-8 hours. You can leave the henna on overnight, wrapping it in plastic film beforehand. Or sprinkle the drawing with a varnish of strong fixation, so that it does not smudge.

During drying, it is better to hold the tattoo under a lamp or in natural light. After drying, scrape off the rest of the henna, the main thing is not to wash off the design. The skin should be wiped with vegetable oil.

Wash the skin after applying the tattoo is recommended not earlier than 4 hours, and even better after a day, so the picture will serve its owner for a long time. If you are tired of the picture, you can remove it with lemon juice, soap, a washcloth, it will not take long.

To henna to hold longer, you need to carefully choose the composition of the powder, consider the company of the manufacturer, choose the right shade. Physical activity that causes active perspiration can shorten the life of your tattoo.

The less exposure to the wet environment, the longer the tattoo stays on the body. Use henna properly and enjoy the results!

Henna tattoos are a fashion trend for today's youth and older generations alike. With henna you can decorate your body original unusual drawings, and also - to put a tattoo on the eyebrows (which is very common among women). For the ink tattoo not everyone will dare, because it is for life. While decorating the body with henna - a temporary phenomenon, which you can enjoy and understand - whether you need a permanent tattoo. henna has some nuances, which should be clarified in advance for yourself, so that there were no questions after.

About the tattoo

A temporary tattoo is not for life, but at most for a few months, maybe a year.

A henna tattoo is temporary.

If you come to a beauty salon and you are told that a henna tattoo will last for several years, then leave there at once. You are being lied to, and do not think about professionalism, but only want to make money on your ignorance.

There are also tattoos temptu, which supposedly will last 5 years and will not wash off. This is not true - first of all. And secondly, cosmetologists are against this kind of tattoo, because it will ruin the skin forever. Tattoo temptu is carried out as follows: the skin to a depth of 4 mm is introduced paint for permanent makeup. The composition of this paint: henna, titanium bioxide, water, glycerin, ethylene glycol, iron oxide. This chemical compound is distinguished by its unstable chemical state. In simple words, in a month or two, the tattoo will blur and remain under the skin as a dark spot. Visually, it will seem as if you stained yourself in this place. In this case, this place on the skin should be exposed to the laser.

If you do not want to sacrifice your health and skin including - apply a henna tattoo. It will last 2 weeks and after - the skin will be in its original form.

Preparation for the tattoo

Preparation for a henna tattoo goes through several steps:

  • Choose the location where the design will be located;
  • Choose the desired pattern;
  • Consult with the tattoo artist about the size of the drawing and the location of the drawing;
  • One day before getting a tattoo, try to avoid sunlight on your skin. Do not visit a tanning salon;
  • Wax your skin;
  • The area of the skin should be cleaned from dirt, degreased with alcohol, and smoothed with exfoliation (you need to remove dead skin particles). Cosmetologists say: the smoother the skin, the more guarantees that the tattoo will last longer;
  • The last stage is applying the tattoo.

Who should make a henna tattoo? Exclusively the cosmetologist.


There are several methods of painting on the body with henna - mendi, mehendi. All of them have their origins in India and Indonesia. The advantage of such tattoos is that they look very beautiful, sophisticated and not provocative on the hands. In India, they believe that the hands, decorated with henna tattoos, have magical powers. Modern girls do openwork drawings on the hands, which looks unusual and very beautiful.

If you are not afraid of experiments, then pay attention to the tribal henna tattoo. It is a drawing on the body in a 3D effect. henna on your body is applied not only by women, but also by men. Popular places on the body, where you can apply a tattoo: shin, back, navel area, shoulders and forearms.

Henna drawings

Initially, the spread in Russia received a tattoo of the eyebrows with the use of a plant composition. However, then henna patterns gradually became fashionable, located on almost any part of the body: the arm, leg or, for example, on the abdomen. Biotattooing was initially associated with recreation at the sea, where such a service was offered at almost every beach, but later became popular in big cities and for all-season wear. Pictures of henna can be drawn any way: with a stencil or by hand, but they are always distinguished by several features:

  • The color is usually black or brown, less often white.
  • A quality tattoo is applied to the skin, but does not stain clothing or flow.
  • The plant compound used for drawing does not mar the skin.

Tattoo henna on the arm

Decorating open parts of the body is logical, as they can be seen in any season. Painting henna on the hands is considered more female because of its gentleness and unobtrusiveness. It is not uncommon for girls to see mehendi on the wrist or the back of the palm. The applied symbols are given special attention:

  • Patterns arranged in the form of a bracelet promise the wearer good luck in love affairs.
  • A popular dreamcatcher is designed to protect against evil spirits.
  • The lotus flower will bring the wearer good luck in all endeavors.
  • The owl will emphasize your intelligence.

Mehendi on Hand

Henna drawings on the body

Temporary ornaments are applied not only for hand decoration. Beautifully look henna drawings on the body, located in the neck area. Especially successful look simple patterns, combined with any image and outfit. For girls are more suitable tattoos made in the Indian or Arabian style, which implies smooth lines and floral motifs. Inscriptions are not forbidden, but they are less common. Sketches can be chosen by photo in various catalogs, but it is not difficult to come up with your own.

Tattoo henna on the leg

The meaning of the drawings is given special attention, even if they are hidden from view most of the time. Henna tattoos on the leg are done by both genders, but they always put meaning into where to place the pattern:

  • A person who is busy most of his life searching for himself, most likely, will do a tattoo on the left leg.
  • A self-motivated and self-confident person will have the pattern on their right foot.
  • An egoist can be identified by a henna tattoo on the right foot.
  • If you saw a picture, made by henna, on the left foot, then its owner lacks the attention of close people.

Henna drawings for men

The stronger half of mankind also do not mind decorating themselves. And if for a boy you can come up with anything, a grown-up man should not look ridiculous and ridiculous. Men's mehendi does not tolerate flower compositions, especially if performed in the form of a sleeve. As a rule, something masculine or abstract is chosen, but with clearer lines. The application site is often the back, forearm or shoulder, but you can see the temporary tattoo and on the men's legs.

Temporary Tattoo on a Man

A henna tattoo - how long does it last?

The place chosen for the drawing is of particular importance. Even for a permanent tattoo, it is important to approach responsibly to the issue of choice of skin area, on which it will be applied. On mehendi this applies doubly. For example, in areas with high friction pictures are washed away faster or after a few days begin to look untidy. In addition, how long the henna body painting will last depends on your skin type. On average, a temporary tattoo lasts on the skin for two weeks.

Tattooing at home

In order to make a tattoo at home, you will need: The juice of 2 lemons, oil, sugar, as well as handy tools in the form of a spoon to stir the mixture, a plastic bottle, a pastry bag with a hole at the bottom, a medical syringe without a needle, a toothpick to make a drawing.

To prepare the coloring paste, you need to take 20 grams of henna mixed with the juice of 2 lemons - a mixture of the consistency of mashed potatoes. The mixture is transferred to a bag, closed tightly and infused in a warm place for 12 hours. Then add to the henna 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. oil and mix everything thoroughly. After the paste is again packed in a package and allowed to stand for 6 hours - you can start tattooing.

If you are doing a tattoo for the first time, then first draw the expected image with a pencil and then trace around the henna. If the borders of the drawing are protruding - wipe off all the irregularities with a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil. The large details of the pattern are applied with a pastry bag with a hole, the smaller ones with a toothpick.

Secrets of beautiful mendi

The pattern on the body, created with a natural product made from recycled leaves of lausonia, has a number of advantages and differences from long-term tattooing. The artwork is created with a paste that does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis, but remains on the surface. The image, for which henna is used, disappears in 1-3 weeks, depending on the care and compliance with the technology.
To get a picture with even contours and clear boundaries you need:

  1. Properly prepare the dye, so that its consistency was not too thick or liquid. You can buy a ready-made solution in a store. Its components are clearly balanced and have a properly selected structure.
  2. The way of distributing the emulsion with henna on the pattern of the drawing.
  3. Exposure time of the composition on the skin.
  4. Post-procedure treatment and care.

At this point in time, the important question for us is, how long does henna for mehendi dry?

So, if we talk about general recommendations, in almost all instructions for self-made mendi at home as a time interval indicates 60 minutes. This is the optimal interval during which the paint has time to solidify. This applies to all mixtures prepared with your own hands, regardless of their components.

However, masters who are very experienced in this field advise to break this instruction and not to remove the mass from the surface of the painting for the next 6-8 hours. This is how long it takes the solution with henna to penetrate as much as possible into every cell of the epidermis, to step into the reaction and saturate it with pigments.

But how can you keep mehendi on the body for so long without damaging the layer of dye? To prevent the paste from starting to crumble and stain your belongings, it should be covered with plastic wrap or a cloth with a smooth texture. Also for this purpose, alcohol-free hairspray or gel to fix the hair. To create reliable protection, 2-3 layers of the above products are enough. This will help to preserve the integrity of the henna image and provide an additional thermal effect that will increase the durability of the tattoo. Experts recommend that the procedure should be performed before going to bed. This will help to withstand the coloring composition for the necessary amount of time, and will not bring discomfort.

In the morning, you can apply another layer of paint.

Important! It is possible to cover the mendi only after the henna dries and begins to fill in the cracks.

That is, it will be possible to do it not earlier than after 1 hour. This time, how long on average mehendi dries on the skin, varies depending on environmental conditions. To speed up the process, the tattooing session should be performed in a warm and draught-free room. The humidity level should be minimal. If due to certain circumstances you have no possibility to dry the paint in natural conditions, you can use a hair dryer.

The longer the contour layer is kept wet, the more intense and vibrant the color will be. To keep the drawing wet for a long time will help a cloth soaked in water or splashing it with sugar and lemon juice syrup.

If a ready-made product is used for mehendi, how long should such henna be kept on the skin? Such a product is commonly referred to as a natural dye, but it is difficult to talk about it as completely natural. Special pigments for the dermis are used as a base here. These compositions in cones or tubes contain a small amount of raw material from lavsonia, it helps the rest of the components to fix themselves in the cells. But due to the content of chemical elements, the pattern created by such a composition appears after 10-20 minutes. It stains the epidermis and forms a film. How long not to wash off the unnatural henna from the hand or other area of the body to decide only for you: you can immediately after drying or after some time. Masters recommend to keep another 3-4 hours. But there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

If you are more attracted by the soaking time of a ready-made solution than homemade pastes, then conduct a skin test beforehand to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Now you know what time period is required for drying a henna tattoo and how to increase its durability. However, the quality of the drawing is influenced by other factors that we need to study.

How to take care?

After applying the tattoo, you need to dry it. The longer - the better. Periodically, as the paint dries, dab the drawing area with a solution of lemon juice mixed with sugar (2 parts juice to one part sugar). The tattoo should dry in 6 hours. After that it is not necessary to wash off paint from the skin, remove the rest with a cotton swab. Lubricate the final version of the figure so it becomes much brighter. Before you take a shower, apply a generous layer of oil to the tattoo (this will allow the figure to stay in its original form as long as possible). Remember: the more often the tattoo will be in contact with water, the faster it will "go away" from your skin.

How long does it last and how do I remove it?

To prolong the life of your tattoo, follow these simple rules:

  • don't get the tattoo wet - before contact with water wipe the tattoo with vegetable oil
  • don't steam the skin - refrain from visiting saunas, bathhouses
  • Do not rub the tattoo with a sponge, refrain from peeling
  • wash dishes and clean up - wearing gloves, do not come into contact with aggressive detergents
  • Don't rub, don't scratch - mechanical action removes the keratinized cells, which removes your mark.

These simple rules will help your artwork last longer.

And what to do if it was necessary to remove a henna tattoo urgently, of course maximum three weeks it will descend by itself, but what if. Got up in the morning a bad mood, more tattoo eyes "mozolit" or razonravilsya figure, the reasons may be mass. With regret I must inform that such means do not exist, once passed a sponge and all disappeared, to accelerate the process is possible, to remove at once no.

We will not consider all sorts of exotic methods such as sea salt, consider only what is at hand:

  1. Take lemon and baking soda, 2 tablespoons of soda poured into a bowl squeeze lemon juice, stir until a thick mixture, if necessary, add soda or juice
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the tattoo, wait NOT more than 10 minutes, wash off with a sponge or washcloth in a circular motion, rinse again with a hand scrub
  3. Vegetable oil, oddly enough may be suitable for this purpose. Heat to the threshold of tolerance, abundantly lubricate the tattoo, wait 5 - 10 minutes, remove. To avoid burns, proceed very carefully.
  4. Any lotion used for cosmetic purposes on an alcohol base, apply on a napkin wipe
  5. You can use vodka, hydrogen peroxide, 10% ammonia solution, but these remedies are not suitable for removal from the face

What should not be used for removal:

  • Acetone
  • Gasoline
  • Laundry detergent
  • Glass cleaner
  • Dish and surface cleaners

Read more: Feather, Tattoo Meaning

What is henna and where do you get it?

In recent years, ethnic jewelry is gaining in popularity, unusual patterns in such an exquisite style will perfectly decorate almost any part of the body. Since ancient times, women of the East have used various lace patterns not only for unusual decoration of their own bodies, but also in religious ceremonies.

Nowadays, such patterns are rarely used with a special deep meaning, but the technique of dyeing is successfully used to create an interesting and unusual image.

By henna is meant a special powder, which is made from the top, finely ground, henna leaves. By the way, it is important to know that the well-known hair dye and henna for painting on the body are not the same, the former has a coarser grind and a rich color.

If you decide to do this art at home, you will need some handy materials and tools, such as henna, which you can buy only in specialized stores or order over the Internet. You may also need an applicator, with which the picture will be applied, most often, for this purpose use an ordinary medicine syringe, of course, without a needle, a brush and a stick to create wide drawings.

It is important to remember that henna is a fairly strong dye, which is difficult to get rid of in just a few minutes, so when drawing, take care of clothes and other important things - if the paint gets on them, try to remove it immediately with the help of wet cotton swabs.

By the way, the same applies to the skin, if when creating the line went the wrong way, it is important to erase it as soon as possible, otherwise the drawing will be spoiled. Usually, a temporary henna tattoo lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Benefits of a temporary henna tattoo

  • A henna tattoo can always be changed to another, you can constantly change designs and patterns, and when you get bored, you can get rid of it completely without any difficulty. If you find the same pattern that you do not want to wash away ever, it can always be transferred to the permanent.
  • Applying a temporary tattoo is absolutely safe, which can not cause inflammation and ingress of any infections. Even on the contrary, it is believed that henna has a beneficial effect on the skin, enriching it with some useful substances.
  • For the information of such a tattoo does not have to resort to surgery and other terrible methods of information, everything is very simple, and the price of temporary tattoo is much lower.

What is necessary to know for independent drawing henna?

Firstly, it is important to remember what henna is suitable for a tattoo. If you want to get a darker and richer shade of the drawing, the powder should be mixed with black graphite, to get colored shades not too rich henna palette can be diluted with other natural dyes.

The original color of such a dye can vary from red to dark maroon, by the way, the final color of your tattoo you will see only in 24 hours after application, during this time the dye may change its tint several times. In order for the drawing to be as bright and clear as possible, oddly enough, it should be applied quite thick and rough lines.

Before you start painting, it is necessary to prepare in advance the paste from henna for tattooing, it is best to do it about a day, only so it is possible to get quality material for the work.

When choosing the area of the body on which will be applied a temporary tattoo, it is important to consider that the most effective such a technique looks on the back of the hand or palm, on the foot and leg elevation, as well as on the stomach around the navel. If you have decided to engage in such a difficult, but very interesting activity, it is better to train on more simple parts of the body - well, hands or feet - there the patterns are clearer and brighter.

You should also take into account the fact that before you apply the pattern, the used area of the body should be completely free of hair, otherwise, after the disappearance of the tattoo, you will have to do an unforeseen depilation. The fact is that the paint is very strongly penetrated into the hair, and if it is already gone from the body, then from the hairs, most likely not, creating a very sloppy and unflattering sight.

How to choose the right henna for the body

For quality application and longer wear, you need to pick a good henna paste. Remember, the darker the color of the paste, the longer the pattern will last. A good henna has a shelf life of 12 months. The consistency is soft, a little viscous, reminiscent of loose yeast dough.

For home painting choose a fresh paste that is no more than 3 months old. Drawings made with it, will last up to 20 days, if the paste from a tube for a year where something was, it is not lost, but the picture can wash off after three days. Colored pastes for mehendi are varied, the palette of colors is huge, you can choose all shades of the rainbow, but be careful when choosing uncharacteristic for henna colors.

In the paste contains dyes. Which can cause allergies. Therefore, to avoid such a "mess" with you, always do the test, put a drop of paste on your ankle and walk around with it for 24 hours, of course. You can take a bath in the evening and rub on your favorite cream. If after 24 hours there is no allergic reaction on the body, the paste uses a natural dye and it is safe for you.

How to get a temporary tattoo?

In order for the tattoo to last as long as possible, first of all the place of application should be carefully degreased (for example, washed with soap and then wiped with alcohol). Then a few drops of eucalyptus oil is rubbed into the skin, which increases the drying time of the henna, and therefore increases its effect. It is important to be sure that it does not cause allergic reactions in you, for this purpose, rub a few drops of oil on the bend of the elbow overnight, and in the morning look at the result.

The next step is to draw the patterns. Of course, if you have never drawn henna before, then the first experience will be quite difficult for you, it is better to start with more or less simple sketches. For those who absolutely can not cope with their own, there is another way - the use of special stencils drawings to create a temporary tattoo.

Apply the paint with a syringe or special stick, beforehand you can make a light sketch with a pencil or a water-based marker.

After the tattoo is finished, it is necessary to wait 1-2 hours for the paint to absorb and dry, and then use lemon juice as a natural moisturizer.

Henna for tattoos

To draw a biotattoo on the skin, the composition, which dye the hair, will not work. Here we need henna for tattoos, packed in convenient cones for application. It is a paste-like mass that is completely ready to use. With the help of cone-shaped packaging, it is very convenient to apply the drawing. Such paint is necessarily applied to dry skin, which has no irritations or any cuts.

Where to buy henna for tattoos

If you are thinking of drawing something on your skin temporarily, then you will need to stock up on the plant composition for this. In small towns, finding where to buy henna for tattoos will not be easy. However, it is not uncommon for salons that provide biotattooing services to be able to sell you the material. If this option is not suitable, you can order henna inexpensively in online stores. Choose larger stores and read customer reviews to get a quality product. When ordering from Aliexpress, give preference to proven sellers.

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Price of henna for tattoos

Since mehendi is only a temporary tattoo, you can experiment with drawings at least every month. However, you should not save on the composition to avoid skin problems and all sorts of irritations. How much does henna for tattoos cost will depend on the place of purchase and the type of product. If it is just a mixture for application, packed in a handy cone, you can buy it for 80-100 rubles. You can buy a special kit for beginners, which will include several packages of paste and dry henna, as well as oil to fix the pattern. Such a variant can be bought for 500 rubles.

Packs with henna


For women

For men