Is it worth getting a tattoo with the name of a loved one?

Native painting is a special kind of art, fashionable in the modern world. Nowadays, tattoos with the mention of children have gained great popularity. It can be a child's name, his image or date of birth. Moms and dads, seeking to immortalize the image of their favorite child, choose different designs. Why are tattoos with children's names so popular and should they be done?

Tattoo with a child's name

A simple option are considered digital tattoos, for example, with the date of birth. It is more difficult to score a real face or a whole name. Many parents (among them even men) ask to make a print of the baby's feet or his palm, evidence of tender and reverent love.

Why you can't get a tattoo of your baby's name

On reading 7 min .1k. Posted on March 25, 2021
Every tattoo has a symbolic meaning. Before making a drawing on the body, it is necessary to understand why it is impossible to do a tattoo with the name of the child and what meaning is carried by the image.

According to omens and superstitions, the tattoo carries in itself and a certain energy, can even have some influence on the events in a person's life. With the help of name inscriptions can express love for a certain person, family, or capture the image, so he remained forever in memory.

Names are one of the common types of tattoos. They can be applied both separately and in combination with other inscriptions, drawings. This is also a way of self-expression, an opportunity to show involvement with the family, children. Any tattoo has a hidden meaning, so before it is applied, it is worth finding out its meaning.

An exception to the rules

At the same time, there are situations when people wish to put the name of a very close and dear person on the body, the love for whom will surely never pass. This may be a loving mother or daughter. The feelings of these people are forever mutual. It is also not uncommon to stuff the names of those who have passed away untimely. These are loved ones, the memory of whom remains forever in our hearts. However, we should consider that the tattoo can have a certain mystical influence on our lives. For example, the image of Nefertiti, the infamous queen of Egypt, brings trouble, as does the drawing of a raven. The name of the deceased is also capable of binding his spirit to you. He will begin to feed on your energy, which will cause numerous troubles and illnesses.

Tattoo with the name of a child: omens and superstitions

This way parents want to express their love for their children, to emphasize that family values are in the first place. It is not uncommon for a drawing to be stuffed after the loss of a baby, to leave his or her image by your side forever.

Esotericists do not advise padding the image of the heart inside the baby's legs, as it can bring negative events in life, such as a miscarriage, or difficulties with childbearing in the future.

Baby name tattoo on the shoulder
Tattoo on the shoulder with the baby's name, legs and heart inside
As a rule, the older generation leaves this world earlier. Which means that a body with the name of a loved one drawn on it will end up in the ground. This is not considered a very good omen, and can be seen as a spell of death.

Belief says that it can shorten the life of offspring. For the same reason, you should not do a tattoo with a face, a footprint not only of a child, but of any loved one.

The main omens:

  • Influencing the child's later life (both negative and positive);
  • Creating a strong energetic connection between children and parents;
  • The wrong inscription can lead to negative events.

How it can affect a child

Remember that any tattoo has a certain meaning and carries a specific energy. Parents are connected to their children, so chances are that this connection will be much stronger. If negative events happen in the adult's life, they can affect the offspring as well.

baby face tattoo
Tattoo with the child's name and face

It is especially dangerous to do a tattoo with legs, hearts. Such options are usually made after the loss of loved ones. Parents should understand that their energy affects their offspring especially strongly at a younger age. The tattoo can increase the impact both positively and negatively.

Places for a tattoo with the child's name and their meaning

The location of the natal pattern says a lot, so the choice of place of the nail should be taken responsibly.

  • Printed on the right hand - strengthens the willpowerful qualities.
  • On the left hand is associated with the "fluctuations of the universe. A person whose name is printed may begin to idealize the world too much, will be vulnerable to criticism, will become vulnerable. It also contributes to the development of selfish traits.
  • The wrist is a talisman. A symbol of softness of character. The child will be surrounded by affection and care.
  • The shoulder - self-expression, the desire to show, to express themselves to the world.

tattoo on the wrist
According to some superstitions, the name tattoo on the wrist is a talisman

If it is associated with children, it is better not to stuff the inscription in plain sight, because parents are energetically connected with their child. Outsiders absolutely do not need to see the inscription, images of children, family, so as not to affect the negative energy, not to bring spoilage, the evil eye.

Why do I hear my name in a dream?

If the name of now living relatives or close friends - pay attention to them. Subconscious hints: you've almost forgotten this person, it's time to get better. Hearing the call of a stranger in a dream is an omen for a major change in life.

Dreams as if called by a stranger's name - the dreamer has departed from his mission in life, engaged in the wrong business, made the wrong choice.

Calling by chorus - to changes for the better in the currently worrying situation. The call is echoed - there will be a lot to do, not enough time or resources to do everything you want to do. In a dream, you are lost, and a certain voice is trying to guide you? You will find a solution to your problem.

The name is called on the radio or television - to fame. Hearing someone praise in a dream - to a rise or increase in income. Scolded - your mistakes are noticed by others. Muslim dream books suggest that all names should be interpreted according to their meaning. For example, Said is translated as "happy," and to hear this name in a dream - to happiness.

The Slavs did not recall at cemeteries and crossroads

. In such dangerous places, unclean forces may call. Do not hurry to turn around or respond, lest you fall under its influence.

When it is possible to do a tattoo with the names of children

If you do not believe in omens, then before you do a tattoo with the name of a son or daughter, you need to decide why it is necessary. Many believe that in this way create a talisman for the child. If it is done simply for beauty, it makes no sense to stab a name tattoo. The aesthetic meaning of such drawings, as a rule, do not bear.

Name tattoos are a fashion trend. Parents are trying in this way to emphasize their attitude and love for their children. However, do not be led to fashion trends, because the tattoo should be filled with meaning.

The Jinks Factor.

Although most of us are not prone to superstition, there seems to be a connection to name tattoos and subsequent breakups. Some people feel that getting a tattoo will seduce the chaos gods and abandon the idea. Perhaps it is only superstition, but many such stories have ended equally miserably.

But not everyone is so forward-thinking. For example, "eternal love" of Angelina and Bob Thornton lived only 3 years, after which the tattoo had to be urgently removed. In its place now paints the coordinates of the places where her children were born. Hollywood history knows many similar examples.

Is it possible to do a tattoo with the names of children?

Nail painting is a special kind of art, fashionable in the modern world. Nowadays, tattoos with the mention of children have gained great popularity. It can be a child's name, his image or date of birth. Moms and dads, seeking to immortalize the image of their favorite child, choose different designs. Why are tattoos with children's names so popular and should they be done?

A simple option are considered digital tattoos, for example, with the date of birth. It is more difficult to score a real face or a whole name. Many parents (even men among them) ask to make a baby's footprint or palm print, evidence of tender and reverent love.

Why make tattoos with names?

In the salons, masters of body painting ask clients why they have chosen this or that option and why they want a tattoo in general. Often clients only talk about beauty and attractiveness or belief in a talisman. If they have chosen the option for beauty, then more often than not it simply does not make sense. But things are more complicated with ideational tattoos.

Why do parents choose tattoos with the names of their children? More often this way they express love and tenderness for their offspring, pride, and also want to emphasize that the child comes first. Of course, all this is nice and unusual, but it is worth once again to think whether such a tattoo is necessary.

Family values can be emphasized in other ways - place a photo of the baby in the purse, hang his drawings on the wall, set the screen saver on the phone. There is no need to unconditionally follow fashion trends, because the tattoo with the names of children - not the most important way to express love.

Name tattoos - a fashion trend

Modern people are trying in different ways to emphasize their relationship to children, friends, spouses and parents. Often the initial painting with a hidden meaning is done by people from show business, actors and athletes. For example, Beckham and Aguilera, Jolie and Ksyusha Borodina. Fans do such tattoos in honor of their idols.

In general, it is better to make a tattoo consciously, not by the trend of fashion or the example of celebrities. You should not listen to other people's reviews or follow someone else's advice. And all the more do not do, for example, a tattoo with the name on the arm, not thinking it over.

Men's tattoos with meaning

Often salons are visited by men who consider the family as their main priority. They want to immortalize the image of the child and the spouse. They often say that certain inscriptions related to the child always come to mind, because this person is the most important thing in life. Unlike women, men for name and meaning tattoos choose the innermost places, hidden from people's eyes.

meaningful tattoos for men

For example, the strong half of mankind chooses such inscriptions: "in my heart forever", "my life". In general, tattoos for men with a meaning differ from women's. Men are not just filling out the names of children or initials, they put all of their feelings into a simple-looking phrase. Often, following the example of husbands, wives do the same tattoos, and the same inscriptions on spouses look original.

Beliefs about the change of names and surnames

In essence, it can be considered a change of name. In the process, a person receives , which only God and godparents know, it can not be disclosed to outsiders. It is considered true

. The mundane name written in the passport is designed to ward off evil spirits and sorcerers. Knowing a person's real name, it is easier to influence him with the help of magic.

To forget one's real name is to lose contact with a guardian angel.

An ordinary person in this case becomes more vulnerable energetically. In most esoteric currents, there is a tradition - acceptance of a magical name known in a narrow circle of like-minded people.

To change a worldly name is not a sin. It is often done for the sake of euphony. In the old days, they believed that to change it was to change one's fate. So often done to get rid of the evil eye and spoilage - induced by the old name of witchcraft stops its action.

When choosing a name, remember: a name consisting of seven letters brings happiness. Examples are Arkady, Evgeny, Nikolai, Snezhana, Tatiana, Akulina. Of thirteen - is considered unhappy. If you can make a word out of the initials, the fate will be happy.

By changing the surname, the bride turns into a spouse. Her life changes, her girlish amusements are replaced by domestic cares. Changing her last name has always meant a major change of fortune. You can't wear your husband's surname before marriage, it's for divorce or early widowhood. Don't forget your maiden name - it's your connection to your lineage.

Should I get a tattoo related to my family?

Before going to the salon of body painting, parents wonder if it is possible to do tattoos with a reference to children, whether they do not affect the future fate of the child. There are no negative sides to this issue. Here the parent must make an independent decision. What if mentioning the baby becomes a sad moment?

The child is alive and healthy, every day pleases his parents and makes them smile. Of course, in this case, the tattoo will only be a pleasant reminder of the existence of the dearest person in the world. But if a woman asks to make her a heart-shaped tattoo with an imprint of a child's foot inside, then we are talking about a tragic event. There may have been a miscarriage, a stillborn baby, or its death. Many people do not understand the meaning of certain tattoos, and ignorance can lead to unpleasant questioning. But tattoos for men with meaning or a bias in the theme of family values can also have a note of sadness in the future, if tragic moments in life happen.

Masters of tattoo say that women never regret that they made tattoos mentioning their babies, which can not be said about the tattoos associated with the second halves. After all, there is no guarantee that the relationship will last a lifetime, but the tattoo will stay.

name tattoo on hand

Philosophical phrases in Latin for a drawing on the body

Latin language is one of the most ancient languages, it is the basis of the whole Romance group of languages. It was once spoken by the ancient Romans and virtually all peoples of the Mediterranean. For centuries, it remained the only written language for the inhabitants of Western Europe.

Despite the fact that the Latin language in modern times is used only in the everyday life of medical professionals, its winged phrases carry deep meaning, a mystery to most of those around them. The owner of the tattoo can be sure that the hidden meaning of his text will know it alone.

The most common themes, for tattoos in Latin are:

  • Reflections on the shortness of life.
  • Philosophical thoughts about love and friendship.
  • Statements expressing family values.
  • Lines about the inevitability of fate.
  • Winged phrases about love for freedom.
  • Reflections on death, the meaning of human life.

Among the Latin quotations, the most popular in tattoos:

  • Amour, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - Love, originates in the eyes, but falls on the heart like tears.
  • Aeguitas enim lucet per se - Truth is the source of light.
  • Malo mori, guam foedari - I would rather die than commit a dishonorable act.
  • Fide, sed cui fidas, vide - Be careful when trusting others, look at them carefully.
  • Nil iniltum remanebit - Nothing goes unpunished.

The technique of tattooing with text is much more complicated than drawings. Only a professional craftsman will be able to correctly display the slant, stick to one style and size when displaying the letters. Beforehand, it is better to ask the tattooist to show several examples of his work from his portfolio.

The phrase in Latin in the area of the collarbone in a man

What tattoo to choose and where to hit?

If you have decided on a tattoo, think about whether you want to hide it from the eyes of outsiders. This question becomes crucial in some situations. Even tattoos with the names of children, located on the wrist, can be a reason to deny employment, where there is a dress code. A common place for the name tattoo is on the back, less often on the arms. Here, it all depends on the imagination. There are no bans on tattoos on the legs, stomach or waist. Some clients ask for children's initials on their chests.

Is there anything you can do to dilute the tattoo of the children's names? You can pay attention to the portrait image, which is characterized by applying to the body a sketch of the appearance of the person from the photo. But the master, capable of such work, it is quite difficult to find.

You can tattoo the name and date of birth of a child - a simple and interesting option. The meaning of this tattoo will not everyone understand, and this is good.

Very elegantly look name tattoo on the hands. A list with several children can be depicted. Tattoos with the name on the arm are suitable for both men and women. For some, a date of birth without a name is enough. However, the meaning of any tattoo will be known only to the bearer, if the surrounding people know nothing about it.


What you should know before going to the salon

Tattoos are an option for body modernization, which has a "long-lasting" effect. That is why you should study some of the subtleties of image selection. A tattoo is something with which you will go to sleep and wake up every day, so do not give in to the temporary desire or advice of others. Think carefully before taking such a step.

on the neck

The name of a loved one is a kind of oath of loyalty, and a woman's name on her hand - the recognition to others that you have found the one. If you still decided to hit the initials, it is better to let it be a tattoo of a child or parents, and for the rest it is better to use a safe temporary tattoo. Speaking of the font, we note that there is an opportunity to apply the name tattoo in the form of a simple word, and you can turn one word into a whole work of art. Especially popular are beautiful tattoos in Latin or Chinese, used to convey the meaning of your own name.

on the arm

The peculiarities of language selection are as follows:

  • Arabic ligature- suitable for tattooing exposed areas of skin of a large area. For example, the full length of the forearm.
  • Chinese and Japanese characters are better to apply on vertical stripes. The best place is the spine area.
  • The larger the font of the name tattoo, the more space is needed for the result.
  • On a woman's graceful hands or ankles, it is better to use a lettering with a thin font.


Name tattoos - tattoos with meaning

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It is believed that all name tattoos have a secret meaning. For example, a tattoo with the name of a loved one speaks of endless love and devotion to him. Tattoo with the names of your parents - about great affection and gratitude to those who raised you. Your own name is tattooed as a talisman against the evil eye or as a way of self-expression.

Parents engrave their children's names on their bodies as a symbol of tenderness, love, and their responsibility to them. Men, often doing tattoos, emphasize in this way that the family is the most important thing in life for them. And by tattooing their child's name in places hidden by clothing, they often put sacred thoughts and feelings into it. Mothers more often tattoo the name of the baby in a prominent place to show how strong is her attachment to the baby.


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There are about 30 different styles of tattoos known. Predominantly related to inscriptions and portraits of children are called lettering and realism.

The first is a technique for applying text using different fonts. Inscriptions in Latin and English are popular.

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Realism is the name of the method of drawing a portrait with a full likeness.

realism-tattoo-2 photo

Masters often combine different styles with each other, can offer traditional or unusual compositions.

The former are usually presented in the master's portfolio, the latter are developed individually at the request of the customer.

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Place of application

Men usually stuff pictures anywhere: on wrists, biceps, ankles, abdomen, triceps, back, legs, neck. The stronger sex tend to choose bright, large, bold tattoos, often screaming of boundless love for the child.

Girls prefer to place a portrait or baby's name on the wrist, collarbone or stomach, sometimes on the shoulder blade or leg.

Women opt for a "hidden quiet tenderness" - a small, delicate tattoo.

You can meet people tattooed with poems dedicated to the family. The boundaries of self-expression are different for everyone.

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Tattoo - a tribute to fashion

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Of course, tattoos with the name of the baby is part of modern fashion. After all, no one stops parents from expressing their love for their babies in other ways. For example, constantly carry a photo of the child in a purse or as a screensaver on the phone, place his picture on your desktop ... But famous athletes, actors and singers have introduced a new fashion, and ordinary people began to imitate them.

But is there a sense in it? Everything in life is changing, and whether in the future a tattoo will be only a sad memory? The child is still young, healthy, cheerful and his parents are happy with him, watching him every day, as he grows and strengthens. But will it always be like this? Children, along with the joys, bring grieves, especially when they grow up, and after all, a tattoo stays forever. And it's good if the bond between parents and children is strong and not subject to the vicissitudes of life. But if not?

What tattoo with the name of the child do most often and where

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For many women, their child is the most valuable thing they have in life, and mothers rarely regret tattoos made in honor of the baby, and therefore such tattoos are almost always for show. More often than not, both parents make them on:

  • The wrist;

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  • Shoulder or forearm;

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  • chest;

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  • legs;

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  • waist;

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  • back.

Most often, not only the name is embossed, but also the date of birth of the child. Tattooing is supplemented with an image of a heart, a baby's little foot or the palm of a baby's hand.

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Frequent in men are graphic images of a wife with a baby in her arms or tattoo with a profile of the baby himself, made in the style of realism. Mothers often add their initials or the husband's name to the baby's name.

What other tattoo will look beautiful and stylish?

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  1. The name or initials, made in a monogram or unusual font.

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  1. The name written in English (as an option - in any other language). The meaning of such a name will be known only to the parents.

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  1. A good option would be a name tattoo along with date of birth and zodiac sign.

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  1. A girl's name will look beautiful paired with a bouquet of forget-me-nots, butterflies, or a Teddy bear, and a boy's name with a soccer ball, an angel, or some cute little animal like a giraffe or a pony.

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  1. Stylishly look names made in a mixed technique of color and black and white tattoo. The name in this case will be black and white and the flower or other pattern will be colored.

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  1. The names (especially if they are the names of twins or triplets) and date of birth, enclosed in a beautiful frame or inscribed in a stylized scroll or, alternatively, - a book.

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  1. Often the names are inscribed in images of children's cubes, pyramids, toys such as bears, dolls, monkeys.

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  1. Sometimes the name is also ordered and inscriptions like: "My love forever", "My happiness", "My whole life".

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Tattoo styles for inscriptions of children's names

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For men's names, the styles most often chosen are minimalist, engraved or chicano. They best convey the brutality inherent in the strong half of humanity. Usually boys' names are stubbed on the shoulder, forearm, chest or biceps to emphasize masculinity and choose larger fonts than for girls' names.

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For girls, they choose styles with rounded and ornate fonts - Oriental, watercolor, baroque. Often their names are embossed in Latin and placed on the wrist, shoulder blade, chest, sides, and back.

Is there a point to tattoo the names of their children - it is up to parents to decide. But they should always remember that tattoos - it's a drawing forever and to choose for him to be necessary area on the body, which will not be exposed over time a large deformation, because the skin over the years loses its elasticity. This is especially true for places where subcutaneous fat is deposited or where there are deep wrinkles and folds.

And remember, children remain singular and unique above all in the hearts of their parents, not on their body in the form of a name that belongs to many.


Other Ways to Declare Your Love with a Tattoo

Sometimes, a couple wishing to fix their vow of fidelity in the form of a tattoo does not want to be limited to inscriptions. An alternative sign of mutual love will be paired tattoos. A guy and a girl get the same drawings on certain parts of the body.

The most popular among the skin areas, for such a symbol, are the ring fingers. On them lovers often depict:

  • wedding date;
  • symbols of infinity;
  • Celtic ornaments in the form of a ring;
  • a key and a lock;
  • sun and moon;
  • swans;
  • a heart with wings;
  • crowns;
  • a jigsaw puzzle that folds up when you put your fingers together.

Wishing to apply a larger pattern, the couple chooses to wrist area. Tattoos should harmonize with each other, folding into a single image when a guy and a girl are holding hands. For such a variant will suit well:

  • birds;
  • Small animals (mice, cartoon characters, lizards);
  • Heart halves (must necessarily connect);
  • dolphins;
  • female and male silhouette;
  • A phrase that can only be read by connecting the wrists.

Ideas for paired tattoos

In addition, harmoniously will look tattoo for two in the area of the ribs, under the chest, on the shoulder blades, the outer side of the shin.

To the decision to score such a tattoo it is necessary to approach Weighted and with full awareness. If the relationship in the midst of passion, experiencing a confetti-bouquet period, perhaps the choice is premature. It is better to wait, to test their feelings over time, and then consolidate them in the form of tattoos.


For women

For men