The consequences of a tattoo. What are the dangers of tattoos? The consequences of improper care for a tattoo

Tattoo Tlt No Harm
Is a tattoo on the body harmful?

Harm? Applying a tattoo is a procedure akin to piercing. Only instead of one piercing, the master makes a million small ones. Injecting the paint increases the stress on the skin.

The speed of healing depends on the individual characteristics and skill of the performer. That is why before you decide to get a tattoo, think about the pros and cons of the procedure.

Types of tattoos

  1. Classic - a drawing, made by introducing a needle with a coloring pigment in a small depth. The paint is applied by a special machine, which, after piercing the skin, spits out the paint. To get rid of such a drawing is quite difficult, so recently young people are choosing the following option.
  2. Temporary tattoos. A special paint is applied to the skin, which over time fades and completely disappears. But there is one drawback: the process of bleaching the pigment is gradual, so for a certain period of time you will have to walk around with a faded drawing. In addition, no one guarantees the complete disappearance. There have been cases that the trace remained for many years.

Where do tattoos get tattooed?

You can also hear about temporary tattoos without injecting paint under the skin. We're talking about mehendi. These pictures are not considered tattoos, they are virtually harmless and wash off within a few days.

Why remove eyelid tattooing

Permanent makeup loses its attractiveness, color, clear contour due to age-related skin changes and natural deterioration of the paint.

Reasons for removal of permanent makeup:

  • The result is far from what you want because of insufficient skill of the master or poor-quality materials;
  • There are blurry, unpainted areas;
  • Wrong color (greenish, bluish);
  • Pigment faded;
  • Unfortunate, asymmetrical shape of the tattoo, not corresponding to the appearance, arrows of different width, height;
  • Women seek to remove unfashionable eye arrow tattoo by laser when they fall out of trend;
  • Soreness - the pigment has caused an allergic response, with which the eyelids swell, swell, itch, redden.

The aesthetic problem has a solution. Reviews about laser removal of eyelid tattooing show that the method is safe and effective.


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  5. Rules of the sport "Chess" / Absent. - Moscow: Ogni, 2017. - 481 c.

What are the dangers of tattoos: the opinion of experts

According to studies conducted by scientists, it was found that the paint used for tattoos contains many harmful substances. For example, in red - mercury sulfide, in other shades - titanium, chromium, lead and cadmium. But the most dangerous is considered blue, which contains cobalt and aluminum.

The cause of the negative effects of tattoos can be equipment. It can be used to introduce an infection and provoke the emergence and development of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, skin cancer. It is also forbidden to get drawings near moles.

The list of unfortunate consequences continues with muscle tissue damage. Therefore doctors strongly recommend to be especially attentive when choosing a tattoo salon.

Skin infection

Tattooing is done with a special needle, which introduces a small amount of colored pigment. If it is the work of a good master, very soon the micro-traumas will heal and your skin will be smooth and healthy. The specialist will definitely tell you how to take care of a fresh tattoo and recommend the necessary remedies. However, if the paint is mixed with non-sterile water, you risk getting a serious infection. Redness, itching, and festering are the first signs of infection. In severe cases, you may get a high fever.

If you are unlucky and the tattoo artist uses a non-sterile needle, you may end up with more serious problems, such as HIV and hepatitis infections. Therefore, the main rule to follow even if you want to stuff a tiny pattern: trust only professionals who use only sterile needles and quality materials. Such a specialist always has a decent portfolio and a lot of good feedback from clients. Never go to dubious underground shops, even if there are attractive prices.

Consider the most important dangers

  • Infection. Many may argue that the presence of non-sterile equipment or dirty needles in a tattoo salon - a real nonsense. Indeed, if you choose a proven institution, the likelihood of infection is minimal. But do not forget that the skin after the filling is an open wound. The slightest mistake during the care - and the consequences of the tattoo will not be the most pleasant.
  • Paint. Unfortunately, pigments are not controlled by health authorities, and accordingly, they do not undergo any studies, like, for example, medicines. Unscrupulous craftsmen sometimes inject dyes of industrial use, and their effect on human health when injected subcutaneously is of no interest to anyone at all. This means one thing - it is impossible to predict the reaction to the pigment.

Macrophages come to the rescue

When applying a tattoo, the needle introduces the dye into the dermis - the tissue of the skin under the outer layer, the epidermis. The skin puncture is perceived by the immune system as a wound and the paint particles as foreign bodies to be destroyed. Macrophages arrive on the scene and start absorbing the paint. Some of them together with the paint inside will enter the lymphatic system and end up in the lymph nodes, some of them remain in the skin. Another part of the paint will be retained by fibroblasts - connective tissue cells.
In this way, the dye stays close to the surface of the skin and the tattoo is visible through its top layer, although over the years, as the dye particles decay and become prey to macrophages, it fades. Macrophages can be helped by destroying the paint particles with a laser, which is the basis of tattoo removal technology. However, the laser works well on black pigment, while other colors are more difficult to remove and can cause burns.

Close-up tattooing

Is it true that tattoos hurt women more than men?

No matter how much feminists fight for equality of the sexes, our bodies are completely different. What is a small thing for a man is a big problem for a woman, and this also applies to the place where tattoos are done. For example, in the lower back area. The thing is that a tattoo on this place makes it difficult to diagnose pelvic diseases. Therefore, women with tattoos on the lower back are often advised not to do an MRI, as due to the presence of metals in the paint the process will be very painful and the result - unreliable.

What are the consequences of a tattoo?

In addition, with a drawing on the lower back is not done epidural anesthesia, which is necessary in childbirth and cesarean section.

The patterns on the buttocks often cause a negative impact on the local immune system. As a result, the risk of cystitis and urogenital infections increases. According to unofficial statistics, women with drawings on the lower back, the inner and outer side of the thighs - the most frequent guests at gynecologists.

Separate attention should be paid to tattoos on the chest. Certainly, no professional masters will stuff the picture and touch the nipple area, because the skin in this place is very delicate, and the pigment cannot be distributed evenly.

As doctors say, tattoos on the chest can undermine the immune system, which is responsible for the respiratory and cardiovascular system. In addition, if you are allergic or have sensitive skin, such drawings can "present" skin diseases such as dermatitis or eczema.

Unwanted allergic reactions

Allergy Test
People who have never tattooed in their lives, it is worthwhile to find out in the beginning whether they are allergic to the ink. Negative body reactions to tattoos are common. For some, it may cause a short-term skin irritation, and some may be so unlucky.

Thus, it is advisable if you check which ink is best and think twice before getting a tattoo. Although most people who get tattoos are not allergic to ink, however, some allergens take time to cause a side effect. This is most common with light colors such as yellow or green. They are adversely affected by the sun's rays. Darker colors, blue, magenta or black, usually do not cause such reactions.

But as the saying goes, once you leave, you can't go back. That is, if you got a tattoo, you can't get rid of it. So for your first tattoo, black is a better idea.

Is it possible to avoid consequences?

Initially it is necessary to check up if the salon has a medical license and if the sterilization norms of every instrument used are accurately observed. Needles and every consumable must be disposable.

Equipment treatment consists of steps such as:

  1. Ultrasonic treatment.
  2. Placement of instruments for 30 minutes in lysetol solution.
  3. One-hour sterilization in a dry oven.

In spite of the control of these measures, there is still a risk of infection through the skin. According to statistics, 1/3 of clients of salons and private masters faced the consequences of tattoos. Most often the reason was that the picture was filled by people who did not have the right to carry out this activity and without special tools.

Negative effects of tattoos

Often a complication is an allergy to a certain paint. Black ink is especially dangerous, since it contains paraphenylenediamine. In addition, according to studies, they also contain arsenic, and it is known that this component can provoke cancer.

Difficulty in research

Difficulties in examining patients with tattoos
It should be warned that for people with tattoos, X-rays and MRIs will be problematic, as it can lead to complications. For starters, the tattoo may interfere with the study, in addition, magnetic and ultraviolet rays may adversely affect the tattoo site, and the area around it may become red.

Consequences of improper tattoo care

Needle damage causes an inflammatory process, which is a natural protective reaction. The duration of the pain depends on the localization and size of the tattoo. On average, the process lasts up to 10 days, followed by healing. In order to prevent the occurrence of secondary infection, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Do not touch, much less pick at the crust that has formed. Avoid rubbing with clothing, washcloths.
  2. Negative consequences of a tattoo can occur as a result of improper care or lack thereof. Most often it leads to inflammation. Moreover, an experienced master on the pale shade of paint and other external factors will understand how the work they have done healed.
  3. Manufacturers give a 15-year warranty on shade durability. But you should know that the mascara you have in your skin is an organic product that can burn out in the sun. Therefore, to avoid negative consequences, be sure to protect your fresh tattoo with special sunscreen.
  4. The first few weeks it is recommended to refrain from bathing in swimming pools, saunas, bodies of water.

What are the dangers of tattoos

Health Risks

Body art has ceased to be a hallmark of subcultures. Hieroglyphics, inscriptions and drawings are found in teenagers, desperate partygoers and established in life people. On assurance of masters tattoo, one in four can boast of skillfully applied image. Lip and eyebrow tattooing became a common procedure. Women do not even think that adding expressiveness to the contours and highlighting the hairs on the eyebrows with colored ink is a kind of body modification, which can have serious consequences. During the permanent tattooing of vulnerable zones, dyes are injected under the mucous membranes at a depth of 0,5-1 mm and not always successfully. Doctors know hundreds of clinical cases involving adverse reactions and urge you to calculate the risks beforehand.


For women

For men