Quotes about life in Latin


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1.The living does not seek death. Vivus non vestigat mori. 2.Be afraid to live, but be not afraid to die. Metues vitae, non metues mori. 3.Everyone alive fears death. Omnis vivus mori metuet. 4.If you know how to live, you must also know how to die. Quies vivere, quias decedere. 5.You cannot pay for death. A mori non abies. 6.Not uphill, but downhill. Non in monem, at sub monem vivitis. 7. No matter how you spin, you lie in your grave. Se non versem, at in sepulcrum sternam corpus. 8. It is bad to live, but it is not good to die either. Male vivere, at decedere non inventum est. 9. It is not the old that dies, but the ripe. Non senex, at properus decedit. 10.It is not the years that die, but the people. Non anni, at homines decediunt. 11. You may not live long, but you must die. Qui non viveas, at decederis. 12. You will not live two centuries. Duo saeculi non viveris. 13. There will never be two deaths, but there will never be one. Duibus moribus non esse, at unam non evitare. 14.When the hour comes, we will not be Veniet tempus et non sumus. 15. Whence we came, there we shall go. Unde veniebas, isto abire sumus. 16.We came from the earth, into the earth shall we lie. Veniebas ex terrae, in terram cubare sumus. 17.We will all be there: one sooner, one later. Omnes ibi sumus quis supra est, quis postea. 18. There is no hiding from death. Per mortis non lates. 19. Death will come, he will find it everywhere. Mors veniet ubique inquirere est. 20.Death will come and he will find it on the stove. Mors veniet et in furno inquirere est. 21.Death will come, and he will find a reason. Mors veniet causam inquirere est. 22. The dead are not carried back. Mortuorum retro non gestant. 23. A dead dog can't catch a hare. Canis mortuus leporis non capet. 24. Every grave is overgrown with grass. Sepulcrum omnis herba velatur. 25. In a merry hour death is not terrible. In tempus bellus etiam non horrenda mors. 26. In peace, death is red. Super pace etiam ruba mors. 27. Death will level all. Mors omniarum exaequabit. 28. Death does not sort out ranks. Mors ordum non eventilat. 29. Today the king, tomorrow the ashes. Hodie rex, cras cinis es. 30. And that will be, that we will not be. Erit tantum, quid nerit nos. 31. No jokes are to be had with death. Cum mors ludi mali. 32. Old age is not a joy, and death is not a discovery. Senectus non est alacritas, mors non est inventum. 33. It is hard to live, but one does not want to die. Graviter vivere, decedere non cupio. 34. Life is not hard, but you don't want to die. Quo non ardua vita est, decedere non voluntas. 35. It is hard to live, but even harder to die. Vivere graviter, decedere ardior. 36. You can't go before you die. Olim mortis non abies. 37. You will not die before eternity. Ad saeculi non decedes. 38. You will not go to the grave alive. Vivus in sepulcrum non sternes. 39. Do not die before you die. Non decederis supra mortis. 40. You will not die your own death. Sua mors non decedes. 41. Died not his own death. Decederat non meus mors. 42. Accepted another's death. Caperat mortem alienem. 43. To a dog a dog's death. Cani canina mors. 44. Godspeed to him. Illa iter hi est. 45. He already has one foot in the grave. He unus crus in sepulcre stat. 46. His days are numbered. His dies confecti. 47. His life hangs in the balance. Vita his in pilo pendit. 48. His feet can hardly carry him. His aegre cres gerent. 49. He neither lives to live nor dies to die. Vivere non vitae, et decedere non mortis. 50. In what only the soul holds. Ut in corpe anima tenet. 51. Barely, barely, the soul in the body. Vix et vix anima in corpe est. 52. His deus subducebam. His deus subducebam. 53. In sepulcrem cum se nihil non subduces. In sepulcrem cum se nihil non subduces. 54. Know how to live, know how to die. Quias vivere, quias decedere.

Latin phrases about life

Author: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present you a compilation Latin phrases about life.

It included. more than 100 statements.

They are divided into thematic groups: man and life, business and life, pleasure and life, wealth and life, change and life, moderation and life, struggle and life, honesty and life, time and life, trouble and life, priority of life, thinking and life, learning and life, experience and life, death and life, day and life, images of life, hope and life, honor and life, glory and life, mystery and life, etc.

These are phrases in Latin with translation and, if possible, the author and the work.

Man and Life

  • Indigne vivit, per quem non vivit alter - One lives unworthily who does not let others live
  • Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est - Man is born to think and act
  • Aliis ne feceris, quod tibi fieri non vis - Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself
  • Est vita misero longa, felici brevis - For the unhappy man life is long, for the happy man it is short.
  • Folio sum similis - I am like a leaf (Archbishop of Cologne, "Confessions").
  • Consonus esto lupis, cum quibus esse cupis - Be in harmony with the wolves you want to live with
  • Vis vitalis - Vitality
  • In patria natus non est propheta vocatus - There is no prophet in his own country
  • Tunica propior pallio - The tunic is closer [to the body] than the pallium (Plautus, The Three Coins)
  • Natura est semper invicta - Nature is always invincible.
  • Usus tyrannus, the customary tyrant.
  • Quem mos non rexit, vita non inclutus exit - He who does not adhere to the law, leaves life in disgrace

Business and Life

  • Nil sine magno vita labore dedit mortalibus - Life gives nothing to mortals without hard work
  • Longa est vita, si plena est - Life is long if it is full (Seneca, "Moral Letters to Lucilius")
  • Vitam extendere factis - To prolong life by works.
  • Res omnis aetatis - The work of a lifetime.
  • Animos labor nutrit - Labor nourishes the soul.
  • Factum est factum - What is done is done
  • Jucundi acti labores - Happy is the finished work
  • Otium post negotium - Rest after work
  • Otia dant vitia Idleness breeds vice

Pleasure and life

  • Memento vivere - Remember life
  • Fruere vita, dum vivis Enjoy life while you live
  • Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Enjoy life, it is so fleeting
  • Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui - To be able to enjoy is to live twice
  • Molliter vivit - Living well
  • Disce gaudere - Learn to rejoice (Seneca, "Moral Letters to Lucilius")
  • Non semper erunt Saturnalia - He will always be Saturnalia (Seneca, "The Apotheosis of the Divine Claudius")

Affluence and Life

  • Messe tenus propria vive - Live according to your harvest; live according to your means.
  • Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to bull.
  • Auro quaque janua panditur, Every door opens with gold.
  • Qui multum habet, plus cupit - He who has much, wants more
  • Vivas frugalis, ut res est materialis - Live as prudently as your wealth allows
  • Pauper ubique jacet - The poor are defeated everywhere.
  • Honor est ingratus, si, unde vivas, non habes - Honor is a burden when you have nothing to live for

Change and life

  • Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis - Times change and we change with them.
  • Omnia mutantur, mutabantur, mutabuntur - Everything changes, has changed, and will change
  • Nil permanet sub sole - Nothing lasts forever under the sun.
  • Incipit vita nova - A new life begins.
  • Non progredi est regredi - To go forward is to go backward
  • Antiqua quae nunc sunt, fuerunt olim nova - What is old now was once new
  • Status quo - Maintaining an initial state, an existing situation

Temperance and life.

  • Temperantia est custos vitae - Moderation is the guardian of life
  • Aurea mediocrĭtas - The golden mean (Horace)
  • Inter utrumque vola - Fly in the middle
  • Via trita, via tuta, the road beaten, the safe road.
  • Somnus, cibus, potus et Venus omnia moderata sint Sleep, food, drink, love, let everything be in moderation
  • Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - Well lived he who lived unnoticed (Ovid, "Sorrowful Elegy")

Struggle and Life

  • Vivere est militare - To live is to struggle (Seneca, Moral Letters to Lucilius).
  • Per aspera ad astra - Through thorns to the stars.
  • Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the bold (Terence, Formio).
  • Tugre est non ire, sed ferri - It is a shame not to go with the stream, but to go with the flow (Seneca, Moral Letters to Lucilius).
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - Life without freedom is nothing.

Integrity and life

  • Honesta vita beata est - An honest life is a happy life
  • Beate vivere est honeste vivere - To live happily is to live honestly.
  • Honeste vivere, alterum non laedere, suum tribuere - To live honestly, not to harm others, to give to each his own
  • Sera nunquam est ad bonos mores via - It is never too late to start living honestly
  • Cum recte vivis ne cures verba malorum - When you live honestly, do not be afraid of evil tongues

Time and Life

  • Tempus fugit - Time is running (Virgil, "Georgics").
  • Tempori parce, beware of time (Seneca, Moral Letters to Lucilius).
  • Cras, cras et semper cras et sic dilabitur aetas (Tomorrow, tomorrow and always tomorrow, and so life goes on).
  • Gutta cavat lapidem - A drop breaks a stone (Ovid, Letters from Pontus).
  • Singula praedantur anni - One by one the years are stolen away (Horace, The Epistles).

Trouble and Life

  • Non est vitam invenire sine tristitia in ullo - There is no human life without sorrow
  • Tu ne cede malis - Don't submit to trouble (Virgil, Aeneid)
  • Taedium vitae - aversion to life
  • NULLa calamitas sola - Trouble never comes alone.
  • Post nubila sol - After bad weather, the sun (Alan of Lille).

Priority of life

  • Primum vivere - Above all, live.
  • Vive, ut vivas - Live to live.
  • Dum vivimus, vivamus - Let us live while we can live.
  • Oportet vivere - Let us live.
  • Primum vivere, deinde philosophari First live, then philosophize.

Thinking and Living

  • Vivere est cogitare To live is to think (Cicero, The Tusculan Talks).
  • Cogito, ergo sum, I think, therefore I am (René Descartes, "Elements of Philosophy").
  • Vitam impendere vero - Devote your life to the truth
  • Sub aliena umbra, Under another's shadow (Seneca, Moral Letters to Lucilius) About people who live by the thoughts of others

Learning and Life

  • Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivis - Learn as much as you live.
  • Scientia est potentia - Knowledge is power (Francis Bacon, New Organon)
  • Non scholae, sed vitae discimus - We do not study for school, but for life (Seneca, "Moral Letters to Lucilius")
  • Necessitas magistra - Necessity is the instructor

Experience and Life

  • Est rerum omnium magister usus - Experience is the teacher in all things (Julius Caesar).
  • Verba movent, exempla trahunt - Words motivate, examples captivate
  • Historia est magistra vitae - History is the teacher of life (Cicero, On the Orator)
  • Malum exemplum imitabile - A bad example is contagious.

Death and Life

  • Qualis vita, et mors ita - As life is, so is death.
  • Melior est canis vivus leone mortuo - A living dog is better than a dead lion.
  • Multum vinum bibere - non diu vivere - Too much wine, not long to live.
  • Vivit post funera virtus, virtue survives death.

Day and Life

  • Unus dies gradus est vitae, One day is a step in the ladder of life.
  • Amici, diem perdidi - Friends, I have lost a day (Titus)
  • Carpe diem - Catch the day (Horace, "Odes").
  • Vivere in diem - To live one day.

Images of Life

  • Vita somnium breve - Life is a brief dream
  • Perigrinatio est vita - Life is a journey
  • Vita contemplativa - A contemplative life
  • Modus vivendi - Way of life, conditions of existence

Hope and life

  • Spe vivimus - Living in hope.
  • Dum spiro, spero - As long as I breathe, I hope.
  • Spes est ultimum adversarium rerum solatium Hope is the last comfort in adversity

Honor and life.

  • Nihil aliud curo, quam ut bene vivam - I care for nothing so much as to live with dignity
  • Praestat cum dignitate cadere, quam cum ignominia vivere - Better to perish with honor than to live in dishonor

Glory and Life

  • Sic transit gloria mundi - So passes worldly glory (Thomas of Campinia, "On the Imitation of Christ").
  • Cave ne cadas - Beware lest you fall.

Mystery and Life

  • Quidquid latet, apparebit - All that is secret shall be revealed.
  • Non est fumus absque igne - No smoke without fire.

Science and life

  • Vita brevis, ars longa - Life is short, science is broad
  • Sine doctrina vita quasi mortis imago - Without science, life is like death

Food and Life

  • De vento nemo vivit - No one lives by air.
  • Edimus, ut vivamus, non vivimus, ut edamus - We eat to live, not live to eat.

Friendship and Life.

  • Sine amicitia vita NULLa est - Without friendship there is no life
  • Vita sine amicis tristitia est - Life without friends is sad

As you can see, the theme of life turns out to be connected with many other themes.. If you wanted, you could further expand their number.

Next you can go on to quotes about life and to materials on related topics:

  • famous phrases in Latin
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  • Latin love phrases
  • idioms from ancient Greece
  • idioms from the Bible
  • idioms about life

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