Tattoo of Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, chest. Meaning, on cross, with devil, machine gun, dove

Spiritual tattoos are some of the most powerful in the world. This type of tattoo is mainly chosen for themselves by religious people, openly declaring their strong faith and love for God. Through a religious tattoo, a person demonstrates their power of hope and deep roots of spirituality. By illustrating one's body with Jesus Christ, some people believe it ultimately shows faith in Jesus and his teachings, as well as affirms devotion to Christianity.

Jesus, son of God and the Virgin Mary, has been a source of inspiration in the arts for centuries, delighting millions of people around the world even today. Jesus is portrayed in a number of ways: some people want the compassionate look of Jesus Christ in a tattoo, while others prefer to capture the pain and suffering of Jesus during the crucifixion.

People's views and feelings about religion vary. A tattoo of Jesus may also contain criminal overtones. About the zc-tattoo read here.

Features and Benefits

The "Jesus" tattoo on the arm is a symbol of faith and a tribute to fashion. Nowadays the image of Christ is allowed and it is stuffed in any chosen place on the body. And in XVIII century, the picture was forbidden, as the image enjoyed great popularity, and it was believed that he relieved the suffering of corporal punishment.

Tattoo with the face of the son of God is now in demand by various people.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, chest. Meaning, on cross, with devil, machine gun, dove

It is applied as:

  • decoration;
  • a symbol of faith;
  • a reminder of past sins;
  • amulet from the forces of evil;
  • a reminder of mercy.

The religious-themed picture is popular with men and women of all ages. It is also widely used in prisons.

The advantages of a picture of Jesus on your arm are that:

  • it is visible;
  • can be hidden under clothing;
  • it looks beautiful on the body;
  • can be completed with any details;
  • it is easy to try on a sketch;
  • not difficult to take care of in the process of healing.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

Specialists note that permanent pictures on the hand are a good choice for both the client and the master. It is possible to make both large and miniature images that will look good on the body.

But, one of the main advantages of the tattoo on the hands, is that it is not difficult to take care of it without help. Also, the picture will last a long time, and it is rarely necessary to visit the salon. In addition, the pain during the procedure is minimized.

The disadvantages of a picture of Jesus on the hand can include:

  • possible negativity on the part of others;
  • The duration of the session;
  • Not a lot of pain when working in some places;
  • the price of the work.

Despite the fact that the image with the son of God looks stylish on the body, not everyone around them perceives it normally. Some especially religious people have a negative attitude toward permanent body drawings, and may make remarks to their owners.

Drawing images of Jesus Christ can be time-consuming and stretch over several sessions. It depends on the complexity of the sketch and where the tattoo is applied.

If on the outer side of the hand permanent markings do not hurt, then on the inside of it and on the wrist a person can have unpleasant burning sensations. It should be remembered that the closer the bone and thinner the skin, the more painful the procedure.

The price of the work may also surprise you unpleasantly. The amount also depends on the scale and color of the picture and the place where it is applied.

Tattoo with a cross: varieties of the symbol

There are several kinds of the cross, each bearing a special meaning:

  • Ankh is a cross that came to us from the culture of ancient Egypt, where it symbolized the "key of life. The true meaning of this symbol is still not fully understood. According to archaeological finds Ankh was considered a symbol of eternal life, wisdom and rebirth.

  • The swastika, a symbol that is now forbidden, was considered a talisman by the ancient Slavs. They put it on their clothes, weapons, walls of temples and homes, believing that it bestows them protection, good luck and creativity, vitality and joy.

  • The hands of God is a symbol that came to us from the culture of Pshevořská in the IV century. Today it is used by some neo-pagan associations, but in the art of tattooing is purely aesthetic. The spectacularly complex cross will fit perfectly with subjects dedicated to mythical battles, Celtic mythology and ancient cultures.

  • The Catholic cross, better known as the Latin cross, consists of two perpendicular lines. This symbol indicated the staff of the god Apollo.

  • Orthodox - the shape of the cross is associated with the execution of Jesus Christ.

  • Celtic - the cross inscribed in a circle with the rays coming out of it is a symbol of Celtic Christianity.

Choice of place for application

On the arm tattoo "Jesus" have in its different parts. Effectively, the picture looks on the biceps or in the form of a sleeve. The large-scale image can start on the shoulder and end on the wrist.

Christians in Palestine, for example, have a tattoo of Christ on their wrists. This way they remind those who will bury them to put them to rest according to the customs of the faith.

In addition to the hands, religious tattoos are applied to:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • chest.

Rarely, but rarely, is the image of the son of God on the side of the neck found.

In the East, the choice of location for a permanent picture is taken seriously. According to the doctrine of "Feng Shui" each part of the body is responsible for certain qualities of a person and has its own meaning.

On the arm

The tattoo on the arm is a very common motif. It is placed on the wrist, the back of the hand, the outer and inner parts. Men enjoy the popularity of permanent pictures on the bicep or the entire hand.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, chest. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine gun, dove

According to Eastern teachings, the hands help a man to live in the present. With their help, he can create, protect and embrace. A picture in this area will enhance the external appeal of its owner. In addition, it will be easy to take care of, and it will remain bright for a long time. The tattoo on the arm has no disadvantages.

On the back

Choosing the back as a canvas to create a masterpiece on religious themes, a person can become the owner of a unique work. Tattoo artists like to work with large areas of the body, because it is convenient to apply the drawing and it is not difficult to implement any idea to life.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

The ancients believed that the back symbolizes the past and the lessons a person went through. By tattooing Jesus on this part of the body, a person repents of sins and comes to terms with the present state of affairs.

The advantages of the tattoo on the back include the ability to easily hide the picture and the ease of working with it.

Among the disadvantages are noticed:

  • painful sensations during application;
  • the duration of the session;
  • rapid burnout of the coloring pigment;
  • Difficulty in care during the healing process.

Despite these disadvantages, the back - one of the favorite places for tattooing in men.

On the shoulder

Drawing with Christ some guys are asked to put on the shoulder. According to the beliefs of Eastern Lamas, this part of the body is responsible in the human body for support and endurance.

The picture can both occupy only the shoulder and go further down the arm. The advantages of such an image include a favorable location on the body and the ability to hide, if necessary, under a shirt or sweater sleeve.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

Among the disadvantages of the tattoo on the shoulder stand out the painfulness of the procedure and frequent visits to the tattoo salon for the guidance of the picture. Despite this, this part of the body is also popular among the stronger sex.

On the chest

Jesus on the sternum is often found in men. The large area of this area allows craftsmen to create colored and monotonous masterpieces here.

From an esoteric point of view, the chest is responsible for the man's future and his goals. Getting a tattoo here, its owner programs himself for a righteous existence and the observance of the biblical commandments.

The advantages of placing a tattoo on the chest include:

  • privacy of the drawing;
  • ease of care;
  • The possibility of hiding under clothing.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

Among the disadvantages are painful sensations during the procedure and a long healing process.

Tattoo cross: the history of the symbol

In many ancient cultures, the cross was considered a symbol of masculinity and femininity. The Celts revered it as a sign of faith and infinity of beliefs. In Eastern mythology, the cross symbolized the four corners of the world and was an attribute of the god Ra.

Among Christians, the cross has a special inviolable meaning. He carries deep religious meaning, reminds people of God and his feats, committed for the sake of humanity. The tattoo also has the meaning of the cross, which one carries through life.

In today's world, you don't have to be a deeply religious person to have a cross tattooed on your body. It is a multi-valued symbol that can have completely different meanings depending on a person's country of residence, beliefs and even age.

The cross is the main element in many of the designs. Everyone can complement it with additional details - flowers, inscriptions, thorns, etc., which make the tattoo less religious and more secular.

Styles and colors

Tattoo "Jesus" on the arm perform different styles. The color and size of the picture depends on the chosen sketch and on the desire of the client.

For drawings on biblical themes, there are several techniques of their application.

Style nameFeatures
"Traditional".the picture is executed with black ink, indicating the image with thick lines
"Chacano".the picture in black and white looks like embossing
"Blackwork"on a black background form an image of white stripes on the skin
"Old skool"colored pattern with smooth bold contour lines and transitions
"Realism"colored or black and white picture looks "as if alive"

In most cases, the image of Christ is performed in a monochrome color scheme. Vivid scenes from the life of the savior are rare.

On the cross

The tattoo of the son of God often contains a scene of his crucifixion. There is a cross, which Jesus is carrying or on which he is already serving his sentence. A crown of thorns is seen on his head and crows are circling in the sky.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, chest. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine gun, dove

There are also images in which the face of Jesus shines through in a clear depiction of the cross. The images are usually done in dark ink.

With the devil

Popular among fans of tattoos and plots where the Savior is drawn next to Satan. There are scenes where Jesus sits in contemplation, and behind his back the devil tempts him.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

There are pictures where the Savior and Satan are competing strengths, interlocking hands in an eternal struggle between good and evil. Also popular is the "Steampunk" style tattoo, where the crucified Christ is held by the waist with one hand by a huge devil.

With a machine gun

Depicted on the body of Christ and with firearms. For example, the tattoo shows a tormented Jesus wearing a crown of thorns and rolling his eyes holding a machine gun in his hand. In addition, there is a story where the Savior stands in full growth against the background of the cross, composed of firearms.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

There are tattoos where the son of God stands in a gas mask on the background of skulls and holds a submachine gun in his hands. Such a plot is more characteristic of the "Thrash Polka" or "Steampunk" style.

With a dove

On the bodies of believers can be seen tattoos, where the face of Christ is depicted on the background of a flying dove. There are also pictures of a weary Jesus letting a white bird out of his hands.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

Unusually look on the man's chest picture, where in the center is a dove with outspread wings, and on either side of him stands Jesus and Mary. The image can be either in color or monochrome.

With pistols

The tattoo plot, where Christ is holding pistols in his hands, resembles in stylistics the images where he is holding a machine gun. There may also be firearms on either side of the Savior's face.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on cross, with devil, machine gun, dove

Among the colored sketches on biblical themes, there are some where Jesus with a gun in his hand is aiming at those around him, and red roses lie beneath his feet. As an addition to the storyline, sometimes a cross or a ruined building is drawn on the back.

Other depictions of Jesus Christ

The religious theme occupies a huge niche in medieval art. Artists approached the painting of such pictures with special reverence. As a rule, the faces of the saints were depicted only in temples and cathedrals and only in modern times people began to transfer these images to amateur canvases. Of course, canonical images of Jesus Christ could always be found in church shops on icons, but now the development of this image has gone further.

Jesus Christ on tattoos, as a rule, is depicted in a more humanized form, often without a halo, but it does not spoil the image, but only adds depth to the symbol.

Looking at photos of tattoos of Jesus Christ on the Internet, you can make sure the modern interpretation of the image of the Savior does not lose its meaning and impact on those who see it. New images represent Jesus Christ even closer to ordinary people than before, in this way, the feelings evoked by the image acquire a new shade.

Not only did the great artists choose religious themes for their creations, but today artists and sculptors put their own spin on familiar images. New times call for a revision of symbols and ideals, and fortunately the theme has not lost its significance.

The largest representation of the Savior is in Rio de Janeiro. The forty-meter statue weighs several thousand tons and also became a prototype for the body painting.


On the arm "Jesus" tattoo is worn by both girls and guys. The picture can indicate the religiosity of its owner or a peculiar attitude towards life.

The top 5 meanings of the picture with Christ included:

  1. Faith in a higher power.
  2. Obedience to fate.
  3. Piety.
  4. Remorse for the past.
  5. Protection of family and loved ones.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

In addition to common meanings, there is a tattoo with the Savior and criminal status.

In prison, the picture means:

  • the innocently convicted;
  • repentant of his crimes;
  • a term for hooliganism;
  • obedience only to divine laws;
  • disregard for authority and society.

The meaning of the image is also supplemented by the details found on it.

On the cross

Jesus on the cross is a symbol of punishment received and release. Crucified Savior indicates the tortures and hardships that the person went through. Specialists attach superstitious meaning to such a tattoo and believe that it is better not to wear it on the body, because the owner will fall all the hardships that in life Christ experienced.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

A man in white robes carrying a cross symbolizes humility. The owners of the permanent picture show those around them that they are in agreement with what is going on in their lives.

With the devil.

The image of the devil and Christ symbolizes the eternal confrontation between evil and good. If the characters in the storyline measure their strength by holding hands, it indicates that there is an irreconcilable inner struggle going on in the person.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

In the case where Satan is depicted behind Jesus' back, the tattoo is interpreted as resistance to temptation. Whatever happens in a person's life, he lives by the commandments and does not look in the direction of sin.

With a machine gun

The Son of God with a machine gun is a symbol of protection and the search for justice. Such a picture indicates that the person is tired of waiting for help from the Higher Powers and has taken the situation into his own hands. If Jesus is crucified on a cross with a machine gun, it is considered a symbol of undeserved punishment and that one is opposed to bloodshed and warfare.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

Some people apply such a tattoo as a reminder that the Supreme Court is not always fair. It can also be a symbol of undeserved punishment.

With a dove

The dove is a symbol of peace and goodness. Christ with this bird has a positive meaning and represents purity and chastity.

Tattoo of Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, chest. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine gun, dove
Sketch tattoo of Jesus Christ with a dove

Also in Christianity, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the divine trinity. The bird with outspread wings is a protective symbol and protector from trouble. Sometimes it is a sign of rebirth and growth of the soul.

With a pistol.

Christ holding a gun is a symbol of protection and reprisal against offenders. If the armed savior has ruins behind his back and is standing on skulls, it indicates the participation of the tattoo holder in hostilities.

Tattoo Jesus on arm, back, shoulder, sternum. Meaning, on the cross, with the devil, machine, dove

In the case where the gun's muzzle is pointed at others, the picture symbolizes self-defense and the opening of the hunt for enemies. At the same time a man makes it clear that he lives by his own laws and is not afraid of anything.

A tattoo with Jesus on the arm is a worthy and original decoration for men. Believing people believe that the picture protects them from evil and ensures the patronage of the Higher Power.

Tattoo cross for girls: popular designs and tips on the choice

There is an opinion that the tattoo in the form of a cross is applied by very religious and God-fearing girls. It is partly true, this symbol serves as an additional protection for them. More often the cross symbolizes the Christian foundations to which the woman adheres, and the chaste purity of the girl.


For women

For men