Tattoo cross - Popular cross tattoos and their meanings

Very common in tattoos. There is a stereotype that the cross is necessarily religious symbol, but it is not so.. The symbol itself appeared long before Christianity and was used in pagan rituals.

Nowadays, such a tattoo can be seen in religious people as well as their opposites - atheists.

Who is suitable for whom? Tattoo with such a symbol do both men and girls. A collage on the subject of the tattoo cross. It is also not strictly a religious symbol. Location and style of tattoo. Most often, the cross is depicted in black and white. But, there are photos and sketches of tattoos of almost all styles and all colors.

The meaning of the cross tattoo

For the first time depicting religious symbols people began before the advent of writing. Two intersecting lines is a sign of harmony and combined good and evil. They were also used as a personification of the sides of the world. These hidden meanings are still relevant to the interpretation of this sign.

cross tattoo

Drawing a sketch of the tattoo cross began in the period of early Christianity. It signified self-sacrifice and acceptance of one's way in life. In Scandinavia, it is a representation of power and fertility. In it believers see the hammer of Thor. Bushmen see it as a manifestation of guardianship and protection. The Aborigines of Australia see the sign as a goddess of the moon, the Indians as an image of humanity, and the Chinese as a ladder to heaven. For most cultures, the tattoo of the cross has a positive meaning associated with fertility, happiness and protection.

Tattoo cross for girls: what is the meaning

Ankh tattoos can often be found on the female body. They are characteristic of religious girls who believe in traditions and rituals. Also, this symbol means the ability to be tolerant and strong. It is a sign of chastity and purity.

It is believed that the cross tattoo means care for her honor. This woman is loyal and faithful to her judgement. She takes care of her home and family.

However, cross tattoos are not always applied to the body by people of faith. Girls can use this symbol, putting their own hidden meaning in it. In any case, the use of such a sign indicates the spirituality of the owner of the body drawing.

The meaning of religious tattoos in men

Men put tattoos of crosses on their bodies regardless of their religion. It can be an association with knights, strength, courage and honor. Sometimes the tattoo takes on a metaphorical meaning associated with the winged expression "bear your cross," that is, to have, problems from which there is no getting rid of. It can mean a mistake made, an illness or a tragedy that happened once. It also shows his submission to fate.

The meaning of the cross tattoo in prison

Tattoos with crosses in the zone have several meanings. It can be a symbol of rebellion, denial of his imprisonment or the rules of the prison. If the drawing is applied to the chest, shoulder or arms, it speaks of an unruly character and a desire for a vendetta. If the picture is printed on the fingers, it serves as a symbol of the "reeled off" term. Often the tattoo is accompanied by dots or rays, the number of which reflects the years spent in captivity.

To summarize

The article considered the meaning of the tattoo cross. Sketches of such a symbol can be studied in large numbers. Before you give your body in the hands of the master, it is necessary to think carefully about the drawing. After all, it will remain forever.

Tattoos in the form of a cross are quite widespread. They can be laconic or rich in design, colored or monochrome. By no means always this symbol is chosen by religious people.

Located on the neck, the cross means submission to fate. A girl with such a tattoo can carry information about his spiritual purity. In prison symbolism cross can mean unwillingness to comply with the regime of the place of detention. Also, additional elements near the cross can inform about the length of time serving a sentence.

Whichever symbol is chosen, the main thing that the image was engaged in the application of a professional master of tattooing in the conditions of the salon. If the tools and other important requirements are not sterile, there is a risk of infection.

Tattoos look stylish and make the person original, unlike others. The image of the cross tattoo is popular from ancient times, it was chosen by warriors. Often the owner of the tattoo puts his own meaning into the image.

Varieties of symbol and meaning in each culture

Each culture and religion has its own distinctive features of the depiction of holy symbols.


The cross with the image of clover leaves on the ends is called "bottoni". It is a symbol of the trinity and the resurrection of Christ.


Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol. It translates concepts such as "the key of life." Egyptians believedthat by placing such a symbol in the grave, souls were guaranteed to continue life in the afterlife.

The Armenian cross (sprouted) is a symbol of life-giving power. It is distinguished by the expanded ends of each side.

The Latin cross for Freemasons means the rank of a member of a lodge, for Christians it means the crucifixion, and for Gentiles it means the union of heaven and earth. It has the meaning of salvation and the resurrection of the soul.

Latin Cross

Historical background on the symbolism of the cross

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Today, the cross is the oldest, most interesting and versatile symbol in the art of tattooing. Nakolki with crosses have arisen in the art of tattooing since ancient times and to date have not lost their popularity.

The very image of the "cross" arose a long time before there was writing. The oldest versions of the crosses date back to the Neolithic period, they were represented by cave paintings and petroglyphs.

Drawings of a similar plan can be found in the states of Asia, Africa and America. As a rule, the cross was depicted drawn in a circle and represented a combination of opposite things - sunrise and sunset, night and day, light and darkness, and the like.

Because the cross has always been a well-known symbol of the world, it is not at all surprising that it has different meanings and characteristics.

For example, the word "cross" referred to the weapon with which those condemned to death were tried. And after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of the Son of God, the cross became the main emblem and symbol of the Christian religious current.

It is meant to remind the adherents of Christianity about God, as well as his exploit in order to atone for the sins of men. The cross is a symbol of human suffering, which combines heaven and earth, that is, a certain road of life that each of us must travel. The cross also symbolizes the personal spiritual cross that each of us is forced to bear during our lives.

In addition to the Christian emblem, the cross also represents a very old, universal cosmic symbol. The above two directions can be associated with the four sides of the world, the four phases of the moon (similar to the times of ancient Babylon) or the natural forces, as well as the four main elements of the universe.

In addition, the intersecting two lines are often interpreted as a symbol of the intersection of paternal and maternal energy of all that is on planet Earth. And the point at which the lines intersect is the boundary of the origin of life.

In the Chinese peoples, the cross symbolized a stairway to heaven, and if depicted in a square, it represented our planet. The Mexican symbolism of the cross corresponded with the wind and rain, and there are also variations of Aztec crucifixion drawings.

And widely known throughout the planet, the Celtic cross, which is created by the knots and threads of life, in all cases is depicted in the solar circle and is intended to tell about the repetition of everything in nature, the closure and integrity of the universe, as well as the unification of the elements and natural forces. In addition, it symbolizes the ongoing spiritual development and self-improvement.

Already by the twentieth century in Germany, under the influence of Hitler, the cross began to represent Nazism and late neo-Nazism.

On the African continent, the symbol of the cross refers to the themes of guardianship, protection, unity, destiny and supreme power.

The Greek, perfectly equilateral cross represents the so-called "red cross. And with the Egyptians, the cross with the addition of the loop symbolizes immortality, in some cases showing clues to the understanding of divine wisdom.

In very frequent situations crosses were used in the Middle Ages, especially during the Crusades. At that time, they symbolized honor and power for the Knights of the Teutonic Order and the Templars.

Nowadays, one can come across a variety of cross variations, each of which will have its own unique history and characteristic. Tattoos with crosses are also of great variety and appeal.

If we turn to the Christian funeral tradition, we find another characteristic of this tattoo. So the cross, which is applied to the arm, shoulder, or grave almost always symbolizes the memory of the lost loved one.

It turns out that the cross acts as a universal symbol of many meanings, which in the art of tattooing can have a very variable characteristic. He combines the pagan tradition, Christian, Hinduism and a large number of other cultural and mystical world trends.

There are so many variations of the tattoo cross

Tattoo cross: location on the body

Each person has the right to independently choose the place for the tattoo. In order not to get a double interpretation of the tattoo, it is worthwhile to study the meaning of the chosen place for the drawing in advance. Cross tattoo value is special if depicted on the hand. In this place it serves as a talisman. Get the protection of higher powers can be placed a small cross on the wrist.

Those who want to decorate the body with a large tattoo, are given a few places where it can be applied. Most often, the back and chest are chosen. In these areas you can give free rein to your imagination. Often there are pictures with a crucifix. Tattoo a cross on the shoulder are stuffed more often men.

What does a tattoo on your arm mean?

A tattoo on the arm means that its owner is patient and strong. He can be called a man of honor. Help explain the tattoo can depict the next symbols.

What does the neck tattoo mean?

Someone who makes a tattoo with this sign on the neck, accepted his fate. It is a sign of submission to God and his will. Different meaning of this symbol has for women and men. Girls depict it if they believe in a miracle, and men - if they are prone to fatalism.

The meaning for the stronger sex

For guys the meaning of the cross tattoo is also a symbol of religiosity. But such a sign can also choose an atheist, if he wants to apply the image of a knight's cross. Then the tattoo will become the embodiment of strength, courage, determination, honor.

If the place of drawing will be the neck, the guy wants to show that he gives himself to the will of fate.

Back in the last century, tattooing was usually characteristic of people who were serving prison sentences. They often chose the cross to signify their will, faith in their destiny. But there were also popular cartesian crosses, speaking of the peculiarities of the position of their owner.

If the cross had the appearance of a swastika, it meant that the prisoner did not agree with the prison requirements. Additional images of rays or dots were added to the cross to convey the length of the term of imprisonment. Such drawings were applied in dark blue ink. They were used to identify a person who was already in trouble with the law.

Today, tattoos are applied to everyone who has the desire. And often people interpret the meaning of this or that symbol in their own way.

Cross in a dial

An inverted cross tattoo: what is its meaning?

Inverted crucifixes on tattoos are not common. The sign depicted in this way is called "St. Peter". The minister was crucified head down, which caused the symbol to be further inverted. It is used as a sign of anti-Christianity and Satanism. It is also found among the listeners of heavy metal.

inverted cross


For women

For Men