Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: value, pictures

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

In our day it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the circle of the zodiac. Moreover, very often people, when getting acquainted together, are interested in what constellation they were born under. It is no secret that when looking through horoscopes - in search of an answer to the question of interest - many of us feverishly try to find similar character traits and trace/compare current situations. It's as if we are trying to squeeze into a character description limited by the date of birth. Does everyone understand what the symbols of the zodiac symbols mean?

A little about the history of the symbols

To understand such a system as the Zodiac, it is necessary to make a little excursion into its history. The word "zodiac" has Greek roots and translates as "animals in a circle". (From time to time the expression "animals in a wheel" is used). This circle is divided into twelve perfectly equal sectors, any one of which bears the name of one of the constellations. The Zodiac was known more than four thousand years ago, in Old Babylon. In those ancient times, it was depicted as a circle with the constellations and the luminary revolving around it. It was believed to be the moon. This was explained by the lack of special astronomical instruments with which the constellations could be observed during the day.

In the five hundred years B.C., the zodiacal circle undergoes a major configuration. It was divided into equal fractions, and each was given a name that corresponded to a particular constellation. The earliest inhabitants of Babylon began to take into account not only the motion of the Moon, but also the motion of the other luminaries, namely the Sun.

After Babylon fell, the Greeks of antiquity took up the torch of observation. They were the ones who continued the study of the movements of the celestial bodies. Specifically, the Greeks introduced the term "zodiac," which has safely survived to this day.

Of course, over the long history of the Circle, adjustments have been made. For example, the constellation Luhunga (Peasant), known since the time of Babylon, was renamed to Aries. And the constellation Libra in ancient times, apparently, was not recognized at all. It was first mentioned in the second century AD.

In spite of a thousand years of history, the zodiacal circle, it would seem, has retained its external appearance. But still the main points have been significantly changed. For example, the zodiacal wheel of the old Greeks was divided into thirteen sectors, not twelve. Over time, the thirteenth constellation, the Serpentine, has been lost, or perhaps purposely discarded.



Cancer of the different sexes talk the same way - quietly, without shouting and unnecessary nerves, without raising the voice. Although, of course, they can also yell if they are strongly offended.

When talking Cancer likes to add colors and details to their stories in order to attract the attention of the interlocutor. This can be a half-truth, as well as innuendo or outright complaining.

A pleasant voice and a slight smile of Cancer dispose to the interlocutor from the first minutes of acquaintance.

By the way: if the familiar can spend hours talking about the family, then in unfamiliar company these gentlemen are closed and hide in a dark corner.


  • Cancers are very sensitive. Tell them a sad story - they will immediately get upset, but if you change the subject and talk about funny things, this person's mood will improve. The temper of this sign is extremely fickle - it is undulating, so that the more stable masters (say, those born under the aegis of earth) Cancer can even piss you off.
  • They are sweet and considerate and like to make a pleasant impression. Also, most Cancers are polite.

Taken from Google or Yandex pictures

Their weakness is sentimentality (and this doesn't just apply to children or women, but also to men).

  • Cancers are touchy. If they hear something unpleasant, they can "hide" in themselves for a long time.
  • In new company, they look like couch potatoes who were forcefully dragged out by friends to unwind (and, in fact, they are).


If you crossed paths with Cancer on a blind date or a party, do not be surprised that he will refuse to drink (even "on a ball" or for the health of the birthday boy).

The fact is that the body of such a person is very weak: a couple of glasses - and he is already pissed, and his tongue has become the enemy, and the "second ninety" has chased the adventures. And in the morning such a person just dies - Cancer has a weak stomach.

And what are the Cancerians like on a closer look, that is, on a close acquaintance? An astrologer will tell you:

The Ancient Greek Zodiac.

Symbols of the zodiac signs in order: meaning, pictures

Medieval astronomers made one but very serious mistake. Restoring the astrological knowledge lost during the Inquisition, they took as a basis the calculations of Ptolemy, which for fifteen hundred years have changed significantly, which is completely natural. And the most basic "blunder" can be called a shift in the reference point (the vernal equinox). When Ptolemy made his calculations, it was in the sign of Aries. Unfortunately, the ancient Greeks blindly copied the existing zodiac, and meanwhile the main reference point moved to the symbol of Pisces. Today even a schoolboy knows that every fourth year is a leap year, which means that in four years there is a day of error, but what to say about the past thousands of years? In spite of this, the modern zodiac, which we, for some reason, call Chinese or Oriental, begins with Aries. So it is with him that we will begin to analyze the symbols of the zodiac.

Elements of the zodiac

But before we get down to describing and deciphering these symbolic images, we should briefly mention one more important point. We are talking about the elements, of which there are four: Water, Fire, Air and Earth.

Any one of them patronizes a group of 3 symbols:

  1. Signs of the water element - Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer.
  2. Fire signs - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.
  3. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus belong to the earth element.
  4. And the air element is represented by Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

Any of the mentioned elements has an impact on its group of symbols, endowing people born under one or another constellation with the corresponding character traits.

But now we will try to describe and decipher the zodiac signs (symbols) in order. The main thing is that many people, picking up a horoscope, do not understand the meaning of seemingly completely stupid hieroglyphs, little resembling the image of the zodiacal figures.


Thursday, 22 June 2021 08:15 + to my blog Galyshenka

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Continuing the theme of the constellations and zadiacal signs. Since June 22, the constellation Cancer rules the Zodiacal firmament.

From Latin Cancer is translated as both "crab" and "crab", so the constellation Cancer is depicted differently, and often as a crab. And it could not be depicted in any way, because from Earth, the constellation Cancer looks dark area in the sky, it does not have any bright stars and the naked eye it is not noticeable. How it was considered by ancient astrologers and astronomers is a big mystery. But what they knew about it - it is unequivocal, because in ancient times it was believed that through the dark celestial "hole", located in the constellation of Cancer, human souls come to earth, which are embodied in the people being born. And there is a very bold assumption that the ancient Pueblo Indians who lived in Chaco Canyon, and built roads to nowhere, presumably for ritual purposes, as "highways to the underworld", which are the lines and direction of the path of the Sun something resembles a scheme of the constellation Cancer.

Thus, the pueblo system in Chaco Canyon may be a "mirror of the heavens" of the stellar constellation Cancer. "
So, what is this mysterious constellation?

Cancer found its place in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere (NQ2). It can be found in latitudes from +90° to -60°. In terms of size, it ranks 31st with an area of 506 square degrees. The constellation Cancer is located between Leo and Gemini, and the ecliptic crosses it almost in the middle. The Sun "enters" this cluster of stars on July 21, and exits on August 9.

Cancer contains known celestial objects, among them: the open clusters Manger (Messier 44), Messier 67 and the interacting spiral galaxies NGC 2535 and NGC 2536. A star cluster is a group of several thousand stars. All of them are approximately the same age, as they were formed from one huge interstellar cloud consisting of molecular hydrogen. Other interstellar clouds contain ionized gas. Such molecular clouds are commonly referred to as "stellar mangers". The Cancer Manger - M44 is also called the "Cluster Hive".

There are at least 1000 stars in the core of the Cancer Manger. 63% of these are red dwarfs, and 30% are solar-type F, G, and K-class stars. The brightest are blue-white with magnitudes from 6 to 6.5. The cluster can be viewed without additional technique. It was thus noticed by the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy and named "the nebulous mass in the chest of Cancer. Galileo spotted it in 1609 through a telescope, and Charles Messier added it to his catalog in 1769. Messier 67 (M67, NGC 2682) is one of the oldest clusters discovered. Its approximate age is 3.2-5 billion years. The magnitude is 6.1. Contains more than 100 stars, similar to the Sun, and a number of red giants. Almost all of the stars are the same distance away, and have the same age (except for about 30 blue stragglers). This attracts the attention of scientists to M67, because it allows us to trace stellar evolution. Discovered in 1779 by German astronomer Johann Gottfried Köhler. NGC 2775 (Caldwell-48) is a spiral galaxy at 55.5 million light-years and with a magnitude of 3.11. It has several spiral arms with H II regions (that is, star formation was noticed not so long ago). Discovered by William Herschel in 1783.

The brightest star is Beta Cancer. There is also a meteor shower, Delta Cancrida. It is part of the zodiacal group, among which you can also find Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Alpha Cancer, or Akubens (claw) in Arabic, is about 174 light years from Earth. Delta Cancer is separated from Earth by 180 light years. It is a giant orange star. It has a rather long Latin name, Azellus Australis, which translates to "southern donkey." Zeta Cancer consists of four yellow and white stars. It is 83 light years away from Earth.

The myth of the constellation Cancer.
The mythology of this Zodiac sign tells of a huge Cancer that pinched the leg of Hercules as he fought the nine-headed hydra of Lernaeus.

Moreau Gustave (1826-1896). The myth tells us that Heracles was once sent by the king of Mycenae, Eurysseus, to defeat a terrible monster, the hydra, which lived in a stream near Lerna (Argolida) and attacked cattle and people. Heracles took his nephew Iolaus to help him. When he arrived at the spot where the hydra was said to inhabit, Hercules took his bow off his shoulder and began to send one arrow after another at the hydra. The hydra, noticing the athlete, rushed toward Hercules. At that moment, a huge crayfish called Canzer crawled out of the depths of the swamp to help the hydra and bit into Hercules' leg with its claws. Heracles was helped to get rid of the crayfish by Iolaus, who broke the crayfish's shell. It didn't take long before all the hydra's heads were on the ground.

The brave crayfish, or rather the crab, is also seen in the image. When King Eurysseus learned that Heracles had not fought the hydra alone, he refused to give him credit for the feat. And for Cancer and Hydra, the story ended in a very unusual way: the goddess Hera, who hated Hercules, placed both monsters in the sky as constellations. But, since Cancer still failed, she also punishes him by placing him in an area with no bright stars (no more than magnitude 4).
Cancer - Sign of the Zodiac.

The constellation Cancer is zodiacal, and thus is part of the "animal circle" and has its own meaning in stellar astrology. The time period in it differs from the actual one. That is, people who were born between June 22 and July 22 are considered to have been born under Cancer, even though the Sun crosses the constellation from July 21 to August 9. So it's up to everyone to believe the astronomical predictions or not. Meaning of the Name: Cancer (crab) - a symbol of backwardness, conservatism and tradition, home and family Cancer Dates: June 22 - July 22 Symbol of Cancer: ♋ Sign Type: Water - Cardinal - Negative Planet Cancer: Moon Happy Color: Orange, White Cancer Sign Flowers: Acanthus Stone Cancer: Ruby People born under the sign of Cancer, which is controlled by the mysterious Moon, is one of the mysteries of the zodiac. It's fair to say that most Cancers are a bundle of unimaginable contradictions. Compassionate and caring about friends, family, and their loved ones, Cancers can still drive anyone to a nervous breakdown with their zealous remarks and almost never-ending caprices. Just as the Moon undergoes many changes, from a weak month to a full phase, so does Cancer, throughout life, go through a kind of different phases of change, gaining experience and knowledge. Life does not stop for this sign of the zodiac, even if Cancer stays in one place, they live in their world, in the ocean of inner emotions. Their connection with the Moon, often makes it impossible to adequately respond to changes in the world around them, and much of what is happening in their world, can turn upside down in a matter of seconds. Their life is like a roller coaster, leaving them no other option than to live in the present moment, but this peculiarity is part of their charm.

Attractively eccentric on the one hand, Cancers are extremely zealous about how they look in society and in the eyes of others. Like their astrological symbol, Cancerians may appear hard, callous and insensitive to their surroundings, yet beneath their thick shell is a soft, sensual and gentle creature. After all, all Cancerians are children of the Moon, the patroness of all lovers. Love and romantic relationships are the main link in the life of a Cancer, of course, it is worth noting that because of some need for well-off rear, sometimes, lofty feelings share first place with material well-being, and yet we note that no other representative of the zodiac circle is incapable, so seriously, to take a love relationship as a Cancer. No other person experiences the loss of a loved one so sincerely. With their volatile nature, Cancers are charming, mysterious, and charming all over again. This sign is one of the most magical and once their magic reaches you, they will be your most seductive and desirable companions.

The full nature of people born under the sign of Cancer is revealed in the moonlight, which suits their fickle emotions very well.

Bestiary series of posts:
Part 1 - Elven Natives. Part 2 - Comics from the Middle Ages. Wonders of Nature ... Part 28 - KVN not TV ... Part 29 - KVN no longer the same ... Part 30 - Constellation Cancer in Astronomy, Astrology and Legends Part 31 - Constellation Scorpio in Astronomy, Astrology and Legends Part 32 - Constellation Capricorn in Astronomy, Astrology and Legends ... Part 34 - The Terror of Gadfly Province. When life is scarier than a fairy tale Part 35 -


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