"Tattoo Veles" One of the most demanded Nakoloko with Slavic symbols.

Tattoo Veles tattoo seal endowed with special sacred meaning. This image can not be chosen as a banal adornment - it can cause trouble and misfortune. People of traditional (i.e., generally recognized) religious denominations should desirably refrain from such a picture. Who can wear the sign of Veles on the body, what magical powers endows the person with this tattoo?

The legend of the deity

The Slavic god Veles, according to legends, made this world come into motion, breathed life into it. This woodland werewolf god could bestow wisdom, was the patron saint of witches and wizards.

The symbol of Veles is an inverted triangle, a stylized image of a bull's head with horns. The symbol of Veles is an inverted triangle, a stylized image of a bull's head with horns.

However, more often Veles appeared to people in the image of a forest master - a bear. So you can meet his other symbol - a bear's paw or its imprint.

In the world of the ancient Slavs, it was one of the most revered deities of the older generation. Veles patronized agriculture, was responsible for the fertility of soils and forests, guarded cattlemen and their animals. He was also the protector of the family and clan.

Veles was once cast out into the world of men, but among them he lived good-naturedly, taught man many useful things - to raise cattle, to work the land. He brought the most talented ones close to him and shared his magical knowledge, the secrets of existence, and the secrets of the gods.

The last stage of initiation and amplification

Initiation with air is the final stage. The pendant is placed on the open palm. The fingers of one hand fold into a ring and blow into it on the amulet. Blow on the amulet needed until the feeling comes that part of the power moved into the thing. After this ritual, you can wear the talisman. Now it is a real amulet, which can protect from all unpleasantness and direct to the right path of the one who lost its way.

To make the amulet more powerful, you need to give a gift to the deity. To do this on Wednesday, go to the woods and bring Velesu honey and wine. Do not leave the offering wherever you want. One must go to the very thicket and walk through the forest, as if to merge with nature. At this moment it is possible to ask God for everything that is necessary.

At the end of the ritual, a stump should be sprinkled with wine and honey. On the amulet also it is necessary to put a couple of drops of the offering. Repeat the ritual as long as necessary. On particularly difficult days, you should not put off a visit to the forest: it is important to talk to the trees, to appeal to the spirit of the forest, and it will become easier.

Let's study the tattoo of Veles

So, what can be said about the owner of such a tattoo? It is important to remember that the true meaning knows only the bearer himself, who came up with, ordered and wears this image. And only after that it is possible to interpret this mysterious symbolism. In a general sense, we can assume that the picture carries the following set of meanings:

  • The owner of a tattoo of Veles - if not a Rodnover, then clearly honors the memory of Slavic ancestors and their heritage, with respect and even religiously refers to the pantheon of ancient Slavic deities.
  • The person is interested in ancient rituals and traditions, especially magical ones.
  • The bearer may consciously or unconsciously, by virtue of his mythological consciousness, refer to the Slavic gods as patrons. In this case - to Veles himself. Perhaps he needs knowledge; he longs to know the mysteries of the world and the eternal truth.
  • This person seeks to understand the laws of life, the secret side of the universe.
  • He has developed intuition, even clairvoyance or a penchant for vision. He likes to reflect, to be alone with himself.
  • The tattoo of Veles - the god with the talent of shapeshifting - can mean a longing for nature, reverence for the elements and natural forces. Perhaps the person recognizes its divine nature.
  • Tau Veles - the desire to attract material prosperity in his life, through the patron of fertility to achieve financial profits.
  • It is the traveler who wishes to enlist the support of such a road patron. Veles was a wandering deity, bailing out travelers.

What does it protect against?

Veles amulet has a purposeful action and is able to protect a person from various troubles and misfortunes. Especially useful in ancient times was considered help amulet travelers and traders, because on their way often met dangerous situations. And today, to minimize accidental risks adherents of ancient Slavic traditions prefer to take Veles amulet on trips.

In addition amulet Veles:

  • Can protect against crop failure. Therefore, it is recommended to use the people whose work is connected with agriculture.
  • Useful to people who are engaged in business. He will eliminate errors in transactions and help make wise decisions.
  • It helps unleash creativity and hidden natural abilities. It will allow becoming a successful person.

A person wearing the amulet of Veles, will gain confidence, improve their own self-esteem, he quickly develop intuition. And this explains the fact that in ancient times, the amulet of Veles was an obligatory attribute of magicians and sorcerers.
The amulet also protected warriors who defended their homeland. Today, it is recommended to be worn by military personnel, law enforcement officers, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The symbol of Veles will not only acquire physical strength, but also to develop spiritually.

Amulets and amulets of Veles

Among the common amulets of Veles is the brand, which is applied to cattle. Some cattlemen even today put a schematically depicted bull's head on the gates of their pens to ask the "cattle god" for protection for their herds. The star, seal and amulet are also among the sacred symbols of the deity. The rune of Veles is considered by practitioners to be the Vendian symbol Wind. The meaning of the rune of Veles represents sacred fire, which purifies man and burns away the shackles of the mind. It is similar to the equivalent exchange required to make a deal - to comprehend the mysteries of the universe, make a sacrifice, yourself.

The runes of Veles are considered by practitioners to be the Vendian symbol Wind. In the northern tradition of runes people discovered Odin, in Slavic mythology, the role of discoverer of runes assigned Velesu. He was in charge of the runes and gave the signs to those who saw the hidden. Runa symbolizes balance, the balance between reality and human dreams. The rune is used for divination in the search for psychological blocks and clamps, its interpretation - the will and strength of spirit. With the help of runes Velesa man finds the power to move forward, removing the cause of stagnation.

The image of the runes are applied to the body, furniture and walls in the house to unlock the potential of the person and clear the way from outdated beliefs and unnecessary ties. It is worth remembering that the ancient practices resorted to the power of the runes Veles in urgent cases where other ways were powerless to solve the overdue problem. Runu Veles activate fire, three times stipulated and bring an offering to the god - sweets, alcohol and honey.

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Seal of Veles

The action of the seal of Veles is similar to the effect of a rune. The seal looks like a clawed bear's paw, in the center of which a symbol of the god is applied. The ancient Slavs wore it when they left their homes for a long time. Ancestors believed that the sign of Veles protects against enemies and dangers of wildlife, because the deity knows how to subdue the animals and tame the power of the elements. A bear's paw guaranteed the bearer good health and symbolized justice.

The symbol of Veles is considered a male symbol, although modern women also use it as a protective sign. However, the representatives of the weaker sex, who resort to the help of the "cattle deity", should be prepared for the fact that their behavior will be brightly manifested masculine traits.

Amulet attracts success in magical practices, sharpen the propensity for divination and attracts good luck to the wearer. Activate the seal of Veles at sunset, at dusk. Find a glade of spruce overgrown with moss, meditate, mentally appealing to Veles. Bring an offering - kvass or beer. It is recommended to activate the amulet on January 2-6, May 22, July 12, August 18-20, or December 22-24.

The symbol of Veles out of wood

Symbol of Veles made of wood

Star of Veles

Each Slavic deity has a star composed of repeating symbols. Veles corresponds to the number six, so the star is six-rayed. The star of Veles today is called "dauda" or "hexagram", in common parlance - "Star of David". This symbol is emblazoned on the flag of Israel, but it does not belong to the Jewish religion and was borrowed by the Jews relatively recently. The first mention of the six-pointed star is found in sources that describe the Bronze Age. Archaeologists have found images of Daudah on the household items of many peoples, including Jews. Researchers agree that at that time the image did not have a sacred meaning and was used as an element of decoration.

Nomadic Slavs of the Persian region called the hexagram Seal of Solomon. The upper triangular part symbolized the masculine beginning, the goddess Daya, and the lower part referred to the goddess Mara, the patroness of death. Hexagram unites male and female, Sun and Moon, Nav and Yav. The star of Veles was used in Nazi symbolism, and was seen as a negative symbol of the deity who rejected light and embraced darkness. The sign represents the struggle of the antagonists, familiar to every person. Without seeing the darkness, it is impossible to know the light.

In modern magical practices, the star of Veles is used as a mirror - to reflect negative intentions and the evil eye.

Veles amulet

An amulet of Veles resembles a schematically drawn bull's head. This image is often found in the burial places of the ancient Slavs, because Veles guards the gates to the world of the dead and distributes souls according to their deeds in earthly incarnation. Amulet is considered neutral and suitable for people of both sexes. He perfectly helps beginners on the path of knowledge of esoteric wisdom and reveals the inner reserves of man, sharpening sensitivity and attentiveness. Correctly adjusted amulet gives an opportunity to set up a channel of communication with deceased ancestors.

For people who associate life with the military path, amulet Veles will be useless and will not have any noticeable impact.

Stav of Veles

The Slavs considered Veles the second most important god in their pantheon. He was worshipped and brought generous offerings, asked for help and received from him secret knowledge. He sets the world in motion, the breath of the earth and the change of cycles, the passage of time and the wisdom of the ages in his actions. The ancestors regarded the deity as a teacher, respected and glorified him. To placate the god, they created staves praising Veles - ritual words with which the ancestors addressed to the supreme forces. The text of the praise vary depending on the content, stavka read differently: repeat ten times in front of the flame of a candle or commit multiples of three repetitions.

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Hoy Velesec believing, for Krom, Spear of Mouth holding, path keeping Glory to the Magician Gods and God of Magicians! Playing the tambourine, guiding the way, revealing the secrets of the world, Hail to the Ancient One! Hail to the Wise Man! The giver of blessings in Life, the bringer of death into Navia, the giver of breath, the melter of treasures - Hail, Guslar! Hail to the Woodland! Hail to Veles in the three worlds! Goy!

After saying the stav, people bring offerings - honey, alcohol, meat or poultry, eggs, flowers, ribbons, and grain. God also loves gold - jewelry made of the noble metal is also suitable as an offering. The ritual of worship of Veles is carried out in the dark time of the day on flat clearings, avoiding high places.

The variants of sketches

Tattoo of Veles is most often chosen in the form of the image of the god himself - as he is represented by the customer, because there is no unambiguous source. According to ancient descriptions, this is an old gray-haired man, wrapped in a bear's fur or in a cloak, with a magical staff in his hand. The staff looks like a club, a cudgel or a thick branch, reminding of the forest element, which is ruled by Veles.

A large, detailed tattoo of a deity with all the attributes are often applied to the back, so that it was easy to read the entire scale and could be quality painted conceived. Often the composition is accompanied by elements of wildlife or a detailed forest background.

Being simultaneously a man and a bear, this god combines animal and human origins. In this vein, bear paw, horned and furry silhouettes without designation of face are often stuffed.

Myths associated with the origin of Veles

One of the most famous legends about the origin of this deity is closely intertwined with folk tales. The god Svarog had no children. His wife turned to the wise Makosh for help. On her advice Lada went to Smetan Lake, the Garden of Eden. Out of the white waters she fished a pike. She cooked the magical fish and ate it for dinner, and threw the rest of the fish into the field. The cow Zemun grazed in the meadow and finished her bones. According to an ancient Slavic myth, our Galaxy and the Milky Way came from the milk of this celestial creature. After some time in Lada and Svarog were born three daughters. The divine cow gave birth to Veles - half man, half bull. He was endowed with the gift of witchcraft, could change his appearance and appeared before the Gods in the form of a bear. He became the patron of the animal world, shepherds and hunters.

According to another legend, Veles was created by Rod himself, who created the kingdom of heaven and earth. He took a piece of the primary matter and breathed new life into the form of Veles. The deity was given to know the mysteries of the two opposite worlds - good and evil. He was endowed with power, strength and wisdom, because he was especially revered by the Slavs. Depicted as a mighty long-bearded old man, holding in his hands a staff. Not forgetting his original appearance, there was also a bear. Our ancestors believed that this animal was most favored by the werewolf god. According to ancient belief, the mark of the bear was the seal of Veles. Such a sacred symbol became one of his personifications.

Bear - the meaning in magic, myths and legends of the Slavs and other peoples

The Bear amulet is endowed with the magical power of Slavic myths and legends. In magical rites, the clawed bear was the patron saint of men's strength of warriors and the courage of defenders. The bear's claw was used as an amulet by hunters.

A bear's claw was used as a magical object to arouse male strength, endurance and agility.

In ancient times, people did not want to oppose nature: they wanted to find harmony with it. That is why the Slavs and other peoples believed in the power of nature, worshipped numerous spirits in the form of animals. The animal world in their understanding is a prototype of the human world, and the forest animals are their brothers.

One of the most mysterious and powerful animals of the Slavs was the bear. The winter sleep of the animal allowed the northerners to draw an analogy between the bear and Dazhdbog, whose awakening symbolized the awakening of nature in the spring. The master of the northern forests was often mentioned in oral folklore.

The seal of Veles
The Slavic tribes believed that only Veles, whose will the bear executes, was stronger than the bear. That's why next to the image of a bear there was often a seal of Veles - an imprint of his paw.

  • In legends, the bear was considered the patron saint of fishing and hunting.
  • Also he was worshipped as the main guardian of livestock. The bear's claw, paw or bear's fang were placed over the entrance to the cowshed or stall to protect sheep, cows and horses from disease.
  • A bear's head pinned over the entrance to the cowshed symbolised the fertility of cattle.
  • To protect the henhouse against foxes, it was smoked with the hair of a feline.

Practically every incantation mentioned a bear, which people asked "to take illnesses to the dark forest", "to protect the house from trouble", and "to overcome disease".

Over time, the bear became associated with fecundity. There was an old ballad that told of a woman who grieved because she had no children. Every evening she went out to the edge of the forest and sang sad songs, asking the spirits of nature for a child. One day a bear heard her songs.

The animal chased the woman, the woman ran for a long time through the woods, stumbled and fell. She was already prepared that in the next moment the predator would tear her to pieces, but the beast just jumped over her and ran away into the thicket. The woman soon became pregnant. The ballad concludes with a description of a happy old age of a woman surrounded by 9 sons: a bowman, a merchant, a bogatyr, a shipwright, a tesla, a skinner, a brazier, a potter, and a blacksmith. It is believed that the children of this woman became the ancestors of traditional northern crafts.

In Siberia, it is believed that the bear can cure many diseases. In those areas, in case of bronchitis, pneumonia, people rub children with bear fat, which has a warming effect. Stuttering and fever in children were treated by smothering them with bear hair.

The power of bears and their anger in early spring made it popular among magicians and sorcerers to believe that people with bad intentions turned into bears. If any person of ill fame happened to be missing, it was believed that he turned into a bear. It was also thought that a witch could turn a man into a bear for adultery.

What does the seal look like?

Worshiping powerful unknown forces, our ancestors created magical designs and amulets as an earthly embodiment of the deity. It was believed that through such items, an energetic connection with the Almighty was carried out. The most famous symbol associated with Veles is an inverted letter "A", or an arrowhead. One opinion is that it is a simplified symbol of the head of a bull, in this beast could turn into a werewolf god. The peasants often painted such a sign on the gates of cowsheds, near the pasture, to protect the cattle from evil spirits.

Preparatory stage before activation

Before you activate the seal of Veles, you must prepare the amulet for laying the information. Stages of preparation:

  • purification;
  • sanctification.

Most often, talismans are bought in stores, so it will be necessary to carry out a purification rite to erase unnecessary information. Previously, jewelry for protection was made independently. Most often, silver was used to make such things. This material is considered the most powerful in magical circles.

For purification, take salt and water. As is known, salt and water are the best purifiers. Pendant is immersed in a glass with salted water for a day. After use, the salt solution should be poured under the tree, and it is desirable to get rid of the liquid as soon as possible.

The ritual of consecration is carried out with the help of a consecrated candle and holy water in all solitude at any convenient time of the day. You must sit in the middle of the room, light the candle and put the amulet beside it, and concentrate on the fire. After a full visualization of the fire, it is necessary to splash the candle with a light of your own choice on a piece of paper.

After full visualization, it is necessary to sprinkle the amulet crosswise with holy water and say the following words:

"My heavenly patron, give your priceless gift, endow with the ability to think sensibly, banish from the road worries and demon terrible, fierce enemy, give to the house wealth, and for the soul peace."

Immediately after finishing the ritual, it is necessary to wear the pendant and wear it for a whole day so that the ornament is saturated with energy and becomes one with its owner.

Variety of signs

The sign of Veles in the form of an inverted letter "A" is not the only image, and each carries its own sacred meaning:

  • Seal - personification of power and might.
  • Triglav - promotes the development of creative potential.
  • Serpentine protects against evil forces and theft.

Symbolic amulets are often complemented by some images, which will change the effect and purpose of the magic item.

  • Sword, armor of a warrior.
  • Bird - sometimes portrayed as a companion of Veles.
  • Staff.
  • Shepherd's horn.
  • Horns, head of a buffalo.

Bear's paw - the meaning.

In Slavic mythology, it was the bear that most often became the second image of Veles. In this image, he appeared to man, which foreshadowed good luck in business and prosperity. In this image, the bear appeared in the man's body as a harbinger of good deeds. The Slavs believed that in this way the god made his presence known. A likeness of a paw is the amulet Seal of Veles, one of the strongest Slavic talismans. A person who is under the protection of such a sign, confidently goes to his goal. In modern life, it is recommended to traders. Contributes to the conclusion of lucrative deals and stable profits.

Seal Veles Bear Paw serves as protection against dark magical forces. Powerful energy amulet will put a reliable shield. In addition, the owner of the amulet is able to realize the magical possibilities. If a child wears a Bear Paw amulet in early childhood, he develops intuitive abilities to help avoid unpleasant situations in life. Appears ability to anticipate future events. For travelers, the protection of this talisman is necessary. Its energy will protect from trouble on the way. Seal of Veles Bear Paw was popular among merchants as protection against robbers. It was believed that evil intentions of dashing people were destroyed by the energy coming from the talisman. The person becomes decisive and quickly achieves the goal and feels mastery. A man becomes resolute, quickly reaches the goal, feeling himself the master.

For whom is intended

If you think that the seal of Veles can be worn by everyone, this is a profound misconception. This symbol is a great sacred sign. And it can only be worn by those whose thoughts are pure. Those who give of themselves to the service and protection of people. And those who sincerely believe in the power of the sign. Amulet must be worn without exposing it to all people. Can be worn as a piece of jewelry: on a ring, belt or clothing.

The Seal of Veles is designed to help men - warriors. And no matter what era they live in. In all ages, people need protection. Having this amulet, a man becomes a warrior of Light. He is assisted by the Divine Higher Powers.

The Seal of Veles is also intended for those who would like to devote themselves to the service of peace and love. Those who have good thoughts and deeds.

If parents want their son to grow up courageous and disciplined, the sacred sign is put on the child from early childhood. Then he will gradually develop the character traits corresponding to the leader and master of life.

But categorically not suitable sign those who have negative thoughts. Envious and greedy people should not wear this sign. Veles will not help people with black thoughts. On the contrary, it may punish. Therefore, before wearing the symbol, look inside yourself: who you are, what kind of person you are. With good you to people or not?

The meaning of the wolf's paw

The question may arise: "Isn't it a mistake?" No not a mistake - this amulet exists. It differs from the Bear's Footprint in that it has four fingers. Wolf footprint is such, while the bear leaves a five-toed imprint. According to legend, the wolf is one of the hypostasis of the werewolf god. In this form, he sometimes appeared to people, because the mark was considered a good harbinger. The seal of Veles Wolf's paw of the ancient Slavs had a slightly different interpretation. It is connected with the difference in the habits of these two animals. This amulet is recommended to those who seek freedom and independence. It will help to form the character of a leader. You can rely on such people in any situation, they will protect without knowing fear. Otherwise, the Seal of Veles the Wolf's Paw carries the same meaning as the bear's paw.

How to activate the symbol?

As an offering to the deity for the opportunity to use the power of the talisman, you can leave pig meat.
Practitioners believe that the paw of Veles, which was filled with power among trees - pines, cedars or firs - has the greatest power. Favorable time of day - after sunset, because the god opens to mortals the veil of Navi, contact with which is strong at night. Activation takes place in solitude, phones and other equipment must be turned off. The seal is clenched in the palms of the hands and the request-address to the deity is mentally pronounced. Then at the top of the hill after midnight, it is recommended to leave an offering. Veles loves cow oil, pork, animal skins, bread, wine, and honey.

At home, activation with the elements of water and flame is carried out. When the person is alone, light a wick, and put the symbol in a bowl with water collected from a stream, spring, or spring. Next, a prayer to the deity is said. As a supplement, sometimes the powers of the remaining elements are used, for this purpose, the amulet of the seal of Veles is buried in the ground, and then fumed with incense.

Activating the amulet

If you purchased or made with your own hands this item does not mean that magic will happen. The energy of Veles will touch you when it is really necessary and your thoughts are directed to the good. It is important to know that any purchased talisman should be purified first, and then activated. What is the purpose of the cleansing ritual? You do not know the craftsman who made the object, his intentions are unknown. Before the talisman came to you, it passed through many hands. Perhaps, at some stage, your future amulet absorbed some negativity. To get rid of it, put the object on salt for some time. The used crystals are thrown into the fire. After that, take the talisman in your palms, warm it with the warmth of your hands and your breath. The object should "get used to" you, feel the aura of the body. You can read incantations, and it is not necessary to know the texts. Suffice it to say your own words, spoken with faith in the power of Veles. The activation ritual is completed - the amulet can be worn. Some sources have information that for cleaning use holy water, but this question is quite controversial. It is known that the Christian church takes negatively pagan rituals.

Charging amulet "Seal of Veles".

But purification is only the first stage. In order for the talisman to work in full force, it must be charged. This process is relevant to almost all Slavic amulets, the activation of which differs depending on what is depicted on them. The seal is activated in a coniferous forest. The recommended time for this action is the evening twilight, but the best time is the Great Day of Veles, its holiday falls on February 24.

All you need is to find a comfortable clearing where you will sit for some time in absolute silence with an amulet in your hands. Talk to it about your desires and expectations, tell why you need protection. You can recite the homily to Veles, and also bring a tribute - homemade kvass or beer. It is believed that the amulet is activated if you feel the presence of the deity in the clearing.

Charging amulet Seal of Veles

Rules for wearing the amulet, who is suitable

It is allowed to wear to any person who believes in the power of magical objects and reveres Slavic culture. Such a talisman will help a child to choose life guidelines, not to slip into the wrong path. Adults will show the way out of difficult situations, protect from negativity coming from evil and envious people. For women who have too soft character, will give firmness of conviction. But for ladies, it is not desirable to wear the seal all the time. Men will help find determination and courage, protects against misfortune, and will bring good luck. Recommended for people of dangerous occupations.

Amulet worn on a natural thread or metal chain, worn around the neck, preferably under clothing. These items should not be flaunted. Symbol of Veles in the form of the inverted letter "A" can be embroidered on clothing. Allowed to wear as a talisman rings, earrings and buckles.

Useful tips

The above images can be used as a tattoo or a handmade amulet. In any case, the effect of the amulet will be quite strong, as some esotericists believe. However, Christians should know that the Bible forbids paganism and the occult. A tattoo with a pagan symbol is incompatible with the Christian worldview.

While choosing a sketch for a tattoo it's necessary to take into consideration that a symbol shouldn't be too big (up to 3-4 cm). It is better to apply it to the hand (shoulder, wrist, hand). Some people prefer to perform such a tattoo in the chest area.

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Photo gallery of tattoos

Tattoos with the sign of Veles

Recently, it has become popular to put sacred images on the body. Some of them are strictly forbidden to use. The sketch of the Bear or Wolf trace will not harm its owner. The fair sex is better to give up on such a drawing, unless you have set a goal to eradicate feminine character traits. Men such a tattoo will help to become more confident, will give the strength of a warrior capable of protecting the family and the homeland. In addition, the symbol of Veles means - the owner honors the memory of the tribe, knows his roots. Drawing Wolf tracks can be interpreted as loyalty, and on the body of a woman a sign of the search for support in the face of a man, the desire to find the "leader of the pack. Inflicted tattoo on the shoulder, leg, chest and back. Preferably, it was not explicitly in plain sight.

The amulet with their own hands

Objects made with your own hands have more power. Those who are familiar with woodcarving amulet Seal of Veles can be carved on a spoke of ash, birch or maple. Its symbolism is simple and the work will not be difficult. Women can use the technique of embroidery, making an ornament on clothing. During the work, it is necessary to observe the rules of making objects:

  • It is not desirable to make the amulet for yourself.
  • Think only bright and positive thoughts, directed to the person to whom the talisman is intended.
  • Do not do needlework on Friday and Sunday before lunch.
  • Make the amulet on a rising moon.
  • Nothing should distract you - silence and total immersion in the creative process.
  • If you do embroidery, do not leave unfinished work in plain sight and do not put it on the bed.
  • Ask the tree's forgiveness for breaking a branch for a talisman, and leave a coin under the crown.

Seal of Veles is the most ancient magical symbol that survives to this day. People who respect their Slavic roots and have faith will find protection and patronage of the deity revered by our ancestors.

How to clean and charge the amulet

Any amulet is just a piece of jewelry or trinket if it is not purified and activated. To remove someone else's energy and negativity from an artifact, you must:

  • place the item in a container with spring or well water;
  • leave it there for the night;
  • In the morning, pour the water into the ground;
  • wipe the amulet with a clean cloth dry.

The salt is also quite good for removal of other people's energy. If it is not possible to go out of town, where there is suitable water, you should put the product in a container of salt overnight. In the morning, it should be rinsed under running water and wiped dry with a clean rag.

Another option is cleaning with fire. For this, it is necessary to wait until nightfall and stay in a room. On a table, put three candles in a row and light them. Hold the talisman alternately over the flame of each of them, mentally imagining how it is being cleansed.

After removing someone else's energy, you should charge the amulet of Veles. To do this, you will need to perform the following actions:

  • Seclude yourself indoors. It is important that no one and nothing distracted from the ritual.
  • On the table, you must place objects symbolizing the elements: a container of water, a lighted candle, a handful of earth or a stone.
  • Put the product in the center of the table and concentrate on problems in which the help of higher forces is required.
  • You will be able to use the talisman in the same way as you did in the first place.
  • Then put the amulet on the ground, then in a container with water and hold it over a candle flame.
  • At the end, take the artifact with two hands and raise it above the table to charge it with the power of the element of air.

At night, you should wrap the amulet in a clean cloth or towel and leave in a secluded place until morning. After that, you can wear it.


For women

For men