Meaning of Matryoshka tattoos and their combination with other symbols

Matryoshka is a well-known wooden toy, which has original Slavic roots. Traditionally, she is depicted as a Russian girl in a national costume. The peculiarity of wooden dolls is that inside it there are a few more of the same figures of smaller size. Their number can be different, but the classic version assumes 7 matryoshkas.

The toy has become one of the main symbols of Slavic culture, and tourists buy dolls as souvenirs from Russia. Tattoo with matryoshka can be endowed with different meanings, which is influenced by a number of factors.

Matryoshka: Meaning

The exact origin of the wooden doll is unknown. According to one version, she appeared in Japan, but represented the god Fukuruma. Russian artist Milyutin liked this toy very much, and he decided to adopt the idea, creating a doll in the image of a Slavic girl. The lathe operator Zvezdochkin carved the figure out of wood, and the painter painted it.

No less mysterious is the very name "matryoshka". According to a previous version, the painter Milyutin often attended evenings at the house of the landowner Mamontov, where the girl Matrena worked as a servant. The painter fell in love with the red-cheeked beauty and named his creation after her.

On the one hand, a matryoshka is nothing more than an ordinary toy, with the help of which children can develop hand coordination and logical thinking. On the other hand, it is a national symbol. However, the doll also has a sacred meaning.

What is a matryoshka doll?

Matryoshka is a wooden toy. Its peculiarity is that it is empty inside. The toy is disassembled into two halves, the upper and lower, inside which is placed a smaller matryoshka, and so on several times. Usually such surprises are not less than three pieces. Traditional matryoshkas represent the image of a girl in a red sundress and scarf. However, now there are many variations.

Matryoshka tattoo, photos of which are easy to find, can look quite exotic or gloomy. Often, instead of a young lady's face, images of politicians or even a skull can be used. However, currently in vogue are the so-called portrait matryoshkas, when the toy is made to order, painting each face of a family member. You can also find matryoshkas with famous soccer players or TV series characters.

Tattoo of a colored matryoshka doll
Color tattoo of matryoshkas

Seven dolls

Seven little dolls represent seven thin human bodies. Each of them has its own color, corresponding to the color of the chakra. The smallest matryoshka is red, it symbolizes the physical body of man. Many people are convinced that it is the most important thing. However, this shell is only meant to protect a person from adverse external factors, but it is not capable of thinking and being aware of mental concepts. This matryoshka represents a person's ability to draw energy from the earth and sustain their physical existence.

The second doll is orange in color and symbolizes the energy body. It represents the relationship between a man and a woman and the ability to reproduce the human race. The third matryoshka is associated with the astral body of a person and is yellow in color. Here are all the fears of man, the ability to resist them and survive. The fourth doll is green, it characterizes the mental body of a person and corresponds to the heart chakra.

Matryoshka symbolizes ability of the person to love and accept love from other people. The fifth doll characterizes creative abilities. It corresponds to the casual body and blue color. The sixth matryoshka contains intuition, the gift of foresight and the will to act. The seventh doll is the last and the biggest. It represents human spirituality, wisdom and awareness of the essence of processes in the universe.

Symbol of patriotism

The matryoshka tattoo indicates the interest of the tattoo holder in spiritual practices and self-development. If a person scores such a tattoo, it means he has reached the last stage of his development and established contact between all the energy centers. Matryoshka symbolizes the wholeness of man, inner harmony and balance.

A Russian doll can be stuffed as a symbol of patriotism and love for the homeland. Such people are inclined to study the history and culture of their country. They honor the memory of their ancestors and respect traditions. Also, the tattoo means that its owner will never leave his homeland and will forever remain devoted to it.

Another meaning of matryoshka is a plural structure of character. The owner of such a tattoo is an unpredictable person, and his behavior depends only on internal reasons. It is unknown what to expect from such a person, as he contains unstable mental processes. In this meaning, the tattoo is suitable for creative people who depend on inspiration and have a multifaceted inner world.

Meaning for men

Young men rarely choose the classic image of a matryoshka. More often there are tattoos with mystical elements. A doll with a face of a dead man or a skeleton symbolizes the desire of the tattoo owner to influence people through intimidation. On the other hand, such a tattoo can mean disregard for death or lack of fear of it.

A frowning matryoshka indicates a man's interest in mysticism. Such young men look for something mysterious and unexplainable in ordinary things. The gloomy face of the colorful matryoshka demonstrates that one does not trust all that is beautiful in the world and sees the other side of things.

Stylistic and plot solutions

Matryoshka tattoo on the leg or arm is encountered most often. The reason for this is the form of the figure, which just fits perfectly in these places.

If you view the photo tattoo matryoshka in the already completed form or flip through catalogs of sketches, the image options of this traditional toys there are a lot. In its familiar form it will look good in the oldskool style. It is great for depicting folk paintings, colorful scarves and sundresses. The style looks simple enough, and the traditional matryoshka just does not assume any extravagances. Bright saturated colors and clear broad outlines will favorably emphasize the features of the image.

If you like monochrome works, matryoshka in Dotwork style will become a really original decoration of your body. This tattoo is usually quite far from the traditional doll image, often with Indian motifs due to the use of mandalas, with which Dotwork is usually associated. This tattoo looks very impressive, especially if you consider that it has not yet managed to become as popular as, say, realism or the same oldskool. However, do not forget that all the same tattoos sooner or later have to be corrected, and Dotwork correction lends itself quite difficult.

As already mentioned, the image of this doll is very different. There are tattoo matryoshka on the leg or arm, depicting the head of the doll in the form of a skull, there are works in which the faces of nesting dolls painted in the style of Los muertos. The dolls are depicted with a variety of decorative elements, from large bright flowers to machine guns and swords. You can even find matryoshkas in pin-up style.

In general, the human imagination knows no boundaries. Look through ready works, thumb through catalogs of sketches, consult with the master and you can come up with a really unique image for a tattoo.

Meaning of tattoos for girls

Matryoshka for the fair sex means endless devotion and love for the motherland. Such girls have great optimism and cheerfulness. In any life phenomena they are able to find a positive side. Sometimes the tattoo indicates a person's tendency to self-deception and unwillingness to look at the world objectively.

The doll, which has no face, symbolizes the presence of hidden desires and intentions for the girl. The owners of such tattoos do not demonstrate their feelings openly and behave discreetly with others. They do not like to draw attention to themselves, do not express their thoughts aloud and tend to act alone.

The machine gun and nice women

Guns, like a body tattoo, have become popular on women's bodies in recent years. Women want to show an indomitable spirit and militancy. They do not want to appear weak, as it is accepted in society, they can stand up for themselves, including in physical combat with enemies.

Girls have plans and ambitions, they love danger. Risk is their second self. Especially attractive, in the opinion of many, looks like a machine gun stuffed along a woman's body.

Thus, the machine gun in the form of a tattoo has a significant number of interpretations, you can say with full confidence that people are determined, confident in themselves one hundred percent, not afraid to flaunt aggression. It is important to think several times before going to the master and showing him a photo, video or sketches of machine guns, pistols for application on the body.

Tattoos in the form of a machine gun are very popular with people and denote a large number of meanings, from determination to immorality, they are applied by both bandits and the military.

Matryoshka is a Russian doll, made of wood, inside of which are other, similar toys, smaller in size. This red-cheeked woman in a scarf and bright sundress has always been of interest to culture lovers of our vast country. No wonder that in the modern world the popularity of the doll does not fade, and fans of body painting often choose the image of Matryoshka for tattoos.


For women

For men