Beautiful Tattoo Inscriptions and Phrases with Translation for Girls

Now more and more often you can meet a girl or woman on the street, having a tattoo on her body. This is one of the ways of self-expression of the fair sex, which is a trend of modern fashion. Recently, more and more popular are gaining not drawings, but tattoo inscriptionsWhich have a special meaning. That is why many of the fair sex are often enough to look for online "tattoo inscriptions with meaning", "tattoo inscriptions in Latin" and other combinations of these words. Due to this popularity, we have selected tattoo phrases for girls for every taste.

Tattoo inscriptions - historical background

meaningful tattoo phrases and inscriptions

The tradition of painting the female body with tattoos has its roots in Eastern countries. In ancient times, girls from wealthy Indian families were painted with henna before their weddings. In ancient times, girls from wealthy Indian families painted their bodies in this way before their weddings. This kind of art became popular with other nationalities relatively recently.

Opinion of an expert

Anna Koval

Tattoo master

Most modern girls prefer not a temporary, but a permanent tattoo.


In the neck area, sketches of all sizes look great. Popular styles are:

  • watercolor;
  • old school;
  • realism;
  • minimalism;
  • dotwork.

Variants of popular female tattoos can be seen in the photos provided in many sources.

It is worth noting that by visiting a tattoo parlor should not save on finances. As removal of not qualitatively made tattoo will cost much more and will take more time than the work of a professional master.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo inscription?

Where to get a tattoo

Beautiful tattoo inscriptions should be put on the open areas of the body, as well as areas where the skin over time is the least exposed to the appearance of stretch marks. It is preferable to decorate your body with tattoo phrases on the following areas:

  • The lower back;
  • Shoulders and the area below the neck;
  • The area above the ankles;
  • The area of the arm above the wrist.

These are more successful options for the application of a beautiful tattoo inscription, which for a long time will have a pristine appearance.

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meaningful words and phrases for tattoos


The choice of the area of a girl's neck for tattooing depends on the desired degree of demonstration of the image to the environment and on personal preferences.

On the back of the head

If you need an option with the ability to periodically hide the tattoo, it is recommended to apply it to the back of the neck. This way you can hide the tattoo with your hair.

On the front.

In the case where the drawing can not affect vitality, it is possible to get a tattoo on the throat. However, this will require determination and a lot of patience, as the throat is a very sensitive place.


Some girls prefer a tattoo located along the entire back.

If a desire has arisen to do such a body drawing, it should be taken into account that during the procedure there may be a strong sensation of pain. This is due to the fact that the spine is located close to the skin tissue.


On the side of the neck look good: stars, crosses, feathers, small inscriptions and symbolic signs.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation for girls

Very popular are phrases for tattoos with translation In English. Many modern people know this language, so they can easily reveal the meaning of the tattoo inscription, which a member of the fair sex decided to score themselves. Next we will present more original phrases for tattoos with translation for girls.

The people rejoice in the Sun, and I dream about the moon.

This beautiful inscription literally means "The people rejoice in the sun account, and I am in dreams about the moon".

Now or never.

The terse English quote has a deep and uncomplicated meaning. Its literal translation is "Now or never.

Life is beautiful

This phrase is perfect for cheerful and optimistic people, who treasure every minute they live. Translated into Russian, it means nothing else but "Life is beautiful.

Illusion is the first of all pleasures

Dreamy souls will appreciate this quote. In Russian it means "Illusion is the first of all pleasures.

My guardian angel is always near.

For girls of faith the following saying could be suitable: "My guardian angel is always near.

All that person needs is love.

This phrase is perfect for romantic personalities. It means the following: "All a man needs is love."

One lifelong love.

This love "message" is also created for romantic people. Literally, the inscription is translated as "The only love for life. With such a phrase, a girl can emphasize and express all her love for her significant other.

Only my dream keeps me alive.

The English saying says that its owner wanted to say - "Only my dream can warm me up.

I will get everything I want.

Ambitious and determined individuals may choose this pithy phrase, which speaks for itself. The literal translation into Russian is "I will get everything I want.

Be yourself and don't try to imitate someone.

This quote translates as follows: "Be yourself and don't try to imitate someone.

Small daily actions are of great importance

This inscription can be translated as "Everyday small actions take on great significance over time.

"Where there is love there is life.

Translation: Where there is love, there is life. (Gandhi)

"When love is not madness it is not love."

Translation: If love is not madness, it is not love.

"Love never dies."

Translation: Love never dies.

"You can't make your heart feel something it won't."

Translation: You can't make your heart feel something it won't.

"Love is anguish."

Translation: Love is anguish.

"One life long love."

Translation: One life long love.

"Love is not finding someone to live with, its finding someone you can't live without."

Translation: Love is finding someone you can't live without.

"Appearances are often deceiving."

Translation: Appearances are often deceiving.

"Don't forget to love yourself."

Translation: Don't forget to love yourself.

"Fortune and love favor the brave"

Translation: Fortune and love prefer the brave.

"It's better to have ideals and dreams than nothing"

Translation: Better dreams and ideals than nothing.

"Only my dream keeps me alive"

Translation: Only my dream keeps me alive.

"Never look back"

Translation: Never look back.

"Respect the past, create the future"

Translation: Respect the past, create the future.

"Destroy what destroys you."

Translation: Destroy what destroys you.

"Never say never"

Translation: Never say never.

"Everything is possible if you just believe"

Translation: Everything is possible if you just believe.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"

Translation: Life is too important to be taken seriously.

"Beauty and wisdom are seldom found together."

Translation: Beauty and wisdom are seldom found together.

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

Translation: Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

"Tolerance is more powerful than force."

Translation: Patience has more power than strength.

"We do not remember days, we remember moments."

Translation: We do not remember days, we remember moments.

Tattoos with meaning in English can be picked up endlessly. It can be their own beliefs and views on life. It is enough to translate them into English and ask an experienced master to score the selected saying in the necessary place.

meaningful Latin phrases for tattoos

Mythical tattoos

Our distant ancestors believed in the existence of mythological beings and gods, they prayed and sacrificed. Their images were put on the body and considered a kind of protection and amulet. Despite the fact that nowadays such characters are considered fictional, some of them have become vivid symbols of certain qualities, intentions, life stance.

Mythical tattoos not only have an original, whimsical look, but also carry a hidden, deep meaning:

  1. Dragon - a mythological creature, indicating strength, wisdom, loyalty and power.
  2. The phoenix is an image indicating the power of the sun and fire, immortality and rebirth.

    Tattoos with meaning for girls - inscriptions with translation and their meanings. Photo

  3. The image of the unicorn symbolizes strength, purity and innocence, courage and bravery.
  4. Cerberus is the symbol of toughness and physical strength.
  5. Chimera symbolizes aggression, mysticism, faith in destiny.
  6. Dreamcatcher indicates a desire for self-discovery and spiritual development.
  7. Gryphon symbolizes strength, courage, vigilance.
  8. The image of Pegasus is associated with inspiration and the pursuit of all that is beautiful.
  9. Salamander is a symbol of chastity, courage, resilience.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation

Tattoo phrases in Latin are especially popular. As a rule, these are wise sayings of the great thinkers of all times and peoples. However, many people prefer to "express themselves" in an ancient language in inscriptions in a modern way. Here are some tattoo inscriptions in Latin with meaning:

Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago.

Translated from Latin into Russian, the saying sounds something like this: "I will always thank my mother for giving me the gift of life.

Nata sum ut felix essem.

The laconic and optimistic inscription translates as "Born to be happy".

Noli credere! Noli timere! Noli petere!

This saying in Latin has a deep meaning and can say a lot about the owner of this inscription. There are three short sentences of encouragement in this saying, literally translated as "Don't believe! Don't be afraid! Don't ask!" Such a short phrase is suitable for a strong, determined girl or woman who is used to relying only on herself.

Esse quam videri.

For strong-willed people who want to emphasize their individuality and character, this saying is perfect. It literally translates as "To be, not to seem".

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

There is a simple truth in the rather brief phrase, which sounds in Russian as follows: "Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you."

Carpe diem.

This concise saying has a deep meaning and reminds us that we must enjoy every moment of our existence.

Latin phrases for tattoos

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

An uncomplicated and brief phrase can say a lot: "Actions speak more eloquently about a man than his words.

Mea vita et anima es.

For girls who want to express their love for their boyfriend, this phrase can be appropriate, meaning "You are my life and soul."

De gustibus non disputandum est.

The original phrase that says, "There's no arguing about tastes.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est - Only the mother is worthy of love, the father of respect.

Dum spiro, amo atque credo - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the brave.

Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar - Achieving all I want.

Tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation
Latin phrase for a tattoo "Expecto patronum" is a popular phrase among fans of the Harry Potter universe. Translated as "I'm waiting for a guardian.

Per aspera ad astra - Through thorns to the stars.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam - Either I will find the way, or I will make it myself.

Amor omnia vincit - Love conquers all.

Custos meus mihi semper - My angel is always with me.

Sono nata per la felicita - Born to be happy.

Divide et impera - Divide and rule.

Nihil verum est licet omnia - Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Cuiusvis hominis est errare - Every man makes mistakes.

Sola mater digna est amore - Only a mother is worthy of love.

Somnia vera facit, quia qui in eis credunt - Dreams come true for those who believe in them.

Faciam ut mei memineris - Make you remember.

Memento mori - Remember death.

Veni, vidi, vici - Come, see, win.

meaningful tattoo phrases for girls

Religious tattoos

In the past, tattoos on the human body served as a sign of belonging to a certain tribe, class or faith. Despite the fact that now the tattoo has become more aesthetic in nature, many people put in the selected drawing or inscription a deeper meaning, demonstrate their values, including religious.


  1. Christianity. The Orthodox and Catholic churches do not welcome the application of tattoos on the body, despite this, in recent years the popularity of tattoos on Christian themes is growing. The embodiment of faith is the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and the cross, and they are most often chosen for the application of religious tattoos. In addition, other saints' faces and quotations from the Bible are also applied to the body.
  2. Islam. Muslims are forbidden to draw pictures on the body, but that does not stop everyone. Popularly used are phrases from the Koran in Arabic script.
  3. Buddhism. One of the most popular images is the Buddha, he symbolizes the strength of spirit and character, the beauty of the soul. Most often for tattoos choose a laughing or dancing Buddha, or his symbolic images: for a girl - a lotus flower, and for a man - the image of a lion.

Tattoo inscriptions with meaning in Latin

Worthy of special attention are the following tattoo inscriptions in Latin with the meaning and translation.

Nil permanent sub sole.

This inscription reminds us that "Nothing is permanent under the sun.

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt.

The literal translation of the saying is, "Other people's transgressions are before our eyes, but our own are behind our backs.

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.

This clever thought serves as a reminder to man that happiness is easier to encounter than to retain it afterwards.

Hominis est errare.

The succinct quote means that "It is inherent in every man to make mistakes.

Fortunam suam quisque parat.

Translated into Russian, it means "Every man is the master of his own destiny.

Magna res est amor.

A literal translation of the wise quote, "Love is the greatest work of life.

Omnia vanitas.

The succinct quote says that everything is nothing but vanity of vanities.

Potius sero quam nunquam.

It's a very popular catchphrase that means "Better late than never."

Suum cuique.

The saying literally translates as follows: "To each his own," or "Everyone chooses his own way."

Mea vita, mea leges - My life is my rules.

Vita ex momentis constat - Life consists of moments.

Tempus curat omnia - Time heals.

Dictum - factum - Told is done.

Honesta mors turpi vita potior - An honest death is better than a shameful life.

Semper in corde meo - Forever in my heart.

Numquam cede - Never give up.

Impossibilia non sunt - Nothing is impossible.

phrases for tattoos in russian

What shouldn't girls write on their bodies?

The choice of body art in the form of text is approached with the utmost care and seriousness. Only by accurately knowing the translation of the text, it can be transferred to the skin. After all, tattoo-masters do not have to correct mistakes on the sketches. Girls should also not use a strictly masculine fonts, such as gothic or typescript. They do not look good on women's skin at all. Wear inscriptions on the side advantageously emphasize women's virtues. But do not forget that such tattoos are suitable only for slender people. Nail art on the ribs strongly highlights the shortcomings of girls with a non-ideal figure.

Author: tanyda

Tattoo inscriptions in Russian

Adherents of the native language can decorate their body with a tattoo inscription in Russian. By making tattoo phrases in Russian a person first of all expresses his respect to him. However, sayings in Russian are less popular. It is considered, that the inscriptions beaten out in English, Latin and any other language are more original.

tattoo inscription in russian

In spite of this there are some units that do not betray their native language. It is for them that the list of the following phrases is presented:

  • "Only mother is worthy of love."
  • "Fate helps the brave."
  • "To each his own."
  • "To live is to act."
  • "Love conquers all."
  • "Let all be well."
  • "Listen much, speak little."
  • "Variety is fun."
  • "Only the first step is difficult."
  • "Let us live and love."
  • "It is not death we must fear, but an empty life."
  • "It's human nature to make mistakes."

It is important not only to choose the right phrase, but also to choose a font that makes the inscription original and beautiful. This case can be entrusted to the master, who will visually demonstrate all the possible options.

You can supplement a tattoo inscription in Russian with a small drawing, which will emphasize the meaning of the utterance itself or a single word.

tattoo animals

Types of fonts

With a properly selected font inscriptions better convey the meaning of the tattoo. For women's ribs, texts with:

  • additional embellishment;
  • graceful lines;
  • deep curves.

The most legible and understandable is a calligraphic script. Handwriting is also close to it. But it should not have too thin lines in order to be readable over time. A girl choosing a body image in the form of a phrase or expression on the side, should always be guided by her own stature. That is, the tattoo in the form of an inscription commensurate with the weight of the body. Small expressions on the ribs of the obese risk to be lost and become less attractive after losing weight.

On a woman's side will look good and such fonts as:

  • ornate handwritten;
  • vintage aseina with elegant letters and numbers;
  • the artful, originally handwritten and then digitized, november;
  • western or biker;
  • Victorian.


Tattoos with meaning for girls in the form of hieroglyphs are especially popular, thanks to the interesting writing and hidden content, the meaning of which few people know, except the owner of the tattoo. The Chinese writing system has about 50 000 hieroglyphs (tszu) and Chinese people use about 4000 tsu in their everyday life.

It is believed that hieroglyphs have a certain mystical meaning and can influence a person's life and destiny, so most often for tattoos choose the appropriate signs.

Tattoos with meaning for girls - the inscription with translation and its meaning. Photo

Here they are:

  • love;
  • courage;
  • family;
  • dragon;
  • destiny;
  • miracle;
  • luck;
  • power;
  • hope, etc.

Japanese characters with similar meanings are also used, they are simpler to write, but look no less spectacular.

Celtic imagery

Historians believe that the artistic style of the Celtic peoples was formed in the 9th century AD. The unique feature of their art is continuous, curved lines without beginning or end and forming a unique pattern. In this way, the Celts wanted to show the beauty of nature, the chaos and harmony of the universe.

The island technique of the Celtic ornaments in the art of tattooing allows you to create unique images, filled with deep meaning:

  1. The Celtic cross differs from our usual one by a circle at the intersection, which symbolizes the fusion of Christian symbolism and the sign of the sun. This cross has a number of meanings: the sun, hope, love, faith in God, God's love for people.
  2. The Celtic knot is a symbol of love, the union of two hearts and souls.

    Tattoos with meaning for girls - inscriptions with translation and their meaning. Photo

  3. The clover leaf represents the Celtic people. It is pinned on the body of those who have Celtic roots or admire their culture.
  4. The butterfly symbolizes the beginning of a new life, a willingness to change.
  5. The Tree of Life is a symbol of the two worlds, the center of the universe.


For women

For men