Stylish tattoos for the signs of the zodiac: photos, sketches, meanings

The symbol of freedom or Ama-ga

Ama-gi is a symbol belonging to the Sumerian language, used thousands of years ago to indicate that a person was freed by going the hard way through slavery. It is a very popular tattoo among those for whom it is important to be free and not subject to financial bondage.

How the meaning of tattoos is related to the personality of its bearer

Quite often the meaning of the tattoo also clearly characterizes the character of its owner. Don't believe it? Let's look at a few examples. Let's say that in front of you is a rather modest, quiet person. But he wears aggressive images on his body - they are a confirmation that the person really has aggression hidden in him. Who exactly is it directed at - it all depends on certain features of the tattoo. It can be aggression, both toward the weaker sex and toward the world at large.

Although this example can also indicate that the person actually feels insecure, feels weak and helpless. That is why he covers his body with aggressive images, in order to compensate for his weakness. Of course, this particular variant is much rarer than the first, but it also takes place.

Therefore, in order to understand how the meaning of tattoos meanings of drawings are related to the personality of its bearer, it is extremely important to assess the natal drawings in a complex with the features of character and personality development, the formation of the inner world.

In the course of research it was also found that sometimes tattoos have too active an influence on a person's personality. Sometimes he degenerates as a person, turning into an image created by himself. Which once again confirms - the choice of tattoos should be extremely careful. Otherwise, there is a great risk of falling under their influence and losing your own personality. This is an extremely dangerous symptom, as in this case a person becomes unpredictable and dangerous to society.

Or, as an example, consider dragon tattoos, applied to the hands and other parts of the body. As it was established by psychologists, such images are preferred by those who are looking for new emotions and impressions, sensations in life. But such people are optimists - they are confident in the ease of their destiny, but at the same time they have a desire for power.

It is also important that the drawings fit together harmoniously. For example, if the Virgin Mary is drawn next to the dragon, there is a high probability that the person in front of you is hysterical. He may be able to plan, strive for certain heights, but in the vast majority of his aspirations to assert themselves are manifested in an inadequate form. He may be able to become a leader, but he is unlikely to stay in this status for a long time - most likely, the first difficulties will "knock him out of the saddle.

Semicolon and comma

The semicolon tattoo is one of the most symbolic tattoos in the world. Its meaning is to start a new life after a tragic experience, such as the death of a loved one. Many people decide to get such a tattoo on their skin to turn over a page in their lives and just move on with their lives.

Photos of symbol tattoos

Tattoo icons are amazing in their variety, as the designs are depicted in many styles. We hope that the presented photos will help you decide on the idea for your future drawing.

Tattoo symbols and their meaning
Tattoo sign


In recent years, the "Vegvisir" symbol has enjoyed great popularity after the success of the "Vikings" series. Today, people who decide to put this Viking symbol on their skin want to tap into a mystical energy that will guide them if they feel they have lost their way in life.

Tattoos against the evil eye and spoilage

For centuries, people have protected themselves from the evil eye with a variety of amulets and amulets. But the strongest amulet against the evil eye and spoilage is considered a special tattoo. It is directly on the human body, feeds its energy, protects it from the negative effects of higher forces.

Modern tattoo amulet is a combination of beauty and protection. The main thing is to truly believe in its power. There is a huge number of personal talismans, to choose the most appropriate, you need to listen to your intuition, to trust the master.

Tattoo from the evil eye - a dolphin

The most common tattoo from the evil eye and spoilage:

  1. A lion - this symbol brings great strength and intelligence to its owner.
  2. The symbol of the lion brings great strength and intelligence.
  3. Lightning - fast reactions and fearlessness of the wearer.
  4. Cross - a strong symbol for both men and women to ward off the evil eye, spoilage.
  5. Dolphin - a strong patron saint of talented, creative souls.
  6. Pacu - this symbol is placed in a place hidden to the naked eye, it protects from incurable diseases.
  7. In this case, a bee is a talisman against the negative influences of the enemy.

This is just a small list of things that can protect a person, give him strength, fill him with energy in the fight against enemies.

The Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is very popular in Egyptian culture because of its great significance and symbolism. The symbol is full of magic and protects the person wearing it on their skin. The Eye of Horus helps to ward off negative emotions and purify both body and mind.

Sketches of tattoo symbols

All of the sketches we talked about earlier are quite beautiful and have many variants of execution. You can see for yourself by looking at the photos below.

Phases of the moon

The phases of the moon is a tattoo that aesthetically looks great on the skin and symbolizes how life changes little by little over the years, and how important it is to be able to adapt to such changes.

Tattooing Slavic patterns.

In ancient times, the Slavs preferred to decorate their bodies with all sorts of ornaments and patterns. They consisted mainly of geometric shapes: squares, triangles, rhombuses. Also, they were often supplemented with dots, crosses and spirals. In general, the main meaning of such designs was fertility.

Of course, the main purpose of such tattoos was to demonstrate power and strength. The main purpose of such tattoos was to demonstrate power and strength. In turn, women made such tattoos with an addition in the form of a floral or leafy ornament. These details made the design look softer, gentler.


The other most popular symbolic tattoo is the one that refers to the Ouroboros. It is a snake or reptile biting its own tail, forming a circle. Ouroboros symbolizes the eternal cycle of all things and how everything returns to its beginning. It originated in alchemy and represents the eternal struggle from beginning to end and vice versa.

Slavic tattoos amulets

On the territory of ancient Russia tattoos were made even before the formation of the Christian faith. Therefore, tattoo amulets are not a tribute to fashion, but a kind of echoes of the culture of our ancestors. Such talismans are always on the body. They cannot be torn or broken, so they not only protected from evil, but also influenced the destiny of a person.

At first, only priests had drawings on their bodies. It was believed that they gave them incredible strength, the ability to communicate with the gods. Then tattoo amulets began to make warriors, because almost no dispute was solved without war. It was believed that special signs created them a kind of shield on the battlefield, making the warrior stronger, more cunning, more agile.

Slavic tattoos

The ancient Slavs had their own tattoos, which they applied based on their status and the craft they were engaged in:

  • Patterns. Slavic ornaments are still relevant today. Circles, triangles, squares, rhombuses - classified messages, protection from evil spirits.
  • Animals and birds. It was believed that the Gods on earth are embodied in different animals and birds, so these pictures protected the owner, giving him special skills.
  • Plants. The ancient Slavs honored their roots, put family values above all, and many plants represent the clan - its prosperity, continuation.
  • Schematic symbols. One of the most famous is the kolovrat, an eight-pointed symbol, the solar wheel, which helps to eliminate any problems.
  • Gods. In the list of especially revered are Svarog, Yarilo, Veles, Perun, Dazhdbog. Put them on the body and now.

Popular Slavic tattoos for men are considered: caroler, Valkyrie, square Svarog, axe of Perun. Women have their own strong Slavic tattoo amulets, such as: ladinets, Lada star, lunnitsa tattoo.

The tree of life

The Tree of Life is present in many cultures around the world and refers to strength, protection and eternal life. The person who applied the tattoo cares very much about the environment and attaches great importance to life.

Who it suits

The meaning of the Om tattoo is the symbiosis of the spirit, the feminine and masculine, all living and non-living things created by God. Om represents the Creator, who is timeless, and his creations. Thus, the wearer of the tattoo is aware of the divine origin of each person and of his or her own nature. Only the movement of the soul toward the sun and higher matter can lead to harmony and mental balance.

Another one has a tattoo with Om meaning - a great great great force that governs the universe. It helps a person to decide on the choice of life path, set the right vector, protect from trouble and misfortune. That is why this sign is often chosen as a talisman and amulet. Even when it seems that there is no way out, it gives enlightenment. Only by going through the obstacles and hardships of life, you can gain wisdom and understanding of the essence of existence.

The sacred symbol requires careful attitude, so desecrate it by doing a tattoo below the belt, it is strongly not recommended. The best place to apply it is the area of the solar plexus, where the third chakra, or chest, is located. This is where the positive vibrations that change the fate of the wearer for the better come from.


The fleur-de-lis is a symbol of alchemy. People usually tattoo the fleur-de-lis on their bodies to demonstrate the perfection and elevation of both body and mind.


Most of the symbols seen on tattoos are associated with certain beliefs and religions. The most prominent examples here are the cross, the crescent moon, and the Star of David. There is a whole stratum of so-called Slavic tattoos that go back to pagan traditions (the square of Svarog, the sign of Veles, etc.). However, it is necessary to be as balanced as possible in the decision to put on your body pagan signs, which are most often interpreted unequivocally and not in favor of their owner, if he rotates not only in the circle of like-minded people. In addition, the outlook changes with age, and the convergence of the tattoo is quite a challenge, even for experienced professionals.

The eye of providence

The eye of providence is also known as the all-seeing eye. It is a symbol that embodies the great power by which God can watch over all mankind. Today, this image, refers to the secret orders that dominate and rule the world.

In short, symbolism and meaning are present at all times and in many of today's tattoos. There are many people, those who, to get a particular tattoo, are not only looking for a design that satisfies them, but also a meaning related to an important aspect of their life or their personality.

Tattoo symbols and their meaning

Let's talk about the symbolism of tattoos and break down the meaning that the most popular designs carry.

tattoo symbols

For men

The symbolism of men's tattoos is significantly different from women's tattoos. Let's consider the subjects that, statistically, men stuffed most often.

Wolf. This animal represents loyalty and faithfulness along with pride. The animal can be portrayed both positively and negatively. It is not uncommon for it to be printed in the form of a werewolf or amidst burning flames. A tattoo icon with a wolf howling at the moon is a picture overflowing with emotion. It can be stuffed by lonely people looking for attention and support from others.

tattoo marks

If the wolf is depicted in motion, it may speak of the activity and purposefulness of the tattoo owner.

Tattoo with a raven can be a sign of cunning, power and aggression. A flock of crows can mean the propensity of the bearer of the tattoo to rash decisions.

tattoo symbols
The birds themselves on the body are signs of independence and freedom.

An eagle is a bird of pride, predatory and dangerous. The owner of the tattoo with a depiction of an eagle expresses through a body drawing his desire for freedom and freedom.

tattoo symbols and designations
Such a tattoo can demonstrate the wisdom and knowledge of its owner.

It is not difficult to understand the message of sketches with a religious theme. By putting them on, a person wants to demonstrate his devotion to the faith and love for God. Most often, angels, images of Christ and the Virgin Mary, paintings with religious subjects, as well as the Christian cross are applied to the body. Also popular is the crown of thorns, which means victory.

tattoo symbols

Also widely in demand for tattoos fantasy subjects. More often than not, men get tattoos with images of dragons. The sleeping dragon can symbolize peace and harmony of mind. Dragon, staring upwards - a sign of sociability, friendliness and love for others.

tattoo symbols
Dragon tattoo with horns - a sign of determination and seriousness.

Flowers. They are stuffed not only women, but also men. Tattoo with such images rarely carry any negative connotations. Most often, such sketches are a symbol of kindness.

tattoo symbol
Basically, guys choose lilies, roses, less often - other types of flowers.

These are not all popular tattoos among the male population, however, they are the ones used in the art of body art most often.

A symbol of womanhood.

If we talk about tattoos that symbolize femininity, these are primarily Slavic symbols. In the Slavic world view, a woman was considered a goddess, healer and continuator of the race.

tattoo sign
The meaning of tattoos, amulets for women lies in the sketches with images of herbs and flowers, Slavic runes, symbols of ancient Slavic gods.

The symbol "Svitovit" was considered protection for pregnant women, and "Lunica" was used against the evil eye and spoilage. A truly feminine symbol is considered a tree, which has long meant the continuation of the family and life. The "Molvinets" sign was used by girls to protect themselves from evil words.

tattoo symbols

In all the tattoos with the image of Slavic symbols inherent deep meaning. The symbols can be printed on any part of the body - on the arm, on the wrist, on the shoulder, on the stomach, etc. In this sense, they are universal.

tattoo symbology

Sign of energy

The main sign of energy in tattoo symbolism is considered a dolphin. They are beautiful, intelligent and friendly animals that are loved by people. The combination of the two dolphins in Chinese symbolism is similar to the yin-yang sign. It was thought that the special energy of this tattoo would help keep and increase genuine and sincere feelings.

tattoo symbol
For girls, a tattoo with a dolphin could mean loyalty and devotion in love.

Greek tattoos

Tattoos with plots from Greek mythology can have different designations. The most popular ancient Greek subjects are inscriptions, portraits of famous personalities, as well as fragments of paintings depicting subjects from Greek history, myths or literature.

Ancient symbols in tattoos

We have already mentioned above about the ancient Slavic symbols in tattoos and their meanings, but that was only in the context of tattoos for girls. In fact, there are a huge number of such symbols, and in each of them lies a deep and very interesting meaning.

symbolic tattoos

It's not uncommon to have Slavic runes printed on them. Here are the most common:

  • Lelja. A symbol of the energy of spring water, joy and fun;
  • Peace. This rune can help reveal potential and get out of a creative crisis;
  • Rainbow. This is the road of reconciliation between the forces of order and chaos. Symbolizes their harmony;
  • Krada. Symbolizes spark, ritualistic fire, designed to spiritually purify the person.

tattoo symbols and their meaning


A pictogram in a tattoo is a small light picture, usually printed in the style of minimalism. This is the case when a small tattoo, in addition to aesthetics, has a deep semantic load.

Tattoo symbols and their meanings


For women

For men