Tattoo for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  • What is the meaning invested in the image of a lioness?
  • The meaning of the tattoo in the culture of different peoples
  • Video of tattooing for women
  • A modern look at the meaning of tattoo
  • Tattoo video for men

A majestic animal with regal grace, the lioness has always commanded respect from many peoples of the world in different eras. The lioness tattoo is extremely popular among women, acquiring many new meanings. However, the image of the magnificent queen of the animal world attracts not only its secret and obvious meanings, but also the perfect and impeccable appearance, and presentability of a true queen.

tattoo lion

Tattoo lioness - photo

Features and benefits

Ancient Egypt was the ancestor of many myths that have survived to this day. In this country, the lioness represented one of the most spiritual beings in the world, she implied maternal care and strength (both spiritual and physical). Noble pharaohs were known to keep these large wild cats in their palaces as pets.

People used to hunt lions not to get food, but to demonstrate control over them.

There is also a myth that the world famous sphinx is depicted with the body of a lion in order to emphasize the huge, unearthly power of the pharaoh.

Tattoo lion for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, thigh, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

Lions were of great importance not only in the culture of ancient Egypt, but also in its religion. The lion's head was the head of a lion, but the lion's head was the head of many of the Egyptian gods. Later in this country, lions were given the personification of two gods, the dawn god and the sunset god. The idols created by the Egyptians depicted these gods together, signifying an unbreakable bond between them.

However, it was not only in Egypt that people especially revered these animals. Ancient Greece was also inspired by lions. The inhabitants of that country so revered wild cats that they even named one of the largest stars above their country after them. Most of the ancient Greek poets mentioned lions in their works and awarded them such high qualities as loyalty and a high sense of inspiration. The Greeks, like the Egyptians, had their own venerable "sphinx."

This deity was usually depicted with a cat's body, bird's wings and a woman's head. According to one legend, this creature was brought to the country from Ethiopia to protect the Greek people. It was placed on one of the many mountains considered sacred. "The sphinx, according to the scriptures, posed a kind of riddle to the people who passed by. Whoever answered correctly - went on with a blessing, those who answered incorrectly awaited instant death.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, scapula
Tattoo of a lioness on a girl's back

In countries with Islamic and Jewish beliefs lion is also considered very important in religion. He represents the totemic animal of Jerusalem. One of the most famous sacred sites, the Torah, is decorated with images of lions, which, according to the scriptures, protect the city and its people.

The Christian religion has a twofold view of this animal. On the one hand it is a good and reliable protector, on the other hand it is a dangerous, wild creature. The Bible mentions lions lions that can eat a person alive who chooses a different faith or who offends a holy place. However, there is also the belief that Jesus was symbolized with this animal because the lion was considered the king of beasts and the Savior the unearthly human king.

In Christian writings, this animal is depicted with one of the four evangelists, thus demonstrating faith, steadfastness, determination and high spiritual strength.

The Buddhist religion attributes the lion a symbol of purity and lightness, and most importantly - is associated with the deity himself, which is inherent in qualities such as an unshakable faith, firmness, determination and the desire to always go forward.

Tattoo (lioness for girls) is in great demand among tattoo artists. Today, the lion has weight in many cultural trends, including body art. In foreign countries, the lion symbolizes power over people and their protection. For this reason, the main associations associated with this animal arise - power, strength and faith.

Drawing a lion on a girl's body symbolizes her loyalty, nobility, greatness, courage and bravery. However, more clients of tattoo studios choose a lioness rather than a lion. Also, the picture can indicate that the woman is ready to go to any lengths to protect her family and friends. Refinement, grace and tenderness are intertwined together with aggression, great strength and danger. As a rule, the hearts of men are always opened before such girls, and they strive to conquer such a woman as soon as possible.

Additions to the tattoo

Often, the tattoo of a predator is supplemented with details. For example, a tattoo of a beast surrounded by an ornamental plant looks beautiful.

It has become popular to complement the image with different ornaments.

Gorgeous looks a lioness with a crown. A real queen. For example, a girl has a tattoo of a lioness with a crown on her hand, and a man has a lion.

In today's world, a huge number of tattoo designs are available. If you can't find a suitable one, you can create your own together with the master. The main thing is to approach the question responsibly. Remember that the tattoo will last the rest of your life.

Choosing a place for the application

The place on the girl's body for this beautiful tattoo has a huge advantage - it is almost universal. The lion can be performed in any shape and with any size, any part of the female body is suitable for it. However, the statistics of requests in tattoo studios says that most often this animal is depicted on the arm or one of the shoulder blades of the girl.

If she decided to make a large, large-scale tattoo - the sides or back are ideal. Often girls place tattoos on themselves in prominent places - to demonstrate to others. This is done not only to show the pattern, but also to stand out from the crowd and show their individual status. Medium or small lion figures are also often found on women's bodies.

Studio masters note that guys bring real pictures of lions to apply a realistic image to them. The situation is different with girls: they need not only a photo of a lioness, but also a certain accompanying drawing necessary for the proper transfer of meaning and to complete the overall picture of the tattoo.

Representatives of the fair sex often order pictures from their master-artist for the correct depiction of the overall style. This plays a very important role. A professional will be able to choose the necessary style of execution and complement the main picture with various elements of decoration in order for the image to look beautiful.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

Tattoo (lioness for girls) is very much in demand today among body art specialists. Another advantage of ordering a finished sketch is the absolute uniqueness. Each artist works in his own, individual style. A girl can always make an order in several tattoo studios at once, and then choose the right place of application and the drawing she likes best.

With the choice of a place for a tattoo should be unhurried, because it is not just a decoration of a woman's body, but also evidence of a strong character and a special determination.

As mentioned above, girls try to put the image on prominent places, but most often the image of a lioness is found on:

  • Hips. It looks very sexy, in addition - you can do a paired tattoo, which will give the girl a special sexuality.
  • Forearms. Chosen by girls less often, but there is one advantage - in this place you can make a tattoo of a large size.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  • Back. Another place for a large-scale picture. If you choose a dress with a neckline on the back - will look great in both business and casual style.
  • Wrists. Another place suitable for paired tattoos. It has one, but significant disadvantage - the possibility of applying only a small tattoo.
  • Finger. Occurs very rarely in girls for many reasons, such as a prominent place, a small picture, unfeminine.

For a beautiful and harmonious picture, it is necessary to choose the right place of application.

Particular attention should be paid to the proportions of the tattoo:

  • The muzzle of the animal and small sketches (for example, in the style of "tribal") is better to apply on the wrists or hands.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  • Large-scale images are "knocked out" on a large area of skin - on the back or stomach. It is also possible to apply the lion on the background of nature as a "sleeve" separately or to complement an existing image. This gives the artist the opportunity to draw every hair on the lioness's muzzle.
  • Minimal drawings and lion stencils are more suitable for elbows or forearms.

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's back

The lion tattoo is most often inscribed on the back or shoulder. And on the back of the animal prefer to represent the whole, because it is the flattest and largest part of the human body.

Full back lion tattoo on a girl

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's back

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's back

Tattoo of a lioness on a girl's back

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's back

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's back

Styles and colors

Tattoo (lioness for girls) can be depicted as in a monotone version, and with additional elements, such as other animals, trees, mountains, forest, tongues of flame. This animal looks especially beautiful against a background of exotic, colorful nature (for example, a savannah background). The option of applying together with the zodiac sign is also available.

The option of a joint tattoo with their significant other is possible - a girl and a guy put the image of this animal on their hands, thereby showing that they are one unit, a family. If the lioness is depicted together with her cubs, it indicates the number of children of the girl (one lion cub - one child). This animal is rarely depicted on girls in an aggressive state, it is more the lot of guys. A female drawing is mostly a symbol of love and care for loved ones.

Not every girl is aware that the image of a lioness reflects not only her strength and emphasizes her character, but also indicates her haughtiness and arrogance.

  • Today you can see many girls who have a picture of a lioness on their body in color (style "Watercolor"). To this style, according to statistics, special individuals and bright personalities are inclined, because it attracts the attention of others.

Tattoo of a lioness for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  • Especially beautiful stands out the color lioness tattoo, made in the style of "Cartoon". It shows the cheerful and kind disposition of its bearer. The tattoo in this style is quite bright and can attract the attention of many people, and therefore stand out from the crowd.
  • Geometric style lioness tattoo is usually performed in black ink. This includes a style called "tribal". He is depicted as a stenciled image of an animal made of tongues of flame.
  • Realism. The name of the style speaks for itself. For a proper and good looking tattoo, a large part of the girl's skin is needed so that the master can clearly trace all the details of the animal. A lioness, whose head is decorated with a crown, is often applied on the back. This is a symbol of the girl's particular royalty.

What meaning is invested in the image of the lioness?

The lioness is one of the most common images in cultural and historical sources from around the world. The images of lion and lioness are associated with the traditional symbolism of the royal dynasty, and in many cultures they are signs of unlimited power. These formidable but noble beasts have earned the undying fame of kings of the animal kingdom, embodying the majesty and justice of wise rulers. Drawing of the royal family gives the owner nobility and honesty, symbolizes strength and courage, giving away hardness of character. But the meaning of the tattoo lion and lioness is much wider than the above. Many contemporaries choose this image to emphasize the strength of their love, the strength of family ties, the invulnerability of the family clan. The lioness has always been considered a sign of motherhood, loyalty, serving the interests of her family. However, other shades have appeared, which are to the liking of our stylish contemporaries - beauty and secularity.

lioness tattoo

Tattoo lioness - photo


Tattoo (lioness for girls) is not the only meaning. It can be influenced by both the features of the animal itself, as well as the elements with which the cat is depicted on the tattoo.

The main types of tattoos

Sitting lioness.Emphasizes the individual characteristics, uniqueness and confidence of its owner
Mouth of a lionessIndicates the poise and calmness of its bearer, as well as the fact that she is in control of her feelings.
The Lioness in attackA girl is able to rebuff any attacker, regardless of his size and gender.
Fighting lioness.A girl with this tattoo shows those around her that she is ready to use any methods to achieve her goal.
Lioness, combining with the animal world.This image depicts the acceptance of the world and society by its bearer, as well as her agreement to live in friendship with all

Other examples

  • A lioness wearing an Indian hat. Shows the wisdom and courage of her mistress.
  • A wildcat with a clock and a skull. Symbolizes the transience and volatility of the world around.
  • Lion head with open mouth. Indicates a girl's willingness to stand up for herself, or at least learn to do so. Symbol of protection.
  • Growling lioness. Indicates the ability of the girl to control her feelings and thoughts, shows her balance. Such people do not rush into a fight or any showdown recklessly, without thinking.
  • A lioness holding a crown on her head. Symbolizes royalty and importance in the society of its bearer.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, scapula

  • The paw of the lioness. When such a picture is applied to the girl's leg, it will denote her desire to always and in everything to be the first.
  • A lioness with an adult lion. The woman is ready to always go along with her other half, make joint decisions and keep a homey, cozy environment.
  • A lioness with cubs. Symbolizes the number of children a woman has, as well as her willingness to always and in everything to protect her family, relatives and loved ones.
  • Cat surrounded by other animals. Emblematic of the harmony and judgement of its owner. Emphasizes her ability to weigh her every decision and to be reasonable.

Exclusively female tattoos

Lioness in the animal world symbolizes caring, motherhood and loyalty to her children and family. This tattoo reflects these very qualities of its owner. The image of one or two lion cubs, without parents, indicates that the woman is always ready to fight for her offspring.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

In almost any image, a large wild cat will express positive energy and pure thoughts. Also, the lioness can represent the sign of the zodiac of its owner. If the animal is surrounded by flowers, trees or a garden - it speaks of success and the establishment of the girl's personal life.

Tattoo a lion on the arm for girls

Tattoo lion on the hand for girls means the same as any picture with a lion - a predatory animal, the king of beasts lion symbolizes strength, boundless courage, grace, determination and insight. The animal is known to man since childhood through fairy tales, so it's not surprising that the lion tattoo attracts many people regardless of gender. At its core, this animal is a leader.

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's arm

Tattoo of a lion on a girl's arm

Photo of a lion tattoo on a girl's arm

Tattoo photo of a lion on a girl's arm

Colorful lion tattoo on a girl's arm

Color tattoo with a lion on a girl's hand

Tattoo of a lion for girls, is a body drawing that boasts the versatility of the meanings contained in it. This animal is revered in many different cultures around the world. In most of them, the lion is seen as a symbol of power, strength and wisdom. It is on these "three whales" is based the meaning of this tattoo.

Applying techniques, painful sensations

The procedure for applying the lioness tattoo is not different from other similar activities of the master:

  1. First of all, the immediate place for the drawing is prepared. The girl before the meeting in the studio should shave off all the hair from it and thoroughly wash with soap.
  2. Before visiting a specialist it is recommended to take a mild sedative (Novopassit, Aphobasol) and tune in with extremely positive emotions. This will help raise the pain threshold, and also "speed up" the flow of time during the session with the master. Some girls take painkillers before the session for fear of painful sensations. There is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is to drink a small amount of medication to avoid side effects (dry mouth, emotional tension).
  3. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages before the session. Blood vessels dilate under the influence of ethanol, the blood starts to flow more extensively, this greatly impedes the master in his work.

Tattoo of a lion for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  1. While drawing on the body a girl can use a cell phone or watch a movie on a tablet, so the time will pass much faster.
  2. If the sensations become too painful, it is worth asking the master for a smoke break or to arrange to reschedule the session.
  3. Under no circumstances should you save money by trying to endure pain. This is due to the fact that the woman may be allergic to the paint or the applied antiseptic (for example, lidocaine). Continuing the procedure may cause serious complications for the girl's health.
  4. First, the drawing is transferred to the skin with the help of a special piece of paper. After that, the master begins to punch the main contours of the image with a machine. After the edges of the image are clearly outlined, the specialist proceeds to shading and filling the image with paints. There is an opinion that it is much more painful to "stab" with colored paint than with gray, but it is wrong.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  1. After all the procedures, the master gives the client specific recommendations on how to care for the tattoo, tells her how and what to put on it and lets her go home. As a rule, a medium-sized picture (for example, on the shoulder) can be done in 3-4 sessions. For larger tattoos, meetings with the master require much more.

What does a tattoo of a lion mean in religion?

Each religion characterizes the animal in its own way, but in general, these qualities may overlap and complement each other. For example, Buddhists believe that the lion tattoo is masculine, able to bring a person good luck. In addition, the lion was not only the protector of the Law, but also provided full protection for the wisdom of the Buddha himself! Also, according to Buddhism, the lion is a symbol of enlightenment, that is, that man is his own master and is not influenced by the authorities. If we talk about Christianity, more precisely about its early course, Jesus Christ in most cases portrayed in the image of the majestic animals. The lion also appears more than once in the Holy Book of the Bible - it is drawn together with the apostle Mark. Islam also recognizes the peculiarity of the lion, and therefore is regarded in that religion as a just protector against evil. The Jews did not ignore the lion either. In their opinion, it symbolizes not only power, but also cruelty. Most often it is depicted with wings, which allows the two elements, air and earth, to be combined harmoniously.

Tattoo lion realism watercolor on the shoulder

How to choose a salon and a master

When choosing a master who will apply a tattoo, a girl should read all the proposals in her city, collect detailed information and consult with people who already have experience in such occupations. By no means should she rashly rush to the first met specialist as there are many novices among them today, and a quality and beautiful work requires a professional hand.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, pictures on the arm, leg, back, thigh, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

It is necessary to look at the ready works of a particular master, to communicate with him personally to ask for advice in what style it is better to make a tattoo and how it will look better. An experienced specialist will always tell you where to apply and the color scheme of the proposed pattern. But you should not rely only on his choice. The girl herself should like the variant chosen by the master, only in this case the picture will look beautiful and convey to the surrounding people only delightful emotions.

Elegant tattoo of a lion for girls

And here the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity began to prick such an image on their body relatively recently. Especially, taking into account the fact that some time female tattoos were not welcomed at all. What is the meaning of the lion tattoo for girls? Let's talk about it by looking at examples of tattoos on the bodies of famous women. For example, actress Mina Suvari asked the master to draw on the back, between the shoulder blades. There's a picture of a lion's head, with words written around it:

  • Word;
  • Sound;
  • Power.

As the actress herself states, she associates herself with the lioness, the companion of the king of beasts. That is why she changed her hairstyle, dyeing her hair a nice and noble golden color. And the inscriptions speak of her true talents - after all, she is a strong woman who earns her living by words and singing. In general, a tattoo of a lion for girls should depict a calm animal that has no grin. Women also prefer to refuse aggressive pictures.

Is it possible to do independently

Self-tattooing is possible, watch a few instructional videos, but it is fraught with complications such as sepsis, infection, inflammation of the skin. Just as there is a high probability of making just an ugly drawing.

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

A man on the outside is much more visible exactly what kind of tattoo will look better and in what place to perform it.

The meaning of the lioness tattoo in history

It is worth noting that in nature, lions are often associated with incredible and undeniable power, as well as with endurance, majesty and power. For many people, the lioness represents strength and resilience in the face of any obstacles. In the first place, she is a mother, and at any moment she can stand up for her brood, in case of danger or trouble. It is important to note that the lioness in addition to all this is very kind and wise, there were cases when the lioness hunted and killed a pregnant doe in order to feed her family. However, when the lioness realized that she had killed her mother and her unborn child, she lay down beside her and died.

Tattoo care.

After the main drawing has been punched and the first session completed, special attention should be paid to the care of the image applied to the body.

The girl should treat the newly performed tattoo with care, namely:

  • Wash the place 2-3 times a day with clean water and soap;
  • Use special ointments for faster healing;
  • Do not expose the newly applied design to large temperature changes;

Tattoo lioness for girls. Meaning, photo on the arm, leg, back, hip, shoulder, wrist, shoulder blade

  • If possible, keep the tattoo in the fresh air, if the weather conditions allow it;
  • attentively and unconditionally fulfill all recommendations of the master;
  • At leaving on work or study to close the place of a tattoo the special mica which will be given to the master at once after the first session.

The tattoo with the image of a lioness will look magnificent at the girl only in case of observance of care procedures, a careful choice of a sketch and following of recommendations of the master.

Tattoo of a lion with a crown for girls

Tattoo lion with a crown for girls indicate - power and royalty, multiplied by the wisdom, nobility and the power of this majestic predator.

Tattoo of a lion with a crown on the girl's back

Photo - tattoo lion with a crown on the girl's back

Tattoo lion with a crown on the girl's back (photo)

Tattoo lion with a crown on the girl's back (photo)


For women

For men