Tattoo of the zodiac sign Libra for men: a selection

The only inanimate sign among the zodiacal constellations is Libra. From this it becomes clear a special attitude and to the sign, and to people born in this period. The popularity of the Libra sign of the zodiac tattoo for men is characterized by the fact that it carries a mysterious deep meaning.

The main meaning is a keen sense of justice, honesty, intelligence and intuition. But in order to get the most detailed answer that means a Libra tattoo, a man needs to consider other criteria - in what place is the picture, in what style and color it is executed, what details and symbols added.

Tattoo with the sign of the zodiac Libra

If a man is born in the period from September 23 to October 22, he can safely pick up the sketch of the appropriate tattoo to change his life for the better. Today, masters depict the zodiac sign Libra in the following formats:

Image of the subject Libra. - A popular sketch also among men that do not belong to the zodiacal constellation Libra. The basic value indicates a thirst for knowledge, justice, a penchant for reflection, analysis, and the exact sciences. If one cup is lower than the other, it is a sign of an imbalance of priorities in life.

Constellation - practice shows that such a sketch is preferred by men who are fond of astrology and esoterics, as the tattoo enhances intuition and intellectual abilities. The tattoo enhances the degree of creative energy.

Scales in hand - A symbol of retribution and justice, the law of the boomerang. If a man wears such a tattoo, he either seeks to punish the abusers, or is willing to take responsibility for his misdeeds.

The inscription - is a symbol of man's delicacy, his natural modesty, self-restraint, the balance of good and evil in his soul, the desire for order and harmony.

Opinion of the expert

Viola Madison.

Master of tattoo, 8 years of experience

The most varied in the way of transmission and illustration by the master is the sign of the zodiac Libra. But the less the tattoo resembles the zodiacal symbol, the lower its sacred influence on the person and his fate.

Zodiacal meaning of the Libra tattoo

According to the astrological description Libra is inherent in a sense of humor, critical self-esteem. They have a subtle sense of the world, striving to create beauty around them. Among Libras are often found designers, makeup artists, hairstylists, graphic designers. By tattooing on the body Libras want to show their individuality, to emphasize the uniqueness of their character.

Libra will not tolerate injustice and meanness. They value honesty and despise cynicism, lies and hypocrisy. Depending on the sketch of the Libra tattoo can symbolize discipline, order and justice.

Why do men choose a Libra tattoo?

Libra is the seventh sign in the zodiacal circle, which belongs to the element of air, and the planet Venus patronizes it. Attitudes towards this constellation were different, this is clear from the following records of history:

  • the ancient Egyptians. - the discoverer of the constellation was the god Thoth, who was depicted with a corolla of the claws of a crayfish, in one more often lay the heart, in the other the conscience;
  • the ancient Greeks - when there were wars between men and gods over lands, the god Hermes placed the constellation Libra in the sky and endowed mankind with tolerance, justice, courtesy, and tactfulness;
  • Greek mythology - Zeus' daughter Astraea used a scale to weigh people's deeds, sending sinners to Zeus, and then her father placed the constellation in the sky so that he wouldn't chase his daughter around the world;
  • Egyptian mythology - the god Osiris measured people's sins and good deeds with scales after their death; the same meaning was envisaged in Tibet, Persia;
  • Christians - Here it was believed that thanks to the scales the Almighty's judgment was completed, the question of whether the soul of the deceased would go to Paradise or Hell was decided.

For reference! Later, the sign of Libra was treated as a symbol of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. The fact is that it was in the seventh constellation that the first exo-planet, that is, a body orbiting the parent star, was identified. Hence, it was believed that a second Earth could exist within the constellation Libra.

What places on a man's body are suitable for a Libra tattoo

The place on the body is a special choice, because on different places tattooing can activate special energy centers and channels. Therefore, in addition to choosing a sketch man is important to compare its meaning with the sacred meaning of the place on the body, so they do not contradict each other.


The special significance of the Libra tattoo on the shoulder is played by the location of the scales and what is inside them. Therefore, the sketch can safely judge what priorities in the life of a man, what he strives for. If the scales are in balance at the same level - it will bring balance, harmony, tranquility into a man's life.


If you put a Libra tattoo on the forearm, you can thereby strengthen the influence of the stars on the life of a man. It remains only to reflect on what exactly he lacks for complete happiness? The right sketch guarantees success, happiness in personal life, the correctness of actions, protection from evil.

Tattoo on the wrist

If you score a symbol or constellation of Libra on your wrist, some part of a complex picture, a man can achieve that the body drawing will become a powerful amulet against negativity and evil from the outside. The tattoo will become a reflective mirror, returning all negativity to whatever it radiates to the man.

Sleeve Tattoo

On the arm in the format of a sleeve depict complex compositions, which are complemented by a mass of symbols and details. The main message of the tattoo - the desire for retribution, justice, orders in all spheres of man's life. Perhaps it is a sign of previous offenses that need to be avenged.


Scales on the neck is a great opportunity to affect the mind, brain and worldview. The tattoo will help to calm acute feelings and mental impulses, to achieve balance, harmony of soul and body. If any situations cause discomfort, tattoo can help change your attitude towards them, making life much easier.


Drawing Libra on the chest is possible in a large format with details and symbolism. Most often a man thereby seeks to balance within himself emotions, feelings, impulses of the soul with reason, conscience, fairness, honesty. Tattoo on the chest can be a talisman, protecting from dangers and risks.


Applying Libra to the side is another way to make positive adjustments in life and the future. The tattoo will bring love, understanding, a reassessment of values, and peace of mind. Some symbols will help enhance mental acuity, logic and intuition.


On the back, a tattoo of the zodiac sign Libra is best depicted in the center of the loins or on the right side in the area of the location of the liver, to achieve a balancing of the energy level of the person as a whole.


Since between the shoulder blades is the energy channel responsible for his, life's needs and ambitions of the man, Libra in this place will help to temper ardor, properly build strategies for personal growth and development, adequately perceiving themselves and their capabilities.


If the tattoo with Libra on the legs, it will help the owner easily build a harmonious relationship with the people around him. If it is a symbol and constellation, the tattoo will protect from external attacks and aggression, quarrels and conflicts with loved ones, negativity from ill-wishers.

Sketches with a Libra tattoo: photo ideas for men and women

Libra is rarely depicted on the body without any additional decoration. Usually on the scale are placed those objects that are important to the owner of the tattoo. These can be symbols of love, stars, the sun, etc. There are such pairs as heart and money, angel and demon, moon and sun. The weight of the scales tipped to one side is a reflection of the life priorities of the tattoo's owner. If the scales are depicted on the body, in which the bowl with the heart outweighs the bowl with money, then for such a person feelings and love are more important than material values.

The tattoo with the bowls in the same position symbolizes objectivity of the person, his impartial perception of reality. Tattoo with balanced scales can also mean inner peace, steadfastness of thoughts and actions.

Tattoo with scales looks on the body enough modest and restrained, so it can be used by both men and women. On a woman's body looks beautiful miniature scales in combination with the constellation or symbol of Libra.

Are there recommendations for tattoos with the sign of Libra

If a man belongs to the zodiac sign Libra, the tattoo will help him avoid quarrels, misunderstandings and conflicts, but without conceding his interests and positions. The right choice of the sketch and the place on the body will help curb your temper, get rid of doubts and indecision. And in order to accurately determine the choice, take into account several points:

  • A tattoo is rarely done in one go.Be prepared for a long, step-by-step process;
  • Taking into account your pain threshold And the degree of sensitivity of different areas of the body decide on the location of the sketch;
  • the tattoo involves a long immobilizationPrepare for the procedure;
  • the tattoo is an expensive pleasureTattoo is an expensive pleasure, on which it is inexpedient to save, so find out the price in advance;
  • Do not take a sketch of Libra from the internet.Do not take a Libra sketch on the Internet, create a unique author's drawing;
  • semantic load The semantic load of the chosen image must resonate with your character, image, field of activity, way of life;
  • Remember that the tattoo must be correctedRemember, the tattoo needs to be corrected, because some areas of the skin quickly wear out;
  • Beforehand find a reliable salon and an experienced master.

The Libra tattoo is ideal for men associated with law and the law. It is good if the wearer strives for honesty, justice, rationality, balance.

Important! In the presence of doubts and hesitations decision to score a tattoo is better to postpone. The tattoo is your choice for the rest of your life. Although there is a possibility of laser removal, it is quite a long, painful and expensive procedure.

What tattoos are right for a Libra?

Astrologers believe that a tattoo for Libra can become one of the talismans, especially if you place important symbols of the sign on it. But if you don't want to make do with just one visit to the master, you can also stop at the traditional constellation - it is easy to transfer to any area of the body, the session will not take much time.

For those who want to add more semantic facets to the tattoo, it is recommended to use a few basic ideas:

  • Balance symbols. The simplest among them is the scales themselves. But you have no idea how diverse they can be. To get a sense of just a small part of the layer of ideas for sketches, it is enough to go into any major antique store and look at the variety of similar items presented there.
  • Book. Since the sign is always associated with knowledge, wisdom and intelligence, sketches of books in any format are especially appreciated in astrological tattooing.
  • Labyrinth. One of the important astrological zodiac symbols. It is often used in the creation of individual talismans for Libra.

Since the sign is associated with Venus, those born under it can also use any symbols of this planet - real and sacred. Other possible symbols include butterflies, sunflowers, doves and hearts. All this greatly simplifies the process of selecting a drawing. It is possible to choose either a small or a large image, covering a large area of the skin.

Make an appointment for your first consultation with our master to create a beautiful and colorful sketch. We will answer all your questions, tell you about how to properly care for your drawing during restoration. We use only high-quality and safe pigments. To visit the first session, just leave a request on the site or call.

How to choose a tattoo sketch in relation to a place on the body

The basic principle of matching a tattoo and a place on the body is proportionality and proportionality. That is:

  • if it's an inscription.It can be put on the fingers, hands, wrists, neck in a single version, as well as in addition to any place in the composition;
  • if it is a scale drawing scales with details and additional elements, it can be applied to the chest, back, legs, arms, sides;
  • symbolism, constellations will look harmoniously on the shoulder blades, lower back, shoulders and forearms, thighs of a man.

That is in simple words large tattoos with details in composition format on small parts of body will be difficult for perception by virtue of clumsiness and unwieldiness. And small tattoos though can harmoniously fit in any zone on the body, but in a large space will look faded and inarticulate.

Styles and colors for a tattoo with the sign of Libra

If it is a male Libra tattoo, most often it is depicted in a strict style. The most popular today are the following currents:

graphics - The predominance of straight and clear lines;

realism - The believable execution of the scales and the accompanying characters;

tribal - depiction of symbols and pictures in a pattern format;

Handpoke - An unconventional fresh take on tattoos;

trash polka dot - Bright contrasting tones and an unconventional way of conveying the sketch.

If it is a drawing of a scales subject with a person or other additions, the style of realism, thrash polka, graphics will suit it better. Minimalism and handpoke styles are recommended for the constellation. Symbolism will look beautiful in the style of tribal and graphics. Favorable shades for such drawings - blue, blue, green, less often yellow and red are used.

How to make the look more diverse

The scales alone, understandably, would be of little interest to anyone. Along with the usual image of this tool in the form of a classic stylization, there is also its "glyph" (photo), and both options can closely overlap. An amalgamation of scales and one of the four metaphysical elements can also be reproduced.

The talismans of the scales (conditional signs) according to some versions can be considered a heart and a book. If a heart is placed on one of the bowls, and it seems to outweigh it, it is obvious that a person expresses his romantic feelings in the most accessible and expressive form. And not just feelings, but a preference for love over other motives, a general attunement to it. The image should not be small.

The equilibrium scales show unwavering self-confidence and indestructible stability of the psyche and mood in general. Finally, the motif of searching for the essence of things, their deeper meanings is also reflected. And the balance between girls and guys will never be superfluous.

Symbols with which the Libra tattoo can be combined

Symbolism in the question of the zodiac sign Libra is extremely important, it can change the denotation vector or reveal a deeper meaning. Most often the following additions are used:

  • brain, heart, books in the scales - setting priorities in life;
  • the god who holds the scales - a historical or mythical character that one wants to imitate;
  • the inscription Libra - helps to distinguish the subject scales from the constellation;
  • date of birth - indicates belonging to a zodiac sign;
  • fire - sign of passion, sensuality, emotionality;
  • geometric patterns - aesthetic element;
  • two constellations - an indicator of love and loyalty to another person.

Libra, is it a symbol of justice?


Meaning for men and girls

The scales tattoo is equally often chosen by both young men and ladies. It has an identical meaning for both genders. Girls tend to complement the symbol with romantic icons in the form of hearts, birds, ribbons and chains. If a woman applies the image as her zodiac sign, the tattoo symbolizes love, peacefulness and harmony with the world around her.

Men apply scales to emphasize the clarity of life principles, the objectivity of views and, at the same time, the flexibility of thinking. Young men choose bright large drawings, complemented by various elements, such as a dagger, barbed wire and lightning.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To address for consultation concerning tattoos and direct performance of work it is necessary only in the tattoo-salon that has the license and the permission for activity. Tattoos in untested places and unreliable masters threaten:

  • injuries;
  • infections;
  • overpayment;
  • poor quality results;
  • allergies.

The found master must have a catalog with previous works and reviews, which will be a true proof of his qualifications.


For women

For men