Tattoo of Libra: 70 popular designs and styles

The zodiac sign Libra in mythological terms

Libra is traditionally considered the main attribute of Themis - the goddess of justice. Themis and Zeus had a daughter, Dike, the goddess of truth. She was called to see to order and harmony in the world, to weigh the deeds and vices of mankind. Dicke's scales were always balanced, showing the same amount of good and bad in one person.

The modern interpretation of the scales has a profound psychological significance. They show that a person strives to achieve harmony in life, does not tolerate extremes. Tattoos with scales score not only those born from September, 24th till October, 22nd, but also other people who wish to find balance and compromise in all their undertakings.

How to draw a star from a corner

Still image: / YouTube

What you will need

  • Paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler - optional;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • eraser.

How to draw a star

Use a pencil to draw a straight vertical line. If you want everything to be perfectly straight, use a ruler.

Still image: / YouTube

From the top left at an angle, draw another straight line.

Frame: / YouTube

From top right, finish drawing another straight line at the same angle as the previous one.

Frame: / YouTube

Add a horizontal line just above the middle of the vertical line. Then draw another parallel line just below the middle.

Image: / YouTube

Use a felt-tip pen to trace the corner that you get above the top horizontal line.

Frame: / YouTube

On the left side of the horizontal line draw a line the same length as the sides of the top corner. From its edge, draw a line down to the right until the two lines intersect.

Frame: / YouTube

Draw the corner on the right side in the same way.

Frame: / YouTube

From the left top, draw a line at an angle. The line should be the same length as the others. From the edge, draw another line up to the right and end it slightly below the second horizontal line.

Frame: / YouTube

In the same way, finish drawing the fifth apex of the star.

Frame: / YouTube

Erase any unnecessary pencil sketches.

What other options are available.

Here's a similar, but simpler way to depict a star:

Libra tattoo meanings for men and women

The Libra tattoo means that its owner is prone to a critical assessment of events in his life. In the head of Libra is constantly analyzing his own personality. People with the Libra tattoo is difficult enough to dislodge from the right path, it is difficult to impose another's opinion.

The Libra tattoo owners care about your inner world, they are usually versatile, at all have their own point of view. Libra on the body symbolizes inner harmony, balance of power and energy.

Libra on the body is preferably nabivat those people who are impulsive in their decisions. The tattoo will be a superfluous reminder for them that their rash decision could lead to adverse consequences. A small scale on the wrist will be a talisman for anyone who wants their life to be measured and calm.

The life concept of a Libra is a constant assessment of events. If Libra decides on a major purchase, it may take them a long time to prepare for this event. Documents, prices, competitors, offers on the secondary market will be studied and only after that Libras will make a decision about the deal. Libra tries not to listen to other people's opinions, they have their own view on everything. They do not believe the words of others until they are not convinced of their rightness. This quality of Libra often leads to the birth of truly brilliant people in different areas of life.

How do the Zodiacs draw.

It's not the skill that counts, it's the desire. Make sure of this.

Everyone is an artist at heart, and it does not matter how well you can draw or think you can not draw at all (for example a black square). The main thing is not to be ashamed of your abilities, the more so that the Zodiac is on your side. So brave to masterpieces!

Aries often start to doodle for no reason. Just woke up one morning and decided, why not? Of course YES! Aries doodles most often express the personality of Aries, and do not submit to common standards. Moreover, Aries doodles with Ariesian persistence, fully immersing himself and giving himself over to the process.

People around him are shocked! Aries was like Aries, and then bloop, bloop, bloop, and so that in any way! Of course, others know better how to properly kalyakat, and begin not only to offer advice, but also to criticize (who are they!) And even teach (just went crazy) Aries! Since Aries does not tolerate criticism in such an intimate matter as a pooch, all of their arrogant critics and advisers are quietly put on a black list. And even if they do not immediately tell their critics what they think about them, they will surely ignore them, dear advisors and critics!

Therefore, dear other zodiac signs! It is better to immediately praise the bloopers and Aries, do not lead to sin! Otherwise it is not so far to all sorts of repressions, shootings and revolutions! And then the World War is just around the corner!

Dear Aries, tattoo on your health! Do not deny yourself this pleasure just because they try to force you into frames, and remember the frames are not for Aries!

Famous Aries artists:Van Gogh, Goya, El Greco, Raphael, Kiprensky, Tropinin, Grabar.

The most thoughtful and judicious sign. If Taurus suddenly wanted to make a mess, then Taurus will certainly think it over first. Allocate time in their schedule for the kalyakanyah-painting. He will thoroughly prepare for the appointed time: gather all the information about this activity, find out all about the tools for doodling, choose the best. She will take a lot of tests to identify her abilities and inclinations in order to choose the direction, the current and the style for her future doodles. And as always, as in any business that Taurus undertakes, the results will be impressive.

Even if they are not masterpieces, in any case, every line, spot or squiggle in the doodles of Taurus, will be the right shape, the right color and in the right place!

Famous Taurus artists.: Vasnetsov, Krymov, Gainsborough, Delacroix, Deineka, Dali.

Gemini, being a dreamy nature for a long time kalyakuyut only in their dreams, in dreams at least no one does not criticize and ridicule.

If it does come to Gemini real blot and blot, then they are long between different artistic movements and styles, and begin to try everything! At the same time often in all directions quickly grasping the essence, surprised by their work. And everything would be going so well, if not for one problem Gemini, well categorically lacks the strength and time to do everything, so torn between different styles, Gemini leaves behind a trail of unfinished, unfinished and undocumented work. If only Gemini would add the tenacity of Capricorn and the thoroughness of Taurus, then Gemini with his irrepressible imagination would decorate the world with masterful bloopers in all directions and styles.

Advice to Gemini, if you often do not have the strength to finish another masterpiece, do not throw incomplete work in the trash, and put it in a separate folder, and when the desire appears kalyakat, but there is no topic, it's time to review their deficiencies. And sometimes what was lying unkalyakachnoe for several years, dokalyakin under such a mood for a few minutes.

Famous artists Gemini: Gauguin, Dürer, Velázquez, Kramskoy, Savrasov, Nesterov, Polenov, R. Kent and Grekov

Safety comes first for Cancers. That's why Cancer tries to doodle all by himself, locking all the doors. God forbid anyone should see him doodle-doodle-doodle-doodle-doo! Surely they will laugh! No, better to doodle quietly and modestly, and show it only under a pseudonym. But when I become a great artist, then I'll tell everyone that it's not a pseudonym here penciled, and I'm Cancer himself.

Nice Cancer, at you from the birth a thin-sensitive creative nature. You are born creators! Do not hide in a shell, let everyone see your brilliant kalyaki. Only you, Cancer, so gently and touchingly know how to transfer the emotional experience! Only you Raki all your range of feelings and experiences can very accurately portray the right shades and appropriate lines. And even if you are criticized at the beginning of your work, take it philosophically: "You can't do it all! Or learn from Aries: ignoring and repressing is also a good method against critics.

Video (click to play).

Famous Cancerian artists: Chagall, Turner, Rembrandt, Rubens, Makovsky, Fedotov, Modigliani.

Leo is the most noble and regal sign of the zodiac. That is why Leo prefers not to paint in any way, but only as befits a royal person (in their opinion) - strictly according to all rules and canons respecting all the traditions of academic painting. If Leo's doodles and doodles in the show did not arouse the rapturous applause of the admiring audience, then Leo may fall into despondency. Therefore, it is recommended to admire and admire Leo's doodles in public, but it is better to give advice to Leo on improving his doodles in silence, in private and without witnesses. After all, this is how one is supposed to give advice to royalty, so as not to compromise the honor and dignity of the crown.

One more peculiarity of the Lions: If the Lions' doodles are praised by an authoritative knowledgeable person, the Lion, believing that he is a true artist, begins to create as a true artist, giving out from his brush really great masterpieces.

Especially well the Leo turns out classical realism.

Famous artists Lions: Repin, Titian, A. Ivanov, Bilibin, Losenko, Borovikovsky, Aivazovsky.

A born aesthete. Virgo sensitivity to harmony and beauty sits so deeply and so firmly that any little thing that upsets the harmony of the painting irritates and infuriates them. Virgo artists strive for perfect perfection in composition. They need to polish everything to a complete sense of order and pure beauty. That's why it's very difficult for Virgoes to overcome the period of learning to doodle. They subtly feel the imperfection of their bloopers, but they lack the ability and knowledge to make everything as seen and felt. If Virgo calms his irritation, does not break down and continues his learning, then Virgo makes excellent Artists. The paintings of Virgo attract attention with their particular pure, as if sterile, beauty. Of their paintings say: too beautiful to be true.

Famous painters of Virgo: Levitan, Ciurlainis, Engr, I. Glazunov, David, Friedrich.

Creative work has a beneficial effect on the Libra, it calms and cheers them up. Libras from birth have an artistic taste. They do not like vulgarity and cynicism in art, are very sensitive to falsity, and understand the essence of true high art, which promotes and supports the true imperishable values: self-knowledge, friendship and love in its highest expression (to the Motherland, parents, children and of course trembling love for a special ideal person - the other half). Libra is a true friend and a true romantic, which can be clearly seen in their poems. Since Libras are very sensitive to falsity, they often see the whole world as such a huge theater in which people play invented roles, so the doodles of Libra are very similar to the frozen theater scenes, and landscapes resemble scenery.

There is another peculiarity of Libra, they work (create and create) much more effectively in the presence of other people. This does not mean that they need helpers, they need observers, perhaps spectators or at least one viewer, and then Libras everything in his hands get along, sporadic and turns out much better than if he would create alone. Therefore, when they say that Libra is lazy - it's not true, just alone, they have more difficulty focusing on work.

Famous Libra artists: N. Roerich, Watteau, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Böcklin.

There are only two Muses that Scorpio serves - Love and Victory. If the closest way to serve these Muses is through creativity, then Scorpio will engage in creativity. Scorpios are energetically strong signs, it's not that they don't accept being boxed in, it's just that they are amused by the box. It's as if they see more than those around them, see the essence of the frames and restrictions, know who came up with the frames and what they did it for. It feels like they are playing with the whole world, playing with tradition, playing with dogma. They write their own rules of the game and can change them many times in the course of the game, if victory in a given situation depends on it. Hypnotic look, a huge craving for knowledge, especially they are interested in all sorts of mysteries, secrets, mysticism and human possibilities. Scorpios have a very great capacity for work. Scorpios can be Great in any field if they set themselves such a goal. Creativity is no exception. If Scorpio decides to blunder, no one tells him what to do. Opinion of people interests him little, he sees the goal and sees how to achieve it. He is a fighter by nature. Crayons of Scorpios shout about the uniqueness and individuality of the Scorpios, there is a mystical and dramatic notes in their work. Often the paintings of Scorpios are prophetic.. .

Famous artists Scorpios: Picasso, Claude Monet, Petrov-Vodkin

The sign of honesty and frankness. Most of all Sagittarius values freedom and independence. Therefore, if an adult Sagittarius suddenly decides to doodle, it is either to prove his independence, or to show through his doodles the true reality of life. So to speak, to show the truth of life unvarnished. Sagittarius is very truthful in his paintings, especially Sagittarians like to paint on society's forbidden subjects. At Sagittarians well managed to show the naturalness of objects and the human body. Sagittarians in general love to portray people, especially in movement or unusual and difficult poses, they easily and quickly learn how to do it, and they are great at it. If Sagittarius creates unusual bloopers that will shock the audience, then it is not to attract attention to his own person but only to show his independence from the standards and templates imposed Sagittarius. If Sagittarius is not deprived of freedom, he has no desire to stand out in style or with a special technique of fumbling. The proven techniques of the great masters will be enough for Sagittarius to show a believable realism. But no matter what kind of artist Sagittarius still no matter what, every now and then, he will choose a vital topic for his bloopers, showing the imperfection of today's society.

Famous Sagittarius artists: Toulouse Lautrec, Kandinsky, Salakhov, Munch, Korovin, Denis.

If Capricorn has decided to become an Artist, he will definitely become one. Such a tireless achiever among other signs is hard to find. Capricorn day and night is ready to hone the basics of the skill of the artist, in order to achieve not only recognition as an Artist, but also financial well-being. No, they are not greedy and not miserly, they are realists with their feet firmly on the ground. That is why if they engage in creativity, then in the end Capricorns' creativity simply must bring income, and otherwise engaging in creativity loses all meaning. That's why Capricorns most often don't fly in the clouds, but learn to masterfully doodle portraits, and themes that are in demand in society at the moment. If you need a landscape, there will be a landscape, if you need a wall-wide scene, there will be a scene. That's what, but Capricorns are the least afraid of difficulties and volume of work. Capricorn is a loner in creativity. Capricorns find it very difficult to work with someone in partnership, because Capricorn is very demanding about the quality of their work, and equally demanding about the quality of their partner's work. Slacking off next to Capricorn won't work, and if Capricorn sees that a partner is lazy or not professional enough in their part of the job, Capricorn won't hesitate to speak up, and will say all the complaints right to their face. If Capricorn has a particular style of doodling different from the classical school, it is not at all to become the center of attention, but only to earn more money with their creativity.

Famous Capricorn artists: Brullov, Matisse, Siqueiros, Guttuso, Cézanne and Therborch.

Aquarius is the most humanistic sign of the Zodiac. If Aquarius suddenly decides to do doodle, he is either experimenting or has decided to radically change his life. If the creative process really piques Aquarius' interest, then Aquarius grasps literally everything on the fly. Most interestingly, Aquarius not only comprehends the basics of artistic skill, but also tries to understand how certain colors, lines and stains work on the psyche of the audience. Aquarians are true experimenters in creativity, and they also like to get to the heart of the process. They like to create alone. It is in solitude Aquarians are visited by bright thoughts and intuitive insights. Why alone? It's explained quite simply, when Aquarius is in the community, his attention shifts from his inner world to the study of others around him. Not just to observe, but to study. And believe me, even if you think that Aquarius at the moment is very busy, he still sees, hears and notices everything.

Aquarians like to shock the audience with their appearance just to be in the spotlight. Looking at people's reactions, they gather more accurate information about them. Moreover, if you suddenly laugh at his appearance, he will laugh at yours the same way. In fact, it will be funniest around, Aquarius something was expecting ridicule, when he was deliberately going for an outrage, but you are not. And from the unexpectedness people have such a comical look!

The most interesting thing about the character of Aquarius is that he knows very well all the shortcomings of people, but still believes in their goodness and decency. Therefore, the drawings of Aquarius are most often lyrical and patriotic, conveying a special feeling of love for their homeland and people.

Famous artists of Aquarius: Surikov, Shchedrin, Venetsianov, Plastov, Kuindzhi, Ribeir, Pollock.

Pisces are philosophers and often believe in fate. Pisces understand the transience and volatility of life and therefore do not even try to have time to do everything. If Pisces want to achieve mastery, they need to start just small steps to go against their own desire to swim with the current. If Pisces as an adult has become addicted to doodling, it's likely that they've decided for some reason that it's destined to be their destiny. In any case, Pisces is born with an artistic ability and a predisposition to create. Pisces is not tied to money and the material wealth of this world. They are well aware of: "Nothing with itself from this world will not take away" - why then sacrifice the comfortable state of the moment for the sake of the fleeting possession of some material goods. Therefore, all of Pisces' creativity is not for the sake of making money, but for the sake of the pleasurable process itself, as such. But Pisces doesn't mind if this pleasant process brings them money and fame at the same time, so to speak, without any unnecessary gestures. In Pisces paintings, there is a freedom in working with color, they like the flow and flow from one color to another. Pisces usually avoid the classic realism. Most often Pisces choose mystical, religious or philosophical themes for their paintings.

Famous Pisces artists: Michelangelo, Botticelli, Renoir, Saryan, Vrubel, Konchalovsky, Tiepolo, Malevich.

Zodiacal meaning of the Libra tattoo

According to the astrological description, Libras have a sense of humor and critical self-esteem. They have a subtle sense of the world and strive to create beauty around them. Among Libras are often found designers, makeup artists, hairstylists, graphic designers. By tattooing on the body Libras want to show their individuality, to emphasize the uniqueness of the character.

Libras will not tolerate injustice and meanness. They value honesty and despise cynicism, lies and hypocrisy. Depending on the sketch of the Libra tattoo can symbolize discipline, order and justice.

Sketches with a Libra tattoo: photo ideas for men and women

Scales are rarely depicted on the body without any additional decoration. Usually on the scale are placed those objects that are important to the owner of the tattoo. These can be symbols of love, stars, the sun, etc. There are such pairs as heart and money, angel and demon, moon and sun. The balance of the scales to one side is a reflection of the life priorities of the tattoo owner. If the scales are depicted on the body, in which the bowl with the heart outweighs the bowl with money, then for such a person feelings and love are more important than material values.

The tattoo with bowls in the same position symbolizes objectivity of the person, his impartial perception of reality. The balanced scales tattoo can also mean inner peace, steadfastness of thoughts and actions.

Tattoo with scales looks on the body enough modest and restrained, so it can be used by both men and women. On a woman's body looks beautiful miniature scales in combination with the constellation or symbol of Libra.

How to draw a star using a compass and ruler

Shot: @Lostas / YouTube

What you'll need

  • Paper;
  • A ruler (you can take any object with a straight side that is easy to trace: you won't need the measuring scale itself for this method);
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • eraser.

How to draw a star

Draw a straight horizontal line. Place the compass needle on the left end of the line. Place the compass pencil a little farther from the middle of the line. Mark the top and bottom parts of the circle.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Sketch the other side the same way.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Draw a straight vertical line through the intersections of the outline. It should split the horizontal line in half at right angles.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Draw a circle around the outlined lines.

Still image: @Lostas / YouTube

Now you need to divide in half the left side of the horizontal line. To do this, again place the needle of the compass on the left end of the line, and place the pencil a little further away from the middle of this segment. Mark the parts of the circle at the top and bottom.

  • The simplest homemade scales for weighing flying model parts or weight culture. - Parkflyer.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Repeat on the other side, placing the needle in the center of the circle. Draw a vertical line through the intersections of the sketches.

Shot: @Lostas / YouTube

Fix the needle at the intersection of this vertical line and the horizontal line. Measure the distance to the top edge of the other vertical line with a compass. Make a mark on the right side of the horizontal line.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Use a compass to measure the distance from this point to the top edge of the vertical line.

Photo: @Lostas / YouTube

The top edge will be the first point to draw the star. Place the needle there and make marks on the left and right side of the circle.

Shot: @Lostas / YouTube

Move the needle to the left point and make a mark at the bottom left of the circle. Repeat the same on the right side.

Still image: @Lostas / YouTube

Connect the third point to the fifth point and the first point (counting clockwise, starting from the top first point).

Shot: @Lostas / YouTube

Connect the fifth point to the second and the second point to the fourth.

Frame: @Lostas / YouTube

Connect the fourth mark with the fifth. Erase unnecessary pencil sketches.

What other options are available

Another interesting way to draw an even star:

You can build a star with a ruler and a compass if you know the radius of the circle. All details are explained in this video:

Where to get a Libra tattoo?

Tattoo with Libra can have a variety of meanings depending on the location. A tattoo that is tattooed near the waist and closer to the liver can have a significant impact on a person's energy. The image will serve as a support for the person, helping to achieve harmony.

If you want to increase the influence of the stars on your destiny, the tattoo is better placed on the wrist or forearm. Such a tattoo will be a talisman for both women and men. No less attractive looks tattoo located between the shoulder blades, on the shoulder, on the neck, on the ribs. The choice of the location of the tattoo depends on the massiveness of the image, the presence of small details. Large tattoos are not desirable to place on the neck. They will make it wider and shorter.

How to draw a star with a protractor

Still image: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

What you will need

  • Protractor;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • eraser;
  • felt-tip pen.

How to draw a star

Put a protractor on the paper and trace a circular part from the 0° mark to the 180° mark.

Still image: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Turn the protractor over and trace around it, finishing with an even circle.

Shot: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Place the protractor on the inside of the right side of the circle. Make a mark at the top under the 0° division. Mark an angle of 72° on the right side.

Picture: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Make another mark through 72°, that is, at an angle of 144°.

Still image: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Reposition the protractor so that the last mark has the number 0 on it. Place the point at an angle of 72°.

Shot: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Repeat the last step and make another mark on the circle in 72°.

  • Xiaomi Smart Scale 2 review: as cool as ever and as always, nothing new

Still image: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

There should be a total of five marks - the number of ends of the star. Connect the top point and the third with a straight line. Then draw a line between the first mark and the fourth in exactly the same way.

Frame: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Connect the second and fifth marks.

Shot: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Connect the fifth point to the third and the second point to the fourth.

Still image: @Simple Easy Art / YouTube

Erase the lines inside and outside of the star. With straight lines, use a felt-tip pen to connect all the vertices of the figure.

Popular styles of scales tattoos

Tattoos with scales are most often depicted in a strict style. This is especially true for men's tattoos. For men, black and white sketches in the style of tribal, one of the most popular in the tattoo industry, are preferred. If you want to perform a large and intricate tattoo, then choose the style of realism.

For women, miniature tattoos with a constellation or symbol of the zodiac sign Libra will do. Sketches for such tattoos are simple enough, and the drawings themselves do not take up much space on the body. Interesting look handpoke freehand tattoos, which are not performed with a tattoo machine, but with a special needle.

On girls very gently and neatly look small tattoos in the styles of newskul, watercolor, graphics, minimalism. Add flowers, stars and inscriptions to the image with scales. The most successful solution will be the inscription Libra, which in translation from Latin means "scales.

Tattoo with scales - a great solution for those who wish to balance their own lives. Tattoo with a bowl will be a talisman for gamblers prone to impulsive actions. Perform a tattoo with scales if you want to make your life measured and calm.

How to draw scales

In this lesson we will learn how to draw scales. We are talking about a real object, not a zodiac sign. Although they are not much different in both meaning and appearance. In my example, a scale is a device for measuring weight. There are scales for different weight classes.


The one in the photo above is designed to measure less than two pounds. They are usually used for weighing spices. There are also scales for people and trucks. They are not very pretty, in my humble opinion, so I chose the small ones.


For women

For Men