Tattoos on the ribs of girls: inscriptions with translation. Sketches

Tattoo and compass inscription
Tattoo with an inscription and a compass
On the body, the inscription pursues three functions. It is to remind a person of an event or phenomenon in his life. The second purpose is to decorate the hands with the original symbol. The third purpose is to give life a certain meaning or twist.

The master tattooist when selecting the font must take into account the personality of the person, the quality of the skin and the visual effects.

Why Latin?

Latin is considered the foremother of many languages. It is a pithy language, the alphabet of which represents 80% of the language groups. Expressions in Latin are clear and concise to express the essence. This explains the popularity of tattoos on the arm, the inscriptions which are made in Latin.

In the tattoo culture, Latin inscriptions are considered classics. They are recommended to young boys and mature men. Because you can choose a wise saying or utterance for each period or condition.

Women's tattoos include mostly English texts. They are reduced to short phrases, often initials. This is due to the fact that for a girl, the emotional component is more important.

She does not use tattoo words as slogans or warnings. More often it is a memory or expression of feelings. Often in girls on the arm can be taken away a tattoo made in a subtle ligature. Such a drawing adorns the skin and emphasizes the elegance of her hands.

Many languages now use Latin terms and concepts. This has become the basis for creating small images with meaning, small tattoos with meaning are becoming popular due to the beauty of the drawing.

Ideas of such inscriptions are present in every tattoo studio with translation for girls. These are beautiful phrases and motivational expressions for girls.

tattoo inscription on the scapula
Tattoo inscriptions on the scapula

Examples of tattoo sayings:

  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - there is no cure for love.
  • Non progredi est regredi - not moving forward means standing still.
  • Gaudeamus igitur - let's get on with the fun.

Often short phrases are a priority for tattoos. Latin is the second most popular language among those used for tattoos.

How to choose a font for a tattoo

To turn a tattoo phrase into a beautiful picture, you need to choose a font. The same phrase executed in the author's manner will look like a unique tattoo. Picking up the texts, the tattoo should aim to adorn the body and evoke a certain reaction.

TIP: You doubt, do or not do tattoo, for experiment do temporary, henna. And then you can make a permanent one if you are satisfied with the result. Recommended reading: Mehendi on Hand

Authors of drawings create a font taking into account the location of the tattoo, its direction and the number of letters and words. Selecting quotes of expression phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls takes into account the size of the hand, skin type.

The font itself is formed using Adobe Photoshop.

For the master to accurately guess your desire, describe to him in detail your requirements. The more details the artist will know, the more accurate the result will be.

Beautiful phrases about love and not only in English for tattoos

Below are the phrases about love. which are suitable for girls and for guys - they will express your feelings and your love for one of the representatives of the beautiful half of mankind or to one of the representatives of the stronger half of mankind. You can make an inscription in the form of a tattoo on your arm, back, leg and in other interesting places.

  • For you a thousand times over - For you a thousand times over.
  • The course of true love never did run smooth - The course of true love never did run smooth.
  • Don't go, I'll eat you up, I love you so - Don't go, I'll eat you up, I love you so.
  • I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always - I'll love you forever, I love you forever.
  • Love is the whole and more than all - Love is the whole and more than all.
  • Let it go ... let them go ... let all go - so comes love. - Let it go ... let them go ... let them all go - so comes love.
  • The best thing in our life is love.
  • The best love affairs are those we never had - The best love affairs are those we never had.
  • The more you give the more you love - The more you give, the more you love.
  • Love me for who I am - Love me for who I am.
  • Live. Love. Laugn - Live. Love. Smile.
  • Love never fails - Love never fails.
  • Don't forget to love yourself.
  • Love is never wrong - Love is never wrong.

Choosing a place for a woman's tattoo

Choosing a place on the hand, it is worth considering the length of the sentence and the size of the font. For short phrases with ornate letters will suit the forearm.

Often for girls on the hand perform a thin ligature with elongated lines.

If the phrase is short, it may be placed on the wrist.

Exquisite phrases of a personal nature more often applied on the hand for girls it emphasizes the importance of the message. On the wrist for girls is recommended to write a message to loved ones or to express their feelings to the beloved.

tattoo on forearm
Tattoo inscriptions, name

Many photos show decorated brushes, tattoos on the wrist have a couple of lines. If the font is small it makes the text expressive.

Sporty girls prefer forearm to write here can be a long expression, adding voluminous letters.

When composing a phrase, it is always necessary to choose a part of the body that is suitable for its placement. Select the location in accordance with the idea will help the master.

Women's inscriptions

The nature of women's inscriptions is mainly addressed to the sensual experience. The content brings to the viewer either the life position of the bearer, or her preferences.

Texts dedicated to relationships are popular. Among the most popular are phrases motivating to be free and happy.

Love .

Love is one of the most popular subjects. It considers the feeling of love in a global sense. It can be an expression of feelings for a loved one, nature, mother, motherland.

It matters the nature of the text. For example, the phrase may sound positive:

  • "Cor meum in aeternum" - forever in my heart
  • "Dum spiro, amo atque credo" - while I breathe, I love and believe
  • Or to express a position of disappointment in that feeling to those around me:
  • "Solus amor est dignus mom" - only mother is worthy of love

The essence of the text and its energetic content is reflected in the form of the font and the manner of execution. For example, the third phrase can be executed in the style of thrash polka. This will increase the emotional impact of the essence of the text.

Life philosophy

For men and young men, characteristic phrases that express a philosophy of life. Such inscriptions show those around them what kind of life character a person has.

So for example: "Non est vivere sine vino" - no life without wine! The expression shows the easy attitude of a person to events, his desire to live his fate merrily and carefree.

How the tattoo is applied

The process of creating a tattoo in the form of a text involves the introduction under the top layers of the skin of special dyeing substances. It does not cause allergic reactions. In order not to provoke infection or the development of complications, the master must necessarily comply with all sanitary and hygienic rules.

The tattoo is applied to the body with the following sequence of actions:

  • selection of a picture;
  • coordination of the sketch with the master. You can also develop your own layout. He will take into account the preferences and desires of the person;
  • The selected sketch is translated on tracing paper. Then - the selected area of the body;
  • The skin must be pre-prepared. For this purpose, a decontaminating solution is applied to it;
  • Tattooing begins with the piercing of the contour. When this stage is finished, it is possible to move on to filling in the contour. For this, a color scheme is used, based on the selected picture. Then the master applies shadows and highlights to give a natural look to the tattoo.

These measures will help to get a beautiful drawing on the body, as well as Completely exclude the possible festering. If a person can not tolerate pain during the creation of the tattoo, the master can anesthetize the area of the body on which the work is carried out, with anesthesia.

Getting a tattoo from a tattoo artist

Reminders of the transience of life

Phrases about the transience of life came from the edifying precepts of the Catholic faith. They were composed in order to create a certain mood, not only the essence, but also the sound. Such expressions are designed with additional elements: drawings, strokes, etc.

An example of such an inscription: "Deus pascit corvus" - God feeds the crows. The phrase expresses fatalism, emphasizing the inevitability of death.

Freedom Thoughts

The idea of thoughts of freedom competes with ideas of love. Expressions about this condition signal to others that the bearer of the inscription holds it dear. Such phrases, due to the linguistic features of Latin, sound resounding and concise.

An example of the phrase: "Vita sine libertate, nihil" - life without freedom is nothing!

Expressions about personal liberty were widespread among students at the end of the 19th century. That is why the treasury of bold and witty phrases on the subject includes more than 13,000 expressions.

About the family

The family was of great importance to the original speakers of the Latin language. That is why the word "family" (in Latin familia) entered our usage through the language of jurisprudence. As a result, we still use the word "familia" as the definition of the root or our original source.

"Familia - circumierunt ducit nos in rectum cursum" - family is the compass that guides us on the right course.

O love in German

  • Denn nur die freie Neigung ist Liebe, nur wer sich selber hat, kann sich selber geben - love can only be voluntary, for only he who has himself can give himself
  • Eine Liebe, ein Schicksal! - One love, one destiny!
  • Es gibt keine ideale Menschen, schätzt diejenige, die eure Mängel lieben können - There are no perfect people, appreciate those who could love your faults
  • Je stärker du etwas liebst, desto schwieriger ist es zu verlieren - The more you love something, the harder it is to lose it.
  • Leben und lieben - To live and love.
  • Liebe besiegt alles - love conquers all.
  • Liebe ist für jemandem erreichbar, nicht für mich aber - love is for everybody, just not for me.
  • Liebe ist wie ein Krieg: leicht zu beginnen, schwer zu beenden. - Love is like war - easy to start, but hard to stop.
  • Mutter und Vater, ich liebe euch - Mom and Dad, I love you.
  • Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig - Only my mother's love lasts forever
  • Nur Meine Mutter ist meiner Liebe wert - Only my mother is worthy of my love
  • Nur wenn wir etwas verloren haben, beginnen wir das zu schätzen - Only when we lose do we begin to appreciate
  • So wie ich mein Land liebe, so wenig mag ich meine Landsmänner - Although I love my country, I do not love my countrymen.
  • Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Böse - What is done out of love is always on the other side of good and evil
  • Zu leben ist wie zu Lieben, alles spricht dagegen und alle Instinkte sprechen dafür - Living is like loving: common sense is against it, but all healthy instincts are for it.

Photo of the tattoo inscription


For women

For men