Maple leaf: meaning of the symbol for the Canadian flag, in jewelry. Why does Canada's flag and $5 coin feature a maple leaf?

Why is the maple leaf a symbol of Canada?

Many people wonder why a maple leaf is a symbol of Canada, as it does not only grow in this country. That's only partly true - this emblem is the sugar maple.

. It only grows in North America, which is the
the source of the world-famous maple syrup and sugar.
Maple syrup is the world's favorite dainty

It's not unimportant that it was in Canada that Europeans who came to Canada Europeans saw a maple tree for the first time in their lives.

The tree, 40 meters high with a lush crown, from which the bright red leaves fall beautifully, could not fail to be memorable.

Then Europeans realized that you can not just admire the tree, but also make a profit with it.

The experience of local Indians showed that from the sap of the maple tree extracted in early spring, you can make a great syrup. Over time, the syrup
syrup has taken a place of honor in Canadian cuisine.
In the 19th century, an enterprising population, seeing such a success of the product among their fellow citizens, decided to to export

it. To this day, the production of maple syrup is considered
a lucrative part of Canada's foreign policy.
And certainly festivals dedicated to this delicacy are organized every year about 20!

There's a legend

that the maple leaf became a symbol of Canada thanks to the visit of Prince Albert Edward of Wales. The locals were unusually enthusiastic and decided to welcome the guest of honor with their symbols. As a result, Scottish migrants brought thistle branches, and English migrants brought roses. And only the migrants' children, who were already born in Canada, had nothing to bring. That's when the idea came up to take maple leaves.
Maple syrup is rightly considered a national product of Canada

What does the maple leaf mean on Canada's flag and $5 coin?

The flag

Canada's flag as it is now,
appeared in 1965.
. But the maple leaf as an emblem existed even earlier - since the 19th century on coins and stamps.

As for the flag, originally it had as many as three leaves. However, later the flag was tested in a wind tunnel, where it became clear that The one 11-pointed leaf was distorted the least when exposed to air currents.

The 11 tops of the emblem do not have any meaning.

IMPORTANT: As for the color red, many people mistakenly think that this range, and in this case, is associated with autumn. In fact, red is the national color in Great Britain. And this makes sense, since Canada is formally considered a constitutional monarchy. White, on the other hand, is the color of France.

So why the maple leaf? Very simple: as we wrote above, Canadians are proud to have such a tree.

They also consider the maple leaf
as a symbol of the unity of the nation.
Immortalized logo and on a coin.

And this coin is one of the most popular in the world. The size of this coin is
1/10 of an ounce
Which corresponds to the 5 dollars of Canada. It is issued
Since 1982.
The meaning of the maple leaf on the coin is the same as on the flag. A symbol of goodness, peace, and pride in one's country.

The maple leaf on the Canadian coin

The meaning of the maple leaf on a piece of jewelry

It is believed that a person who wears a maple leaf-shaped ornament is bound to It is believed that the person who wears a maple leaf-shaped ornament is bound to find a kindred spirit among the people around him or her.

The maple as if absorbs energy in itself in order to distribute it then to those who happens to be near. It is not without reason that our ancestors considered it
a symbol of love.


this tree
gentle, soft, conducive to finding a person calm.
If you carry a symbol of a maple leaf always with you, you will soon notice yourself that you have acquired
You will soon notice that you yourself have acquired confidence, strength and equilibrium.

If the symbol of a maple leaf is worn on your person, you will soon notice that you have acquired confidence, inner strength, and a sense of balance. It protects from emotional outbursts, relieves from the heaviness that can settle in the soul.

If you are on the way to something new, then to buy a ornament with a maple leaf is the first step on this way. After all, a maple leaf will attract to you good luck in business, contribute to career growth.

It's possible that you might find, quite unexpectedly.
you'll realize how best to make a name for yourself.
Our ancestors believed that the five-pointed maple leaf symbolized the five senses of man.

And if you wear a leaf like that, you can help, they thought,
the full unfolding of those senses.
Why not take advantage of the experiences of previous generations? After all, it's quite possible that life might indeed play out...
with new colors...
and the world around us
perceived more positively.
The need to write a consolidated article about the meanings of tattoos with different leaves appeared when under the article about clover began to ask questions about wedge leaves, oak leaves, ivy leaves, palm leaves, olive leaves.


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Maple.Maple Syrup.
Maple leaves, both in summer and autumn, are striking in their beauty.

This tree has a mystical magical power, legends and tales are told about it, it is used in magic, in traditional medicine, a maple leaf is the emblem of a famous country, and how delicious maple syrup is...

In the fall, we by instinct, and sometimes - almost by tradition - we collect beautiful fallen leaves to put them between the book pages and keep their fleeting beauty.

By carrying around such a maple leaf as an amulet, we can help our five senses open up and perceive more deeply the joys of life and the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

According to modern symbolism, the maple signifies restraint. For women, it symbolizes a young man, slender and strong, kind and beloved.

In Ukraine, maple and linden were represented as a marriage couple, and the fall of maple leaves promised separation from the family.

For the Celts, the presence of two trunks in most cases was a symbol of the struggle for one's self.

All over the world, the maple is a symbol of autumn. In China and Japan, the maple leaf is the emblem of lovers. According to the traditions of Pennsylvanian Germans, the maple symbolizes the beauty of life.

When examined closely, the five-pointed leaves of most maple species resemble the outstretched five fingers of a human hand; in addition, the five ends of the maple leaf also symbolize the five senses.

In the late sixties, the Canadian maple leaf became a symbol of peace and love, appealing not only to our five physical senses, but also to the higher, spiritual ones.


In general, all of our ancestors bestowed certain magical properties on trees.

Maple symbolized the ability to magical protection, love and material well-being. It is also important what our living room, bedroom and hallway furniture is made of.

The undisputed favorite for magical properties is wood.

Products made of maple bring love into our homes.

Branches, seeds and leaves of a maple tree were attributed magical power to protect a man and his space from all evil.

Trees of maple were buried under houses thresholds to ward off evil forces, and a green branch was hanged over beds. A maple leaf was often carved on Easter eggs. When someone pierced a vampire's heart, the stake could have been made not only of aspen, but also of maple.

Maple is a tree which helps people of all types to find equilibrium, brings calmness, self-confidence.

It is a tree of inner strength and poise.

It is not touchy; it takes all emotional outbursts on itself, releases from boiling passions. Maple The tree of solar-Marsian nature.

In many beliefs represents the host of Light.

In many ways similar to the ash, but its strength is aggressive, effective.

Maple is therefore used to create barriers to the Darkness.

The solar disk carved from maple and hung over the door, the maple steps at the entrance to the house, the front door jambs made of this tree are all protections against evil forces, often used in ritual constructions dedicated to the bright, solar deities. Maple was used in the construction of bridges over running water.

Running water is an obstacle for the dark forces, and maple did not allow these forces to use the bridge. Maple branches covering a stable, or stuck into the walls, protected cattle from the evil eye and spoilage. Maple was called a good tree, believing it to be the seat of deities or demons. It was believed that the maple tree brings happiness, protects from lightning, so it was planted near the house. In Russia, to prevent witches from entering the yard and the house, maple branches were put in the doors. In ancient Russia, branches of the maple arrow were used to ward off evil spirits. In agrarian magic, branches of a maple were used in growing flax.

Using maple wood as a talisman will give the ability to communicate in company, contactivity. Magic sticks made of maple wood are used for curses. A staff made of maple wood is used in protective magic.

There is a belief that there is a very strong connection between man and the maple tree that grows near his home.

And as long as the man is alive and healthy, then the maple grows and green.

And if the man dies, the maple withers, goes away with him. For without a soul life flows away like sand through the fingers.

Magical powers of the maple tree lie in the sphere of love, longevity and attraction of money.

In magic, it is believed that an evil sorcerer can turn a person into a maple tree.

The energy of the maple tree is very soft and gentle. It is able to embrace and cuddle, with all the troubles disappearing somewhere by themselves. The power of the maple tree can relieve nervous tension, unnecessary aggression, and helps to harmonize our whole being. It protects us from our own nervousness and explosiveness.

This is the purpose for which you can make an amulet from a maple tree.

If you find a red maple leaf (without green streaks and yellow spots) in the fall.

It should be washed and dried a little.

Then, thinking of the person you love, mentally imagining everything you expect from meetings with him, kiss the tips of the leaf. Put it under the mattress of the bed or under the couch. After a date, wrap a maple leaf in a red cloth and hide it on the farthest shelf.

This ritual generates in a person a constant desire to see you again and again.

The charms of this maple leaf retain their power for one year. Maple is a singing tree.

"The maple tree is a melodious tree..." Pull the ringing string on a dry branch of a wedge-tree, sing me your unbridled song... - is a frequent motive of ancient legends.

It was from maple that Sadko's gusli were made. In the songs about a mother or a poisoner's wife, a yavor (white maple) grows on the grave of a murdered son (husband). And in the South Slavic tradition, where such songs are unknown, the maple, however, is also thought to be involved in human destiny. According to Serbian beliefs, if a dry maple is embraced by an unjustly condemned person, the maple will turn green, and if an unhappy or offended person touches the greening maple in spring, the tree will dry up. According to an old tradition, when a house was built, a couple of maples were planted on the southern side of the house.

And since in the olden days houses were almost always built facing south to get more solar heat, trees were planted in front of the entrance to the house, and in summer their shade provided protection from the sun's rays.

Because the house was usually built when a new family was created, these trees were called "Bridegroom" and "Bride. But probably in earlier times, these two maples, under whose protection the house was all year round, were called the god and goddess trees. If maple leaves curl up and expose their lower surface to the wind, it will rain.

If maple sap has gone - the spring frost is over.

To see in a dream a light maple tree means a prediction of an unexpected arrangement of people unknown to you before and some offers from them, interesting and favorable to you. Maple branches were used in rituals of Trinity, Green Christmas, and Ivan's Day.

In Polesie, the Saturday before Trinity was called "maple", "Maple Saturday".

On this holiday one or three trees were put near doors and windows, and their branches were decorated in houses. It was thought that at that time the souls of deceased relatives came to the house and hid in the branches. After the holidays, the trees and branches were not thrown away, but were burnt or chopped for firewood. In the legends of the western and eastern Slavs, a maple is a tree into which a person is turned ("cursed").

For this reason, maple wood could not be used for firewood ("maple came from man").


The juice of maple leaves are used for medicinal purposes as a tonic, diuretic and anticingotics. (1 tsp. 2-3 times a day). Maple sap - is not only delicious but also very useful drink.

The first mention of it in the folk "medical books" refers to the XVI-XVII centuries.

It is proved that maple sap helps cure over 45 diseases.

In addition, it is an excellent thirst-quencher and tone the body. Sweet maple sap (mapleberry) is drunk in case of scurvy and lower back pain (arthritis).

In the composition of maple sap researchers discovered a substance that resembles the properties of some antibiotics.

Interestingly, in some areas of Russia and Canada, in areas of compact residence of natives of Russia and Ukraine maple sap in folk medicine is used as a remedy for shallow wounds.

Probably, in this case, its disinfecting properties are manifested as well. But the sap is not the only medicinal raw material "of the maple", which "is in service in the ranks" of folk medicine. So, in the spring during the sap run, they also harvest the bark of maple roots and branches.

Bark of maple is used mainly as an astringent. Decoction made of leaves and seeds has diuretic, antimicrobial, antipyretic and wound-healing effects.

It is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory diseases, herpes, inflammation of the lungs and mouth. And in such situations, you can also "use the services" of the crushed green leaves. Wound or ulcer is pre-treated with any antiseptic agent, and then apply a dressing with fresh leaves, which should be changed daily.

The course of treatment - 5-7 days. Fresh crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers to cleanse and heal. Leaves and young shoots boiled with vinegar are used for poultices for painful liver and spleen. A weak solution of bark ash is used to wash the head for scabs and ulcers. Water infusion or decoction of young leaves is used for jaundice, kidney stones, scurvy, as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic. Maple broom in the bath

is widely used, maple leaves and shoots have medicinal properties.

They contain ascorbic acid, alkaloids, tannins. Infusion and decoction of maple leaves can be used as an analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Crushed maple leaves are applied to wounds to heal. Maple broom has the same properties.

It is flexible, whipping, good for catching heat, absorbs sweat.

In addition, maple not only emits substances that are beneficial to humans, but also absorbs harmful substances, such as benzene. For residents of big cities, apparently, it is especially useful.

The main plant of the znakhar's baths is maple.

The Slavs considered it a tree of patience. It helps to acquire perseverance, to get rid of excessive haste, impatience.

Myths and Legends:

The banks of the Acheront (Aceruntia - stream of sorrow), an underground river through which the elder Charon transported the souls of the departed, are overgrown with maples. Acrisius is the father of Danaë, Perseus (Acrisionides) is the son of Danaë. Man's transformation into a maple tree is one of the popular motifs of Slavic tales: the mother "cursed" the disobedient son (daughter), and the musicians who walked through the grove where this tree grew made of it a violin, which in the voice of the son (daughter) tells about the fault of the mother.

Maple Emblem

The maple leaf acts as the emblem of Canada.

The sugar maple is recognized as Canada's national tree, and its leaf is emblazoned on that country's coat of arms and national flag.

Increasingly popular in Canada, the maple leaf has been depicted outside the coat of arms and flag as an independent symbol of the nation.

The Canadian hockey team's uniform features a maple leaf.

Today's flag of Canada consists of three vertical stripes: red, white and red. In the center of the white stripe there is a red maple leaf.


Magic recipes Pour 12 g of crushed bark with 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, then insist 1 hour and strain. Drink with diarrhea 1/4 or 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day. Healing infusion can be prepared from the crushed seeds (1 tsp.), leaves (2 tbsp.) and bark (1 tbsp.). The mixture pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist on a water bath for an hour. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day with renal colic and other kidney and bladder as a tonic, but with a cold and bronchitis infusion will act as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. The same infusion is recommended to wash purulent and hard-to-heal wounds. Shredded leaves and seeds are mixed in equal proportions, take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour 1 tbsp. hot water, boiled in a sealed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, insist 45 min, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume to the original. Pour 2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal. Appointed in diseases of the kidneys, upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory infections, herpes, inflammation of the lungs and mouth. 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried maple leaves brewed in a cup of boiling water, insist on a hot stove for 1/2 hour without bringing it to a boil, strain, cool. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Used for jaundice, kidney stones, scurvy, as a diuretic, antiemetic and tonic. With impotence and prostatitis take a remedy: maple sharply-leaved (sycamore). Young leaves collected in June are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting 70 ml of juice is added to 30 ml of 96% ethanol for preservation. Take 5-10 drops before meals for 3-4 weeks. Maple juice is also indicated for prescription.

Culinary applications:

A drink of fermented maple sap is the sacred wine of the sun worshippers. Maple leaves are used to bake bread, to loaf convey the power of the Sun and take away from the dough possible bad energy Maple juice is used to make soft drinks, kissels, porridges, in baking.

It can be used to make syrup and a sugar surrogate.

Sugar maple owes its fame to the fact that it was the only source of sugar for the native tribes living in what is now Canada, and later for the first settlers from Europe. It was made from maple sap. Maple sugar and syrup were produced in Canada in the 19th century.

Maple sugar is made by boiling maple sap.

Maple syrup is also the boiled juice of the maple tree.

This syrup is very popular in the United States and Canada.

It is quite expensive, as it takes 40 gallons of maple juice to make one gallon of syrup.

But you can buy cheaper versions that are made from a mixture of maple syrup and sugar syrup, but they taste noticeably different. On the bottle of real maple syrup from Canada and the northeastern U.S., you may notice a maple leaf, a sign of quality and a guarantee of authenticity.

Maple syrup means as much to Americans as birch juice means to Russians.

There are several varieties of maple syrup - depending on the color and degree of flavor intensity. AA- relatively light syrup with a delicate flavor, A-light brown syrup with a richer flavor, C-dark brown, very sweet syrup with a pungent taste

The original Canadian product is still North America's most popular sweet additive to dishes. Its raw material is the sap of young maples, which is boiled down to the consistency of a golden brown syrup

Д. D. F. Cooper described the procedure for obtaining it: "In each tree above the very ground, a deep notch was carelessly made and a small tube inserted into it, through which the juice flowed into a rough deck hollowed out of a linden boll; such stakes lay under each tree...".

The extracted sap is thickened by evaporation, turning it into maple syrup: from 40 liters of sap you get 1 liter of syrup or soft maple sugar

Start the harvesting process in the season when the buds are swelling and the air temperature is above freezing during the day and lower at night. This is very important because this is the time when the tree gives out more sap. The tradition of harvesting maple sap was passed down to Quebecers by the Indians. It was they who hundreds of years ago noticed the great qualities of sap The Europeans who sailed to America also liked this wonderful syrup, and they learned how to make it. Today in Canada, New York and Vermont, maple syrup production is on an industrial scale

Maple syrup is made by hand, so it's quite expensive.

Sweet can be healthy, too!

It can also be used in baked goods and even in unsweetened dishes - for example, it can be spread on bacon before grilling. While in Russia we eat pancakes with butter, sour cream, honey, caviar, etc., in North America they are poured with maple syrup. However, in our understanding, these are not pancakes, but rather pancakes. Pancakes with bananas and maple syrup Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • butter,
  • 2 bananas cut into circles,
  • 25g pecans, finely chopped,
  • 4 pancakes ready to eat,
  • maple syrup,
  • vanilla ice cream

Simple, but always phenomenal. 1. Melt a piece of butter in a skillet, add the banana and pecans and cook for 2 minutes over high heat. 2. Heat the pancakes in the microwave for 15 seconds. Or wrap in foil and place in hot oven. 3. Pour banana mixture over pancakes and wrap in quarters. Sprinkle with maple syrup and serve with ice cream. Cookies with maple syrup and pecans Ingredients. For 30 biscuits:

  • 150 g softened butter
  • 150g brown sugar
  • 7 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp vanilla essence
  • 1 egg
  • 225g plain sifted flour
  • 75 g chopped pecans plus some for sprinkles

There's nothing like homemade, warm, flavorful cookies. Replace the pecans with walnuts, if desired.

  1. Put the butter, sugar and 3 tablespoons of syrup in a bowl and beat with an electric mixer or wooden spoon to a pale, fluffy mass. Add the vanilla and egg and beat. Add flour and nuts and knead into a soft dough. Form into long sausages. Place on baking tray lined with parchment.
  2. Roll out sausage on paper to a neater shape, about 5 cm in diameter. Wrap in paper and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven to 190g C. Grease 3 baking trays. Unwrap the pastry. Cut into 6 mm thick slices; place gently on baking trays.
  4. Drizzle the remaining syrup over the top. Bake for 10-12 minutes until pale golden. Cool on baking trays for a few minutes, then transfer to a rack and let cool completely. Sprinkle with additional pecans. The cookies can be stored in a tightly covered container for up to 1 week.

On a side note, the wrapped dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, and you can cut them up and bake them at any time.

Maple Leaf Stencil


Maple Leaf Tattoo Meaning

Let's start, perhaps, with the more common maple leaf tattoo, when it is also signed with the acronym KLEN, which means "I swear to love her forever." It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about a tattoo in honor of the beloved or lover, which is intended to remind the presence of the other half, although no one forbids then dedicate it already another person.

But it is worth noting that such a tattoo now is not relevant, now more often do the tattoo of a maple leaf on the shoulder or arm in the form of a falling, falling leaves, which is a symbol of renewal, because the fallen leaf in the future will be the heater of food for the tree, and thus the birth of new leaves.

I will not write about the fact that the maple leaf is a symbol of Canada, I certainly have examples of how a man got a tattoo with a maple leaf because he was an ardent fan of the Hockey Canada assembly, but this is rather a very special case rather than a trend.

Women's tattoos

In girls, the image of a maple leaf is most often associated with a current relationship or memories of a lover. Not surprisingly, the tattoo closely overlaps with male associations. In women's interpretation, the maple leaf means falling in love with a handsome man, in whom the slender body complements the unruly temper .

The peculiarities of his nature put their imprint on the relationship, forcing the bearer of the tattoo to experience mixed feelings.

In them, the suffering of an indomitable nature companion intertwined with the eternal female passion for a free and independent personality.

In Russia, the meaning of a tattoo in the form of a maple leaf on a girl also reflects Slavic symbolism. In it, the maple leaf has always been associated with sadness. Relationships remained in the past, and the memories of them, make a woman sad. To paraphrase a well-known saying: Maple - with a maple bouncer, - for guys such a tattoo on a pretty girl, is a direct guide to action.

What does the oak leaf tattoo mean

Oak leaf tattoo symbolizes strength and courage, a wreath of oak leaves in ancient times was given as a sign of bravery, heroism. Oak leaves can also be found in the logos of various military units around the world, so a tattoo with a leaf think can cause a person associated with the military industry. Oak is a symbol of longevity, but we have already written about the meaning of trees in the tattoo.

Roughly the same, by the way, also means a tattoo of a palm tree, especially since 90 percent of the palm tree is its huge leaves. This can be confirmed by palm branch awards in various competitions around the world.

Tattoo ivy

Separately I would like to tell about the ivy tattoo, as this is a twisting plant, it is customary to depict him accusing the body on one side or even in a circle. Its widespread meaning is fidelity and love, I think the reason is clear - the plant as if envelopes the person. But I would like to remind you that in mythology, ivy has more negative connotations, it is more often represented as a plexus of deceit and evil.

There were also questions about the meaning of the cannabis leaf tattoo, but modern cannabis tattoos unfortunately have some twisted meaning, so I will keep silent about them.

In men.

A man who put it on his arm or other body parts is very often a connoisseur of Eastern traditions, especially if he also has an Asian appearance. In this region, the tattoo (tattoo) of a maple leaf has been associated with love since ancient times.

Up to the present day, it can often be seen on marital beds. At the same time, the maple leaf symbolizes steadfastness and courage, following the example of the maple itself. With it the Asian man demonstrates his will, the dominance of his spirit over his body, and his unbending character.

The maple leaf had a similar meaning in Celtic symbolism. Here, its tattoo conveyed the wearer's individuality, his tendency to defend his Ego in the face of his surroundings and circumstances.


For women

For men