Words and phrases about love in French: L'amour est dans l'air

"I love you" and other expressions

I love you!
So, friends, you've decided to declare your love! Here's how to do it in French:

Some people find it hard to declare their love directly and openly. But you can do it with other verbs:

Note that of all these verbs, the verb aimer is the strongest emotionally, so the French don't use it for nothing or in passing.

Use additional affectionate words that will enhance the effect of what is said and give the speech a special flavor:

And now here is a list of phrases that will help you express your feelings in French:

I love you, my love!

Now pay attention to how you can respond to a declaration of love:

"I love you" and other expressions

So, friends, you have decided to declare your love! Here's how to do it in French:

Some people may find it difficult to declare their love directly and openly. But you can do it with other verbs:

Note that of all these verbs, the verb aimer is the strongest emotionally, so the French don't use it for nothing or in passing.

Use additional affectionate words that will enhance the effect of what is said and give the speech a special flavor:

Now here is a list of phrases that will help you express your feelings in French:

Now pay attention to how you can respond to a declaration of love:

Je t'aime. Love in French

About Tradition

French restaurateurs love Valentine's Day. On this day in the evenings the cafes are crowded.

If you're no good at French, here's how to express your feelings and get a kiss in return:

Melodies of Love

The French speak of love sensually, finding words that get to the heart, stir and evoke emotion. The language is melodic, melodious, pleasing to the ear.

Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien. The title of the song translates to "No, I regret nothing". The lyrics are autobiographical, they tell about real events in Edith's life, and her destiny was not an easy one. But the lyrics are not tragic, on the contrary, the singer tunes on the bright moments of love, happy moments that should accompany us every day.

Yves Montand - Sous le ciel de Paris. That was the name of the film for which the melody "Under the Skies of Paris" was written. This light, romantic, mesmerizing waltz was sung first by Edith Piaf. Yves Montand performs it in his usual manner, investing masculine features, but no less expressively and sensually.

Love in French Cinema

There are many French films that are imbued with love. To be more precise, it is difficult to find a plot without a love scene, a monologue, a confession or an indirect expression of feelings. Modern genres are mostly sparse on romance. Love is crossed with detective stories, action thrillers, epic fantasy. This is what distinguishes the French cinema of the last century, which primarily reflected the relationship between a man and a woman, gave the opportunity to penetrate deeply into the love peripeteia, perceive the plot through itself.

We present a list of films that can excite the most callous viewer:

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg. Created in 1964, the groundbreaking musical film quickly gained popularity and soon became a major premiere in cinemas around the world. The plot is simple and, as far as love relationships are concerned, very classical.

A Man and a Woman. So the picture burst loudly into the 60's, becoming a highlight in cinematography. Despite the rich list of films, director Claude Lelouch is associated with this particular film. It has everything there is to say about true, bright, pure love.

Watching this film, you begin to appreciate the most important moments in life. The film won two Oscars and the Palme d'Or at Cannes. It deserves a place in your film archive.

Amelie (2001). This film was a landmark for French cinema. The film was seen on all continents, its popularity has not been lost even today. The story tells about an unusual girl Amelie, her unusual attitude to the world around her. The story has everything that can arouse emotions: love, unexpected meetings, an interesting interweaving of events. Actress Audrey Tautou, who played the main role, coped perfectly with the author's idea, subtly conveyed the character of Amelie, her bright personality.

With words of love

10 Phrases That Can Conquer the Heart

French wine, croissants with chocolate, Mireille Mathieu as a background, soft plaids, "Man and Woman" on the home screen and in the end of the evening a sensual declaration of love. It will be impossible to resist.


I love you - Je t'aime

Mon chéri, Cela fait 25 ans que nous sommes mariés et je pourrais plus jamais imaginer ma vie sans toi. Une vie que nous avons construite ensemble, et qui a porté beaucoup de fruits. Je t'aime démesurément, et la flamme de notre jeunesse grandit au fur et à mesure des gestes d'amour que tu me portes. Je te redis mon OUI et mon désir de pouruivre ma vie à tes cotés, car telle est ma place.

Your love is a mystery that I explore without reference. It's been 3 years that I've been walking on the boulevards of your city. I rediscover you every day and you always amaze me. I have opened my heart to you and you have filled it with happiness. I tell you with ardor that you are my soul mate for today and for always. I declare all my love for you and I will love you, my darling, for all eternity.

Let me tell you with these few words how much I love you. You alone, by your presence, have given me a real reason to live. I am now very fulfilled, and I wake up every morning with a joy that does not fade, so happy to count for someone and to have someone to love every day.


For women

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