Tattoos with rosary beads and hands folded in prayer

Sketches and photos of rosary tattoos (slideshow)

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Beaded rosary tattoo ideas, designs and meanings

Richard Ricky Hale more

Richard Hale is a tattoo enthusiast who studies and explores tattoo symbolism, meanings and history.

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Rosary Tattoo Ideas | Source

Rosary tattoos are popular with men and women and are usually very symbolic for those who wear as body art, although different people choose designs for different reasons. In this article, we will discuss the designs and meanings of the rosary tattoo. In the end, we hope you can find inspiration and ideas for your next tattoo venture.

So what is a Rosary?


Most of us have heard of a rosary or seen one at some point and time. For those who haven't the rosary is a beaded necklace that is used during prayer, especially in the Catholic Church.

The traditional rosary consists of five sets of ten beads (known as a decade) and a cross. The rosary is the basic system that is used to count how many prayers. Each Bead represents one prayer and each decade is used to meditate on one rosary. The string of beads on the rosary is called a "wreath." Although the rosary is usually used for prayer, some also use it to keep from demons.

The rosary was also associated with Protestantism, but it is more closely associated with Catholicism. Even today, the rosary is a sacred symbol of the Catholic Church.

What to do with roses?


In short, yes. A rosary is usually associated with a rose for several different reasons, so you'll see tattoos that include both. The Latin word for rosary means "wreath of roses." Roses are often used to symbolize the Virgin Mary, and they are sometimes represented by Jesus and his crown of thorns. Traditional rosaries are used to be made of earth rose petals.

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Many people believe in the symbol

Just an FYI: In some religions, the rosary is a very important symbol. No one will consider a tattoo in the same order as other Bible related tattoos such as an angel or a cross. The rosary is considered a more sacred symbol. Many Catholics and other religious members may view the rosary tattoo as a symbol of disrespect and disregard for their religion. It does not knock you off your rosary tattoo in any way. It's just worth noting.

Where on the body is this most commonly tattooed?

Neck crochet rosaries | Source

Rosaries can be tattooed on almost any part of the body. You often see them painted, on the neck and ankles, legs, wrists, and arms. Men usually wear their rosary tattoos around their necks, mimicking the way he traditionally wore them. Women often sport them around their ankles, but, again, they can be placed anywhere.

Commonly Notional Designations.

Tattoo of a praying hand with a rosary | Source

As mentioned earlier, rosary tattoos often include roses. However, there are other common symbols to add to the design, including a cross, angels, hearts and wings.

One of the most common designs characterizing a prayer hand holds a rosary bead, usually wrapped around the hand or falling between the fingers. This tattoo can symbolize your faith and love for your religion. The design is also used as a memorial and r. i. P tattoo dedication to those we have lost.

Important things to consider

There are a few important things you should keep in mind before getting such a tattoo. The rosary is a sacred symbol. Some religious people may find their rosary tattoo disrespectful. Be prepared for this.

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Like all tattoos, be sure to do your own research. Make sure you take the time to fully understand what your tattoo represents and stands for. Remember, you will wear it for the rest of your life.

Don't rush to get signed! Never get a tattoo on impulse. Men and women who rush to get signed tend to regret it later down the road. You don't want that. Make sure you take your time, do your research, and choose a design you like. If you are not sure, be sure to wait. Also, make sure you take time to look at different tattoos before you make your decision. The more you look, the more options you will have. This will also help give you ideas and inspiration. At the end of the day, just make sure it is what you want.

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Tattoo cross on the arm - meaning

The predominant message of the drawing in the form of a cross on the hand, is considered to emphasize his worldview, beliefs, views. Most often the object is associated with Christianity, but it can also be a reflection of other faiths (such as paganism) and even atheism. Orthodox people choose tattoos in which the cross is made in a form appropriate to this direction and may be complemented by an image of Christ or other saints. Generally, body art with a religious message is preferred by people who adhere to modern views on the subject. Some of those who are closer to the outdated principles, consider such actions blasphemy.

Tattoo hands praying with a cross

Tattoo of the praying hand with a cross

The tattoo of the cross on the arm can express gratitude to the higher powers, gratitude to them for their help, service to God and reverence for the commandments.

Usually the cross is depicted in black and white, but colored cross tattoos on the arm also occur. To use the object for self-expression can both pious people and aggressive individuals who want to emphasize their disdain for the social order.

Tattoo of a cross on your arm

Cross tattoo on the arm

In the circle of esotericists, the cross is also used for good purposes and for black magic - it all depends on the level of morality and worldview of a particular person. The symbol can also carry the memory of a deceased loved one (usually in such cases, a portrait of the deceased is portrayed next to his name, indicates the years of life written).

Tattoo cross on hand - photo

Tattoo cross on the arm - photo

Girls tend to miniature tattoos with a neat cross, while men more often choose large sketches, supplemented with various elements.

The origin of the tattoo of the rosary on the neck

As we have already mentioned, the rosary was a form of prayer. It recited the Lord's Prayer and 10 Hail Mary as Gloria. The necklace helps us not to make mistakes, so there are only fifty beads, but they are separated every ten. It is said to have been in the XNUMX century when this method was used in honor of Mary.. At first they were a kind of praise to the Virgin Mary. The rosary appeared in the XNUMX century. At the battle of Lepanto, Pope Pio said that the Christian victory was won thanks to the Virgin Mary through prayer through the Rosary. So little by little it was introduced more and more in religious terms.

Tattoo of a rosary for men

Meaning on the body.

For greater protection against negative influences and evil spirits, the tattoo is inscribed on the chest.
Depending on the type of tattoo, the interpretation of the design is different. Previously, the crucifix was stuffed on the chest, increasing protection from negativity and evil spirits. In modern society, such a sign on the arm can have a free meaning and free interpretation of the wearer. If the Orthodox symbol is encircled by a rosary, it is a sign of a person's deep faith and knowledge of self.

One of the most popular tattoos of the Cross is the Celtic symbol with intertwining inside. It denotes the spiritual development of a person, his closed-mindedness, inner harmony. People, stuffed on the crucifixion sun - depicts eternity and strength. Drawing a skull with the Cross in its teeth - the person denies rebirth and eternal life, and if the symbol above the skull - the opposite meaning.

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The history of the symbol in art

It all began with a painting of the 15th century German artist Albrecht Dürer's "Hands in Prayer." The plot was inspired by the artist's brother, who often turned to God in requests to help his brother succeed. This image is now seen as a devotional service to God, but the original intent was to show love and concern for one's neighbor. Not surprisingly, this motif has spread in the form of tattoos around the world.

The tattoo is applied accompanied by the names of loved ones or with the inscription "Only God can protect me. Abroad, newlyweds can get such tattoos as a sign of devotion to each other.

Before this painting was created in Germany, neither on icons nor in secular painting had people engaged in prayer, but the touching life story of the Dürer brothers gave the world a new way to show their love and devotion. The brothers were born into a large family and both wanted to study art. At the same time they could not get into the University of Nuremberg because of lack of funds, so Albrecht went to study first, and his brother worked to pay for the student.

The symbols of the rosary

The classic rosary consists of 55 beads and a crucifix on the end. However, you can add to your tattoo:

  • Inscriptions: Name, quotes, memorial date, initials, creed. If you see such a tattoo, it means that the person has dedicated his life to the words written on his body.
  • Other symbols of religion: Our Lady, praying hands, dove, Bible, cross, angel. This combination symbolizes the owner's religiosity. It means that his faith is not just empty words, but something very deep and important in his life.
  • Flowers: rose, orchid, lily. Flowers have many meanings in a tattoo related to religion. For example, the Lily is the floral personification of the Mother of God, and the Rose means the blood of Jesus. Not surprisingly, these beautiful flowers serve as a complement to religion.

History of the origin of the praying hands tattoo

Few people know that originally such a tattoo was copied from a drawing by the famous German artist Albrecht Dürer, which is called "Praying Hands". The painter drew his own hands, using a mirror reflection. One can only wonder and admire the care and professionalism with which the shadows and lines on the praying person's hands were worked out. It is no wonder that this is the image that began to be depicted on the bodies of people.

hands in prayer

The meaning of the tattoo of the rosary

The rosary is a religious attribute that appeared in ancient times and is a powerful aid in the spiritual work of reading prayers. On the example of the use of the rosary can be well traced, as objects of the external physical world can become a conductor of people in the inner spiritual world. Nowadays, many religions and spiritual movements use them, so at the same time simple and ingenious rosary is deservedly a symbol of spiritual wisdom.

Territorially, the history of the rosary is linked to ancient India, where it is still considered a cult accessory. Outwardly, the rosary embodies the cyclical life theory of the infinite number of reincarnations of all life, which is entirely consistent with the teachings of Buddhism. At the same time, since Buddhism emerged from Brahmanism, the Brahman rosary stands out quite significantly from the rest of the varieties that were created later.

The meaning of the rosary tattoo

As a rule, the rosary looks to recall the suffering of Christ, his life and the life of Mary the Virgin. It is a sign of fervent and faithful faith in God. But, according to the location, such a tattoo can take on different shades of meaning:

  • Faith - if you score a rosary tattoo on your arm, wrist or forearm, you will be a devoted believer. Popular tattoos include beads wrapped several times around the wrist, a cross falling down the arm, or rosaries scattered all over the forearm.
  • Good luck while traveling - if you don't like to stay in the same place for a long time, make a drawing on your foot, it will be a powerful amulet while traveling.
  • Protection of the heart - a picture of a rosary on your chest can be a good idea if you want to protect your heart literally and figuratively.

Cross Tattoo and Religion

The history of the cross as a symbol goes back many thousands of years, so you should not regard it exclusively as a religious sign. Since ancient times, the cross was considered a symbol filled with positive energy. In many cultures it was considered a talisman against misfortune and evil forces.

Modern tattoos do not have to carry a hidden meaning. Sketches richly decorated with twigs, inscriptions and ribbons are already an interesting subject for a tattoo. To give special meaning to the tattoo you can use the location.

In other words, a tattoo with a cross will have the meaning that you yourself put into it. But in any case, such an image on the body will become for you an additional talisman, which will always be with you.

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The meaning of tattoos in different cultures

The Chinese believed that the cross represents the path to heaven, and if it is enclosed in a square, it symbolizes life on earth. The Celts considered the object an image of masculinity, fertility, and also associated it with the cyclicality of what is happening, the unity of the world, the call for self-improvement. Since the XX century in Germany, the Celtic cross was considered the identifying mark of the Nazis.

Tattoo black cross on hand

Tattoo a black cross on the arm

Africans used the cross as a means of protection and appeal to the gods, an attribute of patronage and power. In Egypt, the meaning of the cross tattoo was associated with the knowledge of spirituality, enlightenment, immortality, eternity.

Tattoo cross on hand
A cross tattoo on the arm.

In Mexico, the symbol was identified with images of gods who could control the natural elements. The first supporters of Christianity perceived the cross as an instrument of torture, but over time, the interpretation of the sign changed. The revolution in the minds of believers occurred after the crucifixion of Jesus. The cross became considered a powerful symbol of salvation, a noble act of the son of God.

Cross tattoo on hand
Tattoo in the form of a cross on the arm

Ancient knights used the object, giving it the meaning of honor, valor, selflessness, strength, patriotism.

Tattoo black cross on left arm
Tattoo a black cross on the left arm

In many cultures, the cross embodied the aspects of nature (e.g., the four sides of the world, the phases of the moon, the elements, the seasons). There are many variations of the inscription of this object and each of them has its own interpretation.

The Basque cross is depicted in the form of petals and is identified with the solstice, the Serbian cross is equilateral and reflects the culture of this nation, the Lorraine cross is drawn with two crossbeams and means the rank of archbishop or cardinal in the Catholic Church. The swastika used to have a positive meaning and was associated with prosperity and vitality. Now the sign is associated with the Nazi movement and considered a harsh expression of aggression.

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For women

For men