Tattoo of the pyramid - meanings and interpretations, popular tattoo designs, placement, creative photos of works

Among the variety of magical drawings and mystical symbols that are very popular with fans of both sexes to adorn themselves with body art, the sketch of the eyes in a triangle or the All-Seeing Eye takes a special place. This sign is found in the emblems, religions and cultures of many peoples, accompanied by opposite meanings, in connection with what, its symbolism is also very multifaceted and contradictory.

The meaning of the tattoo "pyramid"

There are many options for deciphering this symbol. Usually the meaning depends on the color and style of the image. However, the most popular interpretations say that a tattoo with such a design denotes:

  • Self-development
  • Self-improvement
  • Possession of a huge baggage of knowledge.

Such an image also symbolizes financial well-being. Often the clients of the tattoo master desire such a drawing, precisely to increase prosperity.

The pyramid standing in the middle of the sea, surrounded by the winds, is a symbol of strength and resilience. She is not afraid of enemies or trouble.

Often there is also a snake crawling to the top of the pyramid. Such an image means wisdom, good aspirations of the owner, who is not afraid of obstacles on the way.

History of the images

The actual design of this new currency was far from the modern look of American paper money, but it already had familiar motifs. The unfinished pyramid on the dollar with 13 steps representing the 13 colonies, now recognizable from the Great Seal of the United States, was part of the design. "The Eye of Providence" was added to it later.

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The design of the banknotes has undergone changes over time. It wasn't until 1913 that the Federal Reserve Act created the surviving modern form of currency. The law gave the federal government the right to issue Federal Reserve Notes (commonly referred to as U.S. dollars) as legal tender.

But by this point, many of the design elements of U.S. currency, including the pyramid with the eye on the dollar, were already in use. The rough proportions, the font, the intricate frames, the green color, even some of the wording-all of these components were already part of American banknotes.

american dollars

The clock pyramid. Its meaning

Clock - a sign of the transience of time and the material component of this world, eternal only all things spiritual. Such a sign in the tattoo indicates that their precious minutes need to dispose of wisely.

The relationship between the earthly and spiritual is another interpretation of the figure, where the clock and the pyramid stand side by side.

Usually such a tattoo is chosen by those who believe in fate, and the higher mind controlling people's lives, so one should try to achieve all their goals while there is time.

The meaning of pyramids in religion

In the religious beliefs of the past, the pyramid was a meaningful place where various rituals were performed. Its unique form could create an incredible amount of energy, vital to the owner, both spiritually and physically. This is why the slaves who built the pyramids possessed tremendous strength and stamina. They moved massive blocks of stone, requiring an incredible amount of energy.

The picture of the pyramid itself carries a double meaning, because depending on the position of the figure, its meaning changes. The correct option is the top, pointing upwards, it symbolizes the well-being, the spiritual harmony of man. It is a good sign.

Another option is that a pyramid figure with its base facing upwards means something bad.

The occult interpretation of the symbolism of the dollar bill

The second version of the deciphering of the images on the reverse of the one-dollar bill is much more interesting and mysterious to philistines. It proceeds from the assumption that Masonic symbolism and the "magic" of number 13 are used here. So, the symbol of Ancient Egypt priests, a truncated pyramid, according to some supporters of the occult theory, reflects the so-called crowd-elitist model of society, and the eye at the top represents the deity of Freemasons. His eye, which sees and knows everything, towers over the world, being the "invisible ruler. Beneath the eye is society, a set of bricks that make up together a stable pyramid.

The pyramid in question consists of a magical number of tiers - thirteen, and each of the bricks represents a separate state or nation with their currency. The geometric figure symbolizes a kind of incompleteness of humanity without a power "top". "Annuit Coeptis," according to the translation of occult scholars, means "blessed by the Almighty," and its meaning is interpreted as the right of a "chosen" class to rule the world according to the will of the Almighty. Who exactly is the Almighty is not specified. Some even believe that Lucifer is meant. The symbol "Eye" is very often attributed three properties: miracle, power, and mystery.

  1. The mystery is that we see the eye, but we do not see the person.
  2. Power is the omniscience and omniscience of the eye.
  3. The miracle is due to the fact that the eye is not part of the pyramid and hangs in the air above it.

Freemasons are believed to profess a scheme for ruling the world, which is a specific pyramid of knowledge. Its different levels receive a different system of knowledge and different degrees of disclosure of the truth. Proponents of the occult theory interpret the arrows in the left paw of the eagle in the image on the right side of the bill as a symbol of knowledge and power. They are meant to subdue or even kill enemies in case of disobedience. At the same time, each of the arrows appears to researchers as a threat to each of the thirteen levels of "enslaved humanity.

The researchers found an interesting composition in the inscriptions crowning the upper and lower parts of the pyramid. Thus, if we take as a starting point the word Ordo located below (contains 4 letters) and move further in a clockwise direction, we can find that each subsequent word is greater than the previous one by exactly one letter: Novus - 5, Annuit - 6, Coeptis - 7 and Seclorum - 8, forming a kind of circle. Moreover, if we connect the letters M, A, S, O, and N (one must be taken from each word), we get a six-pointed Star of David, but, according to supporters of the occult theory, it is "easy to guess the pentagram by the text" because the dollar shows a classic example of an occultist encrypted symbol. Namely the number of words forms a pentagram, the number of letters creates a circle in which the pentacle is inscribed, and the output is an image of a magical symbol in a hidden form.

However, to complete the picture, the pentagram lacks the "number of the beast" known to all. But researchers find it on the dollar as well. So, the top of an imaginary pentagon represents a peculiar pointer to the middle row, the number of stones in which is equal to six, and in the neighboring rows there are the same number of stones. So, in three successive tiers of the pyramid (from the sixth to the eighth) the same number of stones equal to six is placed, from which it is concluded that the number 666 was encoded in the center of the pyramid by the creators of the image. The researchers do not forget to mention the fact that the width of the $1 bill is 66.6 mm.

The meaning of the pyramid in ancient times

In the time of the Ancient East, the pyramid was considered the center of the universe, connecting the world of men and the gods.

Pyramids have always been considered a symbol of incredible power. According to the mythology of ancient Egypt, they were filled with solar energy. In fact, the Sun God was then considered the personification of the pyramids.

Architecture and spirituality

To understand what a pyramid tattoo means, it is worth turning to history and ancient beliefs.

Buildings in the form of pyramids are found all over the world. Ziggurats in the East were considered the abode of the deities and served to communicate between mortal men and the gods. In South America, the Aztecs built huge stepped pyramids, believing that the gods resided within them.

In Egypt, the tombs of the pharaohs were shaped like pyramids. The first pyramid built by the great architect Imhotep was stepped, as were structures in Mesopotamia, India, and South America. It was believed that the steps would make it easier for a deceased pharaoh to climb to the top to cross over to the afterlife. Later, pyramids began to be built in a regular shape with many rooms and corridors inside, which served to confuse a potential burglar. In addition, the pyramid was considered a symbol of the power of the sun god Ra.

There have been many legends surrounding the pyramids throughout the ages, and some of them have been fully or partially confirmed. Remember, for example, the sad story of the death of Howard Carter's team while exploring Tutankhamun's tomb.

The significance of the pyramid for girls

The most popular interpretation of such a tattoo in girls is the feminine motherhood. The square depicted at the base of the figure symbolizes Mother Nature, who gave life to all living things. The pyramid itself is a powerful amulet that endows its mistress with wisdom, patience, and cunning to find true love.

The shape of the triangle inherent in the pyramid denotes flame. The most often the owners of colored and bright tattoos with the pyramid symbol have an explosive energy, with them there is never a dull moment. The top of the pyramid looks up as if to indicate the desire of the owner to achieve success in any matter.

Where to place the icon of the All-Seeing Eye?

It is better to put the icon on a separate shelf, additionally decorating this place with such attributes as:

  • fresh flowers;
  • hand embroidery with church attributes.

It is desirable that in the room where there is a sacred image, there is no TV, computer and other electronic devices. There is no special prayer dedicated to the icon. However, it is possible to address the higher powers in one's own words, to tell sincerely about troubling problems. Ask the Almighty for help or thank him for protection. It is forbidden to use the icon for various rituals. Otherwise, a person may suffer a serious punishment, getting rid of the consequences of which will be very difficult.

Meaning of the pyramid for men

A man who made a pyramid tattoo on his body, prioritizes self-development and self-improvement. If the representative of the strong sex lacks persistence and diligence, there is a high probability that this image will help to find them.

If guys are strong and confident enough, they choose the pyramid, purely for the sake of a stylish picture. Such owners, as a rule, take care of themselves.

What parts of the body are better suited for such a drawing?

Most often such a tattoo is asked to do on the palm, shoulders and back. Everyone chooses for himself, where exactly to flaunt the pyramid.

Girls prefer to do small tattoos on the back of the palm. It looks very effective.

Men, on the contrary, choose large-scale drawings, often with inscriptions, which meaning is known only to the owner of the tattoo.

Which variant of the pyramid do you like?

Now there is a huge selection of ideas for tattoos with a pyramid, for all tastes and colors. The most popular variant is the tattoo with the image of Egyptian pyramids, they look rather interesting. Often for decorating their bodies use the pyramids tattoo "Giz". It is believed that the owners of such a drawing are trying to emphasize their success and determination.

The image of the Masonic pyramid will fascinate admirers of all mysterious things. The most common feature of this design is the eye, or more precisely, the all-seeing eye.

It means the presence of God, his ability to see and hear everything and everyone. The open eye, surrounded by rays, means a hidden truth that will one day be revealed. The eye inside the pyramid is interpreted as the wisdom of the host. Often people use this image to show their opinion on society: the desire for equality and rationality.

The "all-seeing eye" sign does not refer to any culture or religion. It serves as a talisman, reflecting the bad influence of self-serving people, and protects against the insidious plans of envious people.

At the request of the client, the tattoo can be supplemented with other elements: trees, plants, or the rising sun, in the background of the picture.

Before you decide to do tattoo, it should be understood that the end result should give only pleasant emotions. Because otherwise, there is a high probability that it will have to be removed, and this is an expensive and unpleasant process.

Is it possible to make it on your own?

If you purchase a special kit for home tattooing, then you can quite easily fill up the picture yourself on any part of the body. In this case, it is necessary to have some skills of an artist and a professional tattoo artist. This method will also require the careful observance of safety rules and hygiene. Every person, having on hand a special paper, can make himself a temporary tattoo. It is very easy to get rid of such a body image later on, as it is removed quickly and without problems.

Translation paper based on the film transfers the sketch on it to the skin without the use of water. That is, such a tattoo still has the nature of the sticker.

At home you can still make your own biotatoo, with the help of henna. It usually lasts from 2 weeks to a month. Personal drawings of such plan is more similar to the present tattoos, which do in the salons. Henna for biotattoos is often replaced with djagua gel, which is made using the fruit of the American genepa. Tattoos based on such a plant are blue-black and last for almost a month.

Tattoo Egyptian theme for men, girls. Sketches on the arm, forearm, fingers, values. Photo

For henna tattoos, buy reusable silicone or film stencils. They are glued on the skin before the direct application of the coloring paste or gel. Then the product is spread with a brush and left until it dries completely (about 50 minutes). After that time, the stencil is removed and the excess henna is removed. The finished drawing should then be constantly treated with olive oil, so that it retains its brightness.

The stencil for the home biotattoo can be made on your own, for example, from paper:

  • The image is drawn by hand or printed on a printer.
  • Then the paper with a preform is pasted on both sides with scotch tape.
  • Carefully cut out the stencil.

Tattoo Egyptian subjects for its modern owners, as before, acts as a talisman. The owners of such body drawings sacredly believe in their sacred meaning. Such mysterious signs do not usually flaunt, and hide them under clothing. Averters in the form of tattoos are generally believed to attract in life the luck and prosperity, and drive away all the bad things.


For women

For Men