Tattoo a horseshoe - the meaning for girls and men, sketches, location of application on the wrist, shoulder, arm, interesting photos

The image of a horseshoe was used as a symbol of good luck in ancient Rome, when the metal arc-shaped strip to protect horses' hooves have not yet invented to attach nails. The noble rich often decorated the harness of horses with jewels, and horseshoes were made of gold. To find such a product after a festive procession in the dust of the road was considered great luck for the simple peasant, so the picture began to be used to attract Fortune. For modern tattoo lovers, the horseshoe signifies not only a symbol that attracts luck, but also a personal talisman that protects from ill-wishers and provides prosperity in all areas of life.

Horseshoe Meaning

The Egyptians used an amulet of the moon goddess, shaped like a horseshoe, to attract happiness. The drawing of the arc, with the ends down, denoted an endless stream of knowledge pouring down to the earth. It was believed that people who decorated their bodies with the symbol were under the patronage of the spiritual heavenly powers, and a house with a horseshoe was given maternal femininity and family harmony.

Horseshoes were widespread in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great. Not everyone could have horses, only well-to-do peasants could afford to buy a few animals for work in the fields, and the hot thoroughbred horses were bred only by the rich. That is why the horseshoe became an attribute of prosperous and happy life, and the hoof guard found on the road was carefully kept or securely nailed to the gate as a talisman.

In European countries in the Middle Ages, there was a legend according to which the devil, who walked in circles, turned around, confused by the shape of a horseshoe in the form of a broken circle. The myth comes from tales of the blacksmith Dunstan, who was approached by the devil himself with a request to make a protection for his hooves. The master pressed the devil against the wall to make it easier to work and began to nail horseshoes, asking for God's blessing. The devil could not endure the infernal torments inflicted not only by the blacksmith, but also by prayers and tried to break free. The mighty master brought the matter to an end and let the unclean man go, taking an oath from him that the dwelling, decorated with a horseshoe, the devil would undertake to always bypass it.

The meaning of the protective amulet horseshoe has also in South America. Among the indigenous population, it is believed that a house where a metal talisman is suspended, scares away black sorcerers, evil forces, and ill-wishers. In Eastern countries, the sign of the horseshoe is drawn with the horns upwards, so that the symbol, similar to a bowl, helped to find material prosperity, to make the land fertile, and the man - rich.

Applying technique

The technique of application depends on the style chosen. Many people are concerned about how strong the painful sensations during the procedure. This is influenced by the chosen place to create the tattoo and the level of the pain threshold. The most painful areas of the body are where the skin is very thin and close to the bone.

The painfulness of the procedure also affects whether the client has followed all the recommendations before the session. You should not drink alcohol during the day - the procedure will be more painful and the tattoo will take longer to heal. Also, girls should not get a tattoo during critical days - to the aggravation of sensitivity is added the loss of skin elasticity. The process of creating a tattoo begins with a consultation with the master. There is discussed the sketch, where it is better to place it and in what style to do it.

The master before each client prepares his workplace. The preparation consists of:

  • sterilization of tools and work surface;
  • packing materials that do not need to be sterilized, in a special film;
  • needle spouts are removed from sterile packaging;
  • the machine and all its constituent parts are packed in disposable polyethylene pouches;
  • the paint is poured into special caps.

Tattoo of a four leaf clover. Meaning, photo on the wrist, foot, finger with a horseshoe, ladybug, flower, sketches
All manipulations are performed by the master wearing gloves. The client can also ask about the shelf life of the paint used.

  1. First you need to print the picture, then it must be transferred to transfer paper. Next, the drawing is cut along the contour, with incisions made along the edges to make it fit tighter to the body.
  2. All hair must be removed and wiped with antiseptic from the area of the body, on which the master will apply the tattoo.
  3. Then a special agent must be applied to the skin to transfer the image.
  4. The printed out sketch should be carefully attached to the selected area. After a few seconds, it should be removed. As a result, the contours will remain on the skin.
  5. After all manipulations the master proceeds directly to the creation of the tattoo itself. The machine needle is dipped in paint and he begins to trace the contour. The remnants of the excess paint must be cleaned with a tissue or absorbent cotton pad.
  6. Next, the artist uses a paint machine to fill in the drawing with colored paint. Usually all the dark areas are painted over, and then proceed to paint over the light areas.

Sometimes masters do a tattoo without transferring the outlines from the paper. To do this, they use a special marker. Also, for convenience, some people smear the selected area of the skin with petroleum jelly, but this is not necessary. Too large and complex compositions are divided into several sessions. The process of creating a tattoo depends on the characteristics of the skin and the selected figure.

Tattoo meaning for girls

The round arched shape of the sign resonates with the circle - traditionally a female image, so the horseshoe is a very common subject for tattoos, selected by girls. This symbol, made in the classic style and decorated with bright details in the form of flowers and leaves, helps its owner to find softness of character, patience and endurance. These qualities are the key to a happy family life, women's happiness and good health, allowing to give birth to beautiful children.

As a magical sign, the horseshoe is often selected for a tattoo by girls who are interested in esotericism and believe in witchcraft. Such tattoos are performed in a realistic manner and without the use of bright colors. In tattoo sketches are often combined horseshoe drawings with feathers, dream catchers, other objects that have magical powers. The owner of the symbolic image loves divination rituals, has good intuition, is inquisitive and open to new impressions.

About style and appearance

With personal qualities, properties of character, the image of a horseshoe is weakly connected. Therefore, it can be drawn without fear of demonstrating something wrong to others. At the same time, there have already been formed certain approaches to drawing sketches of this picture:

  • the classical variant - a horseshoe with the opened part upwards, which remotely reminds a bowl or a young month put on the side (it is a sign of a happy life and abundance in the house);
  • when the image is turned 180º, a slightly different meaning is invested - not the lure of happiness, but the deliverance from misfortunes and troubles, which are either chased away by the ends of the figure, or "poured out as from an inverted bowl;
  • old-school solution - one of the most beautiful and conceptual (always stuffed with black, and as bright as possible);
  • combination with four-leaf clovers;
  • Combination with wildflowers;
  • Combination with dice.

Tattoo meaning for men

Horseshoe tattoo is a favorite way to attract good luck in business for male entrepreneurs. The symbol, drawn in the form of a metallic product of silver or gold, attracts the owner of the lucky and talented people, gives him a special flair that helps to choose reliable partners. Holders of the tattoo distinguishes the desire to earn a lot, build a successful career, to have material wealth. In this case, the horseshoe is depicted with horns downward.

As a talisman that brings luck and good luck in everything, the horseshoe tattoo is chosen by men who are not entirely confident in their abilities. For them, the protective talisman is a way to acquire a courageous and strong character. The owners of the tattoo are not influenced by negative thoughts and do not pay attention to the caustic wishes of enemies. The horseshoe, depicted with the ends upwards, repels any charms of evil people, because its magical properties are very strong.

Is it possible to make a tattoo at home

The best way to get a tattoo at a professional. However, for those who want to do it themselves sell special kits for a home session.

  1. It is necessary to disinfect the working surface.
  2. Then it is necessary to remove hair from the selected area of the skin and treat it with antiseptic.
  3. For home tattooing, it is better to choose simple patterns to facilitate the process of creation. But beforehand it is better to draw the contours of the future drawing with a special marker.
  4. The ink should be poured into a special inkwell and the needle inserted into the machine and you can start creating a tattoo. It should be done on places that are easy to reach.
  5. It is not necessary to insert the needle deeply into the skin, otherwise you can cause heavy bleeding. 1 mm is enough.

    Tattoo of a four leaf clover. Meaning, pictures on the wrist, foot, finger with a horseshoe, ladybug, flower, sketches

If bleeding is too heavy or the procedure turns out to be very painful, the session should be stopped. Although creating a tattoo at home is possible, it is better to turn to professionals.

The meaning of the horseshoe with clover

To strengthen the effect of the sign of good luck people try to combine in one figure several images of luck. The tattoo of a horseshoe decorated with a four-leaf clover is a super strong symbol, designed to attract good luck not only in one area of life, but at once from several sides. The flower with four intertwined leaves is perceived in many countries as the unity of the four elements: earth, water, air and fire. The help of the natural elements together with the magical power of the horseshoe gives the tattoo's owner not only fabulous luck, but also good health, endurance and charm.

For travelers and mariners four-leaf clover - a symbol of the four corners of the world and in combination with a horseshoe necessarily provides tattoo owners return home from any, even the most difficult campaign. To the people who are engaged in business the tattoo will help to learn to think quickly and positively, to conclude profitable agreements, not without reason in America the sign of a clover designates intellect, sharp mind.

Choice of location

Tattoo four-leaf clover most often decorates the wrist, ankle or finger. The place of application depends on the size of the figure. If it is a large, it can be done on the shoulder, hip or ribs. However, these parts of the body prefer to be decorated with other ornaments.

Each place of application has its own peculiarities, which should be taken into account when creating a tattoo:

Body partAdvantagesDisadvantages
  • Suitable for small tattoos;
  • Can be disguised with clothing;
  • Will look good with any theme.
  • In the hot season, it will be difficult to disguise the design;
  • The skin on the wrist is thin, so the procedure is more painful;
  • you will have to attend frequent correction sessions.
Ankle, lower leg
  • Suitable for small and medium tattoos;
  • Can be hidden under clothing or shoes;
  • Will draw attention to the graceful ankle.
  • Not all ornaments look beautiful on the ankle;
  • The skin is thin and close to the bone, so the sensation will be quite painful;
  • You will have to attend frequent correction sessions.
  • Miniature drawings look beautiful;
  • Suitable for creative people.
  • It will not be possible to create large drawings;
  • the application procedure is very painful;
  • You can't disguise the tattoo;
  • will have to attend frequent correction sessions;
  • Limitations in the choice of application technique.
  • You can make a tattoo of a large size;
  • You can use a variety of techniques;
  • The painfulness of the procedure is less than with other parts of the body;
  • It is easy to hide behind clothing;
  • no need to visit the tattoo master often for correction.
  • Duration and high cost of the procedure;
  • miniature drawings will not look as spectacular as large tattoos;
  • If the drawing is large, it is more difficult to update it.

Tattoos on the wrist and finger most often do girls, because on these parts of the body look best small patterns. And to create a body drawing on the ankle, shin and forearm prefer men, because they will get the embodiment of large-scale sketches.

Cultural origins and importance

The horseshoe is a purely European symbol; it is not found in other cultures. This image appeared due to the high cost and extreme rarity of iron in the early stage of its development. At that time there was barely enough metal even for weapons, armor and field tools, not to mention such expendable material as a horseshoe. Only very well-to-do people who were lucky enough to have it could have it.

Modern boys and girls may wonder about another effect of this image, namely, to ward off evil; such a meaning was acquired because iron was also perceived as a means of conquering, taming the surrounding space, subjugating it to man. Now, having understood what the horseshoe means, you can safely choose in our catalog beautiful photos of this sign.

In prison

The meaning of some prison tattoos differs sharply from what the rest of secular society ascribes to them, but the horseshoe has the same meaning in all circles. In high security places, a horseshoe is tattooed on the back to "cover" it. This symbol is supposed to attract good fortune to its wearer.

Most often it implies a favorable outcome of the case, a break from the representatives of the law and order. Depending on the additional signs, the tattoo may say more about its owner .

For example, the holder of the swag stuffs a horseshoe, a coin and a crowned owl, a horseshoe with a number, a candle and crossed dice denotes a successful escape from death (from execution for a crime). The horseshoe is also often depicted wrapped in barbed wire, where the number of barbs represents the length of the prison sentence to which the wearer has been sentenced.

Until relatively recently, almost all people believed in omens and the supernatural nature of things. Some items, in their opinion, brought misfortune to the house, so you had to get rid of them as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, brought happiness and prosperity. The horseshoe was considered one of the strongest symbols of luck, so it is not surprising that many people always want to have such a talisman. Today we will reveal the meaning of the horseshoe tattoo in full, advise interesting styles and the most appropriate places for a tattoo.

In the female gender.

In girls, the meaning of the tattoo is also very positive, but instead of material wealth, the horseshoe more often attracts happiness and love. A woman's lot is to be the keeper of the hearth, so the horse shoe should bring them something that no housewife can do without: a husband and a large family . No wonder that most of the fair sex choose tattoos of horseshoes and hearts, rings and other characteristic accessories for marriage. Often horseshoes are depicted in pairs, which also carries the meaning of marriage.


For women

For men