Ancient amulet Triquetra: what is its meaning, how to use and how to make your own hands?


("triquetra" from Latin for "triangular") - the most ancient sacred symbol in the form of a trefoil. It represents a harmonious intertwining of three leaf-shaped figures: one pointing upward, the other two pointing downward. Some images include a circle in the center or an outer rim.

Because this sign was most widely distributed among the Celts, it is often referred to as the Celtic triangle or knot. Esotericists note the trefoil's kinship with the swastika, the spiral, and the labyrinth.

The significance of the trefoil

Since time immemorial, the Celtic knot saw the harmony of life, indivisibility and infinity of existence, the unity of the spiritual beginning and the material. The trefoil was considered a solar sign, symbolizing the path of the daylight on the firmament. The sunrise, zenith and sunset were compared with the stages of human life. Since ancient times, the sun symbol has been used as a talisman. It was believed that A Celtic triangle was said to inspire determination, instill confidence, attract good luck and ward off the evil eye.
. This sign was applied to clothing and weapons, household items and jewelry. Amulet triquetra kept in the heart - on the chest or neck.

Women saw the solar Triglav as a symbol of the home and the eternal family. Embroidering it on the shirts of her husband, making sure that the patterns do not break anywhere. Trickster was supposed to protect the beloved from death in an unequal battle, infidelity and other misfortunes.

The Celtic triangle energized men, repelled evil spirits and served as a shield in battles. It was relied upon when they wanted to successfully organize a business, get a rich harvest, avoid serious illness or death in battle.

Bracelet with triquetry in silver or gold from 800 rubles.

Appearance of the sign

From the Latin, the name of the sign Triquetra translates as "having three corners", i.e. we can say that it is a triangle. Some resemblance is traced, but it is not called a classic geometric figure.

The symbol is the three intertwined petals. They are shaped like a fish bubble. At the beginning of the development of Christianity, it was drawn as intertwined fish. Now often a circle inside or outside is added to the symbol.

The origin of the symbol

The question of where and when the triquetra originated is still a matter of debate. Christians believe that the creators of the symbol were monks who brought it to the Celtic pagans along with Christian teaching.

However, archaeological evidence suggests that the shamrock appeared as early as the Stone Age. The earliest images of it have been found on Indian heritage sites that are more than 5,000 years old. Prints of the triple knot are also found on rock tombs of Lycian origin dating back to the 5th-4th centuries B.C.

Most images of the trigeminal knot remain on ancient cultural monuments of Northern Europe:

  • Germanic and Norwegian coins;
  • runic stones;
  • Viking military paraphernalia;
  • Celtic crosses and gravestones;
  • sculptures, paintings and stained-glass windows of medieval temples;
  • on the covers and pages of manuscripts, such as the legendary Book of Kells, the fruit of the work of Irish monks.

There is also the Triglav on the products of ancient Russian craftsmen. On the medallion of an ancient silver bracelet found in Chernigov, a triquetrum is depicted as fire - the embodiment of the home. When the flaps of the bracelet open - the fire ignites; when they close - the lion and the lioness come together, the impressions of which on the edges of the bracelet represent a man and a woman.

It is assumed that different cultures developed this symbolic form independently of each other.

Can it be combined with other symbolism

Esotericists advise combining the Triquetra based on astronomy and astrology. Therefore, often the sign should be combined with the symbolism of the signs of the Zodiac.

Girls prefer to combine the symbol with plant themes, paying tribute to the Celtic Druids, who worshipped nature. Men also choose a more brutal theme, adding military paraphernalia.

The symbol helps to protect themselves from negativity

Triquetra the peoples of the world.

Whatever the culture in which it was created, this symbol has always represented the sacred knowledge of man about himself and the world around him:

  • The ancient Slavs believed that the trefoil symbolized the trinity of worlds - the earthly (Ia), divine (Navi) and beyond (Prav); our distant ancestors also associated it with Trigla (goddess of heaven, earth and fire) and worshiped it as a union of three influential deities - Svyatovit, Svarog and Perun;
  • The Celts interpreted the trefoil as a temporal triad - the relationship between the present and the past and the future; the Celtic trefoil was also an attribute of the main character Manannan, the sorcerer and lord of the seas in the local pantheon;
  • The Frisians interpreted the triquetra as the unity of life, death and ascension of the spirit;
  • In Scandinavian symbolism, the triple knot corresponded with the thunder god Thor, on whom victory in battles depended; the triple knot also embodied the magical power of the brothers-gods Ve, Vili and Odin.

Versatility is one of the remarkable features of the trigeminal knot. The symbol's semantic comprehensiveness allowed it to penetrate into both pagan and monotheistic representations of people.

The triquetra in the tradition of Christianity

In the Celtic early Christian church, the triple knot was embodied in the Holy Trinity. It was initially depicted as three fish intertwined with each other. A circle symbolizing eternal life was added to the sacred triangle.
For the persecuted early Christians, the Celtic triquetra was a silent password: it was used to identify the brothers in the faith. Interestingly, the Greek word ICHTHYS (fish) had a sacred meaning and was deciphered as Jesus Christ.

Later, the symbol of the Christian faith among the Celts was the clover (trefoil), one of the attributes of St. Patrick. Legend has it that this plant with three leaves served as a "visual aid" for the Christian ascetic, helping to explain to the Celtic people the doctrine of the Trinity as the triune God of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To this day, the people of Ireland decorate their clothes with this plant on St. Patrick's Day.

The Trickweed in Buddhist Culture

In Japan, the triple knot was known as the Musubi Mitsugashiva and was depicted as a shield on the family coat of arms of the Solar Dynasty (Ikshwaku). The ancient Indian sign reached the shores of Japan thanks to the Lunar Dynasty (Kashyapa), which spread Buddhism in East Asia through China, Korea, and Hotan.

Triquetra in Neo-Paganism

Modern paganism has revived the ancient cult of the mother goddess, in which the triplet knot represents the Virgin Innocence, the Mother Woman, and the Wisdom Old Woman. The Celtic triangle is also interpreted by neo-pagans as a triple division of the world into earthly, maritime and heavenly realms.

Rules of wearing the amulet

This amulet, which is used to protect against negativity and eliminate all obstacles, is worn around the neck. It is hung on a chain so that it reaches the chest. This way, it will be filled with energy more quickly and establish a connection with the owner. Before you wear it, squeeze it in the palm of your hand and turn to him his prayers (aloud or silently).

Wear Rules
Amulet protects against various diseases and quarrels.

Being in the house, the talisman will help to settle conflicts among family members, protect the home from negative energy. To this end, it is placed in a place where it will not be visible to outsiders. It is recommended to put it in the corridor near the entrance to chase away evil, envious and negative people.

Such an amulet will protect from quarrels, troubles, misunderstandings, different diseases and magical interference.

The magical properties of the symbol

The Celtic knot Triquetra is a powerful bundle of cosmic energy. The symbol of the Celtic knot in the palm of your hand is the symbol of the Celtic knot in the palm of your hand. To protect yourself from demons, evil spirits, necromagic and other destructive influences, simply draw the Celtic knot on the outer side of the palm.
A triquetra amulet will also help to:

  • attract good luck;
  • awaken spiritual and mental potential;
  • achieve your goal;
  • find a way out of a dead-end situation;
  • improve your mood;
  • Find inspiration for creativity.

The energy of the amulet triquetra - a special silver one - is so powerful that it is recommended to wear it only when you are 13 years old. Most of all, the ancient talisman is needed for people (both men and women) who travel frequently, and creative individuals. Do not do without the amulet triquetra and those who were born under the star named Sun.

Peculiarities of making it with your own hands

To make a talisman yourself, it is necessary to choose materials correctly and observe the necessary sequence of actions.

Choice of materials

At home, a triquetrum can be made using the following materials:

  • a small pouch of a light shade;
  • a thick red thread (cord);
  • lavender and chamomile flowers
  • A marker for painting on fabric;
  • citrus-scented or lemon-peeled essential oil
  • table salt (preferably Thursday salt).

A small sack
A triquetra can be made from a small bag.
It is possible to represent this sign on a stone and, passing it through a chain, to wear it on a breast. Amethyst will be suitable for this purpose, because it will strengthen the effect of the amulet.

Such an amulet can be put in a pouch together with flowers of lavender and chamomile.

Detailed instruction

To make a powerful talisman, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Take a ready-made small sack or sew yourself from light fabric.
  2. Tie it on top with red woolen thread.
  3. Draw with a special marker any of the variants of the symbol with preservation of identity and existing proportions. If there is no possibility to do it, then it is better to take a ready image and with the help of a photocopier draw it on a fabric. It is recommended to avoid any inaccuracies. Instead of a drawing, you can attach a metal image purchased in the store.
  4. Fill the sack with lavender or chamomile and put some salt in it.
  5. Tie a knot tightly and sprinkle the talisman with essential oil with lemon zest.

Trickweed in the art of tattooing

Putting a Celtic knot pattern on the skin has become a popular procedure today, both in the West and in the East. For most people it is not only a tribute to body art, but also a desire to express themselves, to protect themselves from adversity, to attract benign energy.

The most suitable body parts for tattoos for men are the neck, chest and shoulders. The delicate skin in these areas can perfectly accept positive vibrations from the outside. Some men complement the trefoil image with a cross, emphasizing their love for the Almighty.

Among women, preference is given to small symbols on the wrist or nape of the neck. To make the black symbol seductive, sometimes a blue frame is resorted to. As attractive additions usually choose the image of a flower or the Phoenix bird.

A tattoo in the form of a trigeminal knot can mean:

  • cycles of existence (life - death - resurrection);
  • marital commitment (love - honor - protection);
  • family unity (father - mother - child);
  • the passage of time (past-present-future).

Sometimes people put hidden meanings in the tattoo triquetra, which are important only in their lives.

Who can wear and how to use

It is difficult to talk about the subtle influence of a symbol on a person, it is a rather unexplored topic. This is due to the unique characteristics of each living being, which means that what suits one will not suit another. How to deal with this? Be guided by the opinion of authoritative people in the field, or check your own personal experience.

There were no recorded cases of anyone dying or causing any obvious problems by wearing the sign, which means that you should not be afraid of trying it out. The impact of the characters is usually so subtle that they can not just pick up and notice an untrained person. However, if there is a desire, you can devote your time and energy to it. To understand the meaning of the Triquetra sign, it is also necessary to resort to personal experience.

Interesting facts

There are many striking phenomena associated with the ancient symbol. They can be observed in the sphere of art and esoterics, fashion and sports. Here are only the most striking facts:

  • a triquetra decorated the cover of Led Zeppelin's 4th album (keyboard player John Paul Jones chose it as his personal talisman and achieved incredible success: he learned to play practically all musical instruments);
  • the heroine of the American series "The Walking Dead" Michonne skillfully wields a katana with the image of the Celtic triquetra - "the symbol of the triple goddess";
  • in the German series "Darkness" (2017), the triple knot allows time travel, symbolizing closed loops of caves 33 years distant from each other;
  • the main element of the Book of Shadows cover on the American TV show Charmed, the Celtic triquetra, represents the power of the three sisters acting in concert;
  • in the world of men's fashion, the concept of the "treble knot" is associated with the intricate way of tying a tie;
  • The Celtic knot is used as decoration in popular Irish jewelry such as wedding or engagement rings; it is the best reminder to those entering into marriage of the eternity of faith, hope and love;
  • the shamrock has become Ireland's most popular symbol, depicted on airplane tails and lampposts, at the entrance to pubs and universities, on postage stamps, and on soccer players' uniforms.

The triquetra - is not just a pattern from the depths of time. Linked to the fundamental spheres of nature and human existence, the trigeminal knot is a unique repository of our ancestors' power. The ancient sign can be your source of peace and harmony, self-sufficiency and confidence, vitality and inspiration. All of the above makes a triquetra a perfect personal or generic amulet.

A little about the series

In the first season there are multiple elements of the horror film genre, in subsequent seasons the series strengthened as a drama in the fantasy genre with elements of comedy. Also, until the middle of season 7, each episode had a definite ending with the establishment of certain themes, in the following episodes the theme of the series was held throughout the season and the denouement came only in the last episodes of the season. For example, the theme of season 7 was the Avatars and the battle with Zanku. The first half of season 8 is about the sisters' "new" lives and the second half is about trying to destroy Billy and Kristy.

The Mystery of the Charmed Symbol

The TV series "Bewitched" became a very successful project, as many as 8 seasons were filmed. Before the release of the series "Smallville Mysteries", it held the record for the highest debut rating on The WB channel: in its premiere, the series was watched by 7.70 million viewers. At the same time, the rating of the last episode of the last season was 4.49 million viewers.


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